Archive for March, 2009

Some great questions you can ask

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

We always recommend that you think up lots of great questions that you ask people to keep conversation flowing. There is nothing worse that an awkward silence when you are first getting to know someone. Make sure you don’t ask open ended questions as you’ll only get “yes or no” answers which can kill your conversation stone dead!

To get you started, we’ve come up with some great questions that you can ask. Just remember to really listen to the answers and don’t keep firing off questions. Instead, try and blend them naturally into your chat.

1) Are you a morning or night person?
2)Do you believe in life on other planets?
3)Do you have any bad habits?
4)Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?
5)If you were a fictional character who would you be?
6) Which is your most cherished childhood memory?
7) If you could be any animal, what would you be?
8 ) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
9) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
10) If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?
11) What do you think about right before falling asleep?
12)What is one thing that no one knows about you?
13) If you could have three wishes what would they be?
14) What is one thing you like about being an adult?
15) What is one thing you miss about being a kid?
16) What is one thing you would change about yourself?
17) What is your dream job?
18 ) If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you most want ?
19) In case you and I were going out and we had a fight. How would you try to patch things up?
20) What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?
21) What is your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
22) What is your first thought when you wake up?
23) What personality traits do you look for in a partner?
24) What was your favorite childhood television program?
25) Would you rather be rich or have true love?

James Preece – Dating Expert

Rules for a Great Date

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

We’ve put together some useful tips on having a great date that we thought you might find useful:

1) Be kind and considerate. Observe good manners and treat your date as you’d wish to be treated yourself.

2) Be generous. For the best outcome, men should always offer to pay but women should not take advantage of this and over the period of several dates then the women should take their turn.

3) Take an interest, make sure you a good listener. People love it when you pay attention to them and they’ll instinctively like you a lot more.

4) Use Body Language to your advantage– be flirty, smile and pay attention to the signals they are giving off too.

5) Be honest about your intentions and don’t play games. Follow up afterwards, even if you aren’t interested.

6) Do something around an activity, so the focus isn’t just on you. Make sure it’s something where you can both still talk and get to know each other.

7) Dress up, take pride in your appearance. Brush your hair, floss your teeth and make sure you smell nice. Remember you want to present the best version of yourself possible so do make the effort.

8 ) Don’t talk about exes or competition for your dates. Focus on making them feel special instead.

9) Have several talking points pre-prepared. This will make you seem interesting and helps fill any awkward silences

10) Pay a compliment to your date, but don’t go overboard.

11) Wear nice underwear. Even if you aren’t intending to have sex, it will make you feel sexier and more confident.

James Preece & Paul Ergatoudis, Dating Experts for the Single Solution

Birmingham Asian Saturday Singles Party

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

The Asian Single Solution had it’s first ever Birmingham Saturday party on 14th March. We ran this in response to many requests for a party in this Area, following the huge successes of our London parties.

By all accounts the party was great fun and well attended. We’ve heard of a few success stories already so we’re very pleased about that.

We are planning to run these Birmingham parties on a regular basis, so we intend to get bigger and better. In the meantime, we rely on word of mouth to grow, so please do help us spread the word and tell all your friends about us. It’s only with your assistance that we can keep running them.

Do guests come on their own or with friends?

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

Many people do bring their friends along to the events, but plenty of people do come on their own.

Remember that we have hosts at the events who will make sure you are introduced to the other guests and not left on your own. If you are a bit nervous then do ask them for help as they might not be aware of this.

If you do come with friends, try and split up as some people find it hard to approach groups.

How do I get my event ticket?

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

We don’t issue printed tickets. Instead, when you book up you will get an email confirmation from us. Please print this off if you’ve not been before and bring it with you. You just need to quote your “nickname” on the door when you arrive.

If you have booked for friends please make sure that they know the nicknames you signed them up with. This will usually be there first name and a number, unless you change it.

You can always make sure that you have booked by checking in your account and look under “My Events” on your home page once signed in.

If you booked through another ticket agent rather than you will need to register a quick profile on our site first. Once you’ve done this, email is at [email protected] and we can then add you to the guestlist.

What’s the dress code for the events?

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

We always ask guests to dress to impress at our events. By this we suggest that you wear a nice shirt or dress and don’t wear blue jeans or trainers.

Our parties are aimed at professionals so we have been trying to be stricter on dress codes. It’s worth noticing that the men who wear suits and the women who dress up are the ones who have the best success! Yes, you might feel more comfortable in jeans but remember you are advertising yourself in a similar way to a job interview. People will be looking at you and making quick judgements based on the way you dress.

Also, it’s not just our dress code that we have to enforce, but also the policies of the particular bars that we use.

If you are in any doubt, we often have our Style Consultant at the events who will be able to give you some tips and advice.

Where have my credits gone?

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

Please remember that there is a standing charge of 5 credits per month. Its pretty nominal, eg if you purchased 100 credits at £20 it would take nearly 2 years to erode! The charge is really to encourage people to use them up and to stop the free credits lasting forever.

If you’ve only bought 10 credits (our trial) then we expect you will use them up well before the month is up.

The standing charge is stated in many different places on the site, eg on the dating home page, in the accounts section, and in help under “how much does it cost”.

If you have Premium Membership as well as credits then there will be bo standing charge as long as you are a member.

Why can’t I log into my account?

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

If you have having problems logging in, firstly make sure you are entering the correct password. If you’ve forgotten you can request a new one using the “password reminder” option.

If that still doesn’t work, try these in order:

1. Please click on page refresh before logging in.

2. Try another page to log in from eg
3. Clear temp internet files. You can do this in Internet Explorer by clicking on TOOLS, then INTERNET OPTIONS, then BROWSING HISTORY.

4. Clear your cookies. Do this the same was as step 4.

5. Try another browser, eg you can download Firefox for free and we never have problems with it. go to

Why do women seem to pay more than men for their tickets?

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

It is frustrating that women’s prices often seem higher than the men’s prices. However, please remember to factor in the timing. We always have cheaper female tickets too, but they tend to sell out more quickly.

The average price for male tickets often works out the same or even higher than the women, because most men book nearer the event when the ticket price is higher. On the event dates typically men pay £30 when its sold out for women, so men are not being rewarded.

Please do not analyse the pricing. You have to trust us to do what is necessary to populate the event despite what you think might be fair or otherwise. It’s not just about maximising profits. Most of our real stress is to do with getting an even ratio of men to women.