When you’ve known someone for a long time, it’s usually easy to buy them a gift for the holidays. You know enough about what they like and don’t like. But if you’ve recently started seeing someone new, you’re likely at a loss for the perfect gift. After all, you don’t know much about each other yet. You’re not sure of their hobbies or interests. You have no idea what they would want for the holidays. You don’t want to ask because it puts them on the spot. You can always opt out of getting your new partner a gift, but you want to make a good impression, right?
This is your guide for buying your new partner the perfect holiday gift:
Let their social media guide you
You can tell a lot about a person from their social media accounts. Look at the type of content they post, especially when it comes to Facebook posts. People often share videos or make comments about products they wish they owned themselves. You can use that to find something your new partner will adore. With Instagram, you can see the type of hobbies your new partner is interested in. You can also see what your new partner already has and hopefully avoid buying a repeat gift. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use this trick if you haven’t exchanged social media information.
Choose something simple
When it comes to a new partner, you don’t want to get crazy with gift-giving. That means you don’t want to buy them a pile of presents and you don’t want to spend a fortune on a single gift. You can usually get away with something simple when it’s your first holiday together. If you do opt for an expensive and dazzling gift, you may scare off your new partner. He/she may believe you are moving too fast with the relationship.
Personalised is always a prize
It is never a bad idea to get your partner something with his/her name on it. This is a fun gift idea that works for any occasion. It’s rarely expensive, but always appears thoughtful. Of course, you need choose a gift that falls into your partner’s interests/hobbies. If you choose something random, your partner may think you aren’t serious about the relationship or getting to know them. Opt for something you have seen them use or you believe would be useful.
Choose a gift that represents your relationship
This gift idea depends on how long you’ve been seeing each other. If you’ve only gone on a few dates, this idea won’t work. If you’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks or even months, this is a great idea. You can choose a gift that symbolises your first date. You can choose a gift that represents something you both have in common. This gift doesn’t have to be store-bought either. A handmade relic of the relationship may be significantly more sentimental to your partner.
Of course, the best way to choose a gift for your new partner is by listening to them. Since the holidays are approaching, they will likely drop a few hints about what they want. If you pay attention to these subtle clues, you’ll be able to get them the perfect gift!
If you haven’t got a partner yet, it’s just a case of sending out some some messages on our dating site and going out on some dates. There’s still time!