My name is Kanwar and I have got my MBA from university of Liverpool and I am a very sincere passionate strong energetic loyal caring romantic guy who strongly believe in a very strong marriage life
I am a very spiritual and believe in simplicity and purity and goodness of words thoughts and actions
I strongly believe that true love is the most beautiful thing in world which can make look anything very very beautiful
I like reading loads of books yoga meditation cooking sports hiking shopping music travel
I love cooking very very much
I like driving very much too and like nature too
I am very very committed to make my marriage the best in world
I strongly believe that a good marriage must have true love affection respect honesty loyalty passion integrity appreciation and spending quality time together with me
I strongly believe that true love honesty and humility are very good qualities
You can expect true love honesty and commitment from me and also enjoying life in a nice way
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I want a sincere honest commited woman who believe in true love and willing to make our marriage best in world