I could say the same thing as everyone else on this site but that just wouldn't be me. I could make promises like "I'll give you the world and everything in it. " I could lace my profile with contradictions and fakeness but that's not in my nature.
I'll never be anything other than myself, I'll give you everything in our world and always try my hardest to keep a smile on your face.
I don't think it's possible to have a pre-defined template of who we're looking for. I don't believe I can list the qualities I'm looking for in a person because there are certain qualities most of us possess and shouldn't need to be specified.
For me "the one" will have something extra, that something I can't quite put my finger on and she'll consume me and complete me all at the same time, she won't need to impress me, she'll just need to be herself and it'll be more than enough.
Simplicity is beautiful and when I come across her, I'll know.
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