Is Speed Dating dead?
Tuesday, December 10th, 2019
We’ve been running Singles Events for the last 17 years…with speed dating being a popular feature at almost all of them.
Speed dating is a very simple way for singles to meet each other quickly. The women sit down and men are placed opposite them. Every few minutes, a bell is rung and the men move on to chat to the next female. As the process is fast, it means participants can meet a large number of people in one evening. If they like each other they can connect afterwards to arrange a proper date.
However, times are changing. Online dating and dating apps have become so efficient that singles are able to chat instantly with anyone that they wish to. As such, speed dating parties have become slightly unnecessary. Why go out, when you can do the same thing without even having to leave the sofa?
So many companies no longer run speed dating parties and many of the big players have closed down over the years.
Our events have never just been about speed dating. We focus on bringing you larger parties that have icebreakers and hosts to introduce you. After all, the more people you meet in on evening then the better your chances of making a match. Events are also a great way to meet and catch up with friends. Plus our clients love to put a face to us and meet us first hand.
If you want a chat, advice or have suggestions come along to our events and say hi.
The good news is that we’ll still have optional speed dating at many of our larger events….just for a little extra fun. Our next event is at Valentines in 2020.
Let us know what you think. Are you still keen on attending events in 2020.
See you soon!
- Tags: hindu singles, hindu speed dating, sikh singles, sikh speed dating
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