New Feature Rollout
We have just put some features live to make your experience better.
Likes and Views are now shown one at a time. You must specify Yes/Maybe or No on each one.
We found that many people were sitting on large numbers of activity without giving an opinion one way or the other. For those with large numbers of historical LIKES it will take a little time but there is no rush. Work through these and give your YES or NO information on each one. This will help create more mutual matches and give clarity about your intentions. If you get it wrong, don’t worry. You can always change your mind from either the Mutual Likes page or from the Dislikes section.
The App will soon be updated to reflect this change. For now, it still shows the number of new likes as the number you have not seen. In the old system, just seeing them would change the status from new. Now , we ask that you grade them Yes/Maybe or No.
New Unmatch Feature
If you wish to disconnect with someone click unmatch. This is a quicker and easier way to delete messages and stop chats with people you are not interested in pursuing.
You then get the option to delete or delete and block. If you delete and block the other person will no longer be able to see the messages, click on your profile or contact you further.
Hope these add to your positive experience.
Any feedback please contact us via the website, or comment below