Height – the long and short of it
Monday, November 28th, 2011Height is often a very import factor in dating.
But does being taller really get more success?
I often see very tall women wearing high heels at singles parties, then complaining that the men are too short. So for Asian men, it can be tough to find a match. I really don’t think that someones height should be an issue. Do a few inches here or there make that much of a difference if you’ve got chemistry? Of course, if you are a very tall women then you are going to find it more difficult to date if you are seeking someone significantly taller than you.
So why are taller men in such great demand and do the facts back it up?
There’s a thought process that taller men are perceived as more sexually attractive and likely to produce more children. Interestingly enough, men seem to prefer shorter women. Those under 5ft 3 are statistically more likely to be married than those of average height or more. So that’s why men and women haven’t evolved to be the same height.
A study this week showed that women who marry men of average height are more likely to have children. This goes against all previously held beliefs and could perhaps dispel the myth that tall men are more likely to be better breeders. The suggestion was that this could be that men of average height tend to get married sooner than others. So the longer you’ve been married then the more chance of having kids.
It’s an interesting study. What do you think about it all? We’d like to hear your thoughts, so please do add a comment on this blog.
Good luck!
James Preece – The Dating Guru
- Posted in Asian Dating News
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