Here is our latest online

profile review for you
Here’s a look at his current profile.
Your main image is fine, but you aren’t looking right at the camera. It looks a little forced. While it ties in with your profile, you may have more success with a photo of you wearing a suit jacket. Studies have shown that more women reply to men who wear suits in their profile photos!
Interesting Fact:
You’ve not actually completed this bit. You really should as it can provide a fun way for someone to break the ice. You’re missing out by not including it.

You asked if your username worked or not….and I think it does. If you are a great cook then it’s a good name to choose. Take ownership of the name and don’t apologise for it being too cheesy. You should play up to it instead and talk about the things you like cooking. Perhaps ask women to suggest something you could make for them during a date!
There is too much talk about random things as that’s generic. Be specific and talk about the exciting things that make up your life. You need to say more about the type of person you are and why you’d be a good person to date.

You MUST write about the person you hope to meet. Otherwise, how will they know if you are compatible or not? It just looks like you haven’t bothered to write anything. Spend some time on it now.
Don’t say that you are a pig as that’s far too negative and suggests you are inactive when you clearly are.
You really ought to contact more poeple too as it’s a numbers game.
I hope this helps,
If you would like to have your profile reviewed and featured, then please email your request to [email protected] We’ll pick the best one each month and get our leading Dating Expert James Preece to offer you his advice on how to make it better in this blog.
Good luck!
James Preece – Dating Coach