January Feedback and Successes
Monday, February 25th, 2013Please have a read of a selection
of our January Feedbacks.
We love to hear your success stories and get emails every day saying how much you are enjoying the site.
Here are just a few of the latest:
“Great service..great way to meet someone! ” NK
“Through your website I have found my Mr Right :)” GK
“I met someone on your dating site, and am no longer single” MR
“Hi I’ve been a member for the last couple of years and managed to attend a couple of your events which were superb for mixing and meeting liked minded people” AP
“The service is good; it allows many opportunities to meet new people ” JR
“I met someone on your dating site, and am no longer single
Feed back : Good Website, easy to use. Many thanks” BN
“The service is good and I am meeting people throught this, thanks” SK
“Generally think that it is a really good service” NP
” You are providing a great service. Keep it up!” KL
“great services, would recommend to others” AN
“I met someone on your dating site, and am no longer single. Feed back : cheers, champers on me!!!” DG
“A good up to date website which is used by single people.” VM
“I found the website very productive” KP
“Made some good friends on the site.. thank you.” GB
If you have your own please do share it wish us: [email protected]
Best Wishes,
James Preece – The Dating Guru
- Posted in Success Stories
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