5 Ways To Appear More Confident
Tuesday, February 20th, 2018It’s no secret that having confidence is the best way to get ahead in life. Whether you’re talking about landing a promotion at work or finding that special someone. Confidence is the key to unlocking almost any doorway. But how do you fair when you don’t have any confidence? You can always learn how to be more confident. It takes time and consistency. You can take courses online or in person to help build your confidence. Or you can follow the old adage: Fake it until you make it. It’s a lot easier to fake your confidence. This can even help you to build real confidence in yourself. Let’s take a look at 5 ways you can appear more confident:
1. Learn to balance conversation.
Many people who are nervous tend to talk a lot more than they should. Many others choose to be absolutely silent. These are two indications that someone lacks confidence in their life. Instead of doing either, learn when it’s appropriate to talk and when it’s best to listen. You don’t need to be the wallflower and you don’t need to babble nervously. When you choose to speak, make your voice heard. Be commanding and bold and always follow through on anything you say.
2. Don’t fidget.
Another habit that nervous individuals have is excessive fidgeting. You need to learn to sit still. Now when most people think of fidgeting, they think of hand gestures. Fidgeting can also mean gently shaking your leg and even looking around the room excessively. Instead of allowing yourself these mindless actions, consciously make the effort to stop trying to distract yourself. That’s really what fidgeting is: Keeping your mind otherwise occupied because you’re nervous or anxious about the situation you’re in.
3. Maintain eye contact.
When it comes to talking to people you’re nervous around, it’s tempting to look in different directions. However, improving your confidence starts with making solid eye contact. This can be tricky to do initially, so pace yourself. Start by looking just over the shoulder of the person you’re talking to. This can make it appear as though you’re making eye contact. Then make the effort to look directly at the individual and try and maintain eye contact. You’ll find it comes naturally after a while.
4. Stand tall and be proud.
Confident individuals always stand tall. This is both physically and mentally. By doing this, they tend to command the attention of the room. To stand tall physically means to stand with your shoulders straight, looking ahead and making direct eye contact. To stand tall mentally means to be proud of yourself and the things you’ve accomplished. If you don’t feel like you’ve accomplished anything, set your goals a little lower. You’re allowed to feel proud of getting out of bed in the morning if that’s all you’ve done. You don’t need to win awards to be validated.
5. Pace yourself.
The biggest way to appear confident is by not overdoing it. Whether you’re learning confidence or trying to fake it, you need to be realistic. This means that you can’t overexaggerate how confident you are. You can’t pretend to feel like you’re on top of the world. You need to maintain a balance between who you are and this person you’re trying to become. You don’t want to take on more than you can handle and then have people find out this isn’t who you are. So take baby steps until you feel confident to start taking leaps.
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