Archive for the ‘Asian Dating News’ Category

London Indian Film Festival 2024

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

For the 10th year running we are supporting the Uk’s best Indian Film Festival. In 2024 this is being celebrated in four major UK Cities. London, Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester.

Indian Film Festival

This year sees an extensive range of genres from romance through gripping dramas.

See the Catalogue of films on the website.

This year we are running our “Make it a Date Night” Campaign with the festival. Cinema is a time endured classic date night, where you can cuddle up on the back row. Share the experience and talk about the movie afterwards.

Get your tickets on the festival website and of course get your date, here at Asian Single Solution. The home of British Asian Dating. With over 20 years of history behind us we are the No1 place in the UK to meet your partner. We specialise in those of Indian Heritage living in the UK but especially British Asians.

We run regular events every month and offer a large selection of online profiles. Why not join today.?

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Friday, March 8th, 2024
AsianSingleSolution Celebrating International Women’s Day

To help empower our female members we have unlocked LIKES and VIEWS for today. So even if you are just a basic member you can now have full access to these valuable features. Log in now and have a play.

Work your way through , and you will see instantly when you have a mutual match.

For best results remember to upgrade membership and be proactive. Especially on International Women’s Day , today is a day that you are empowered to make the first move.

Good luck. Happy Dating.

love Asian Single Solution.

Indian Film Festival 2023

Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

We are delighted to again announce our support and sponsorship of the London Indian Film Festival 2023.

The festival starts on 25 October and runs through to 4th November 2023 in London but also in Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford and Leeds

Indian Film Festival 2023

See Their website for the new Autumn programme. They are offering a spectacular showcase of Indian and South Asian premieres and classic movies.

The festival will run from 25th October to 4th November. Tickets are on sale.

As a bit of fun, some of the actors from the films have added their profiles to our site. If you find them let us know and we may be able to offer you a special discount for the movies during the festival.

See you there

Asian Single Solution.

Go Dating is Asian Single Solution

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Just a bit of housekeeping.

Some people are seeing Go Dating Ltd on their card statement and not realising that this is their membership with Asian Single Solution.

It normally appears as Single Solution but occasionally it is still appearing as Go Dating Ltd.

Hopefully this post will clear this up.

Go Dating is the company behind

Summer Party 2023

Thursday, July 20th, 2023

Join us at our next big event. Book now.

Happy New Year 2023

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

We wish all our lovely members a very happy and successful 2023.

With a bit of luck, along with your best photos and sending amazing messages, you could be our next success story.

Happy Diwali 2022

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Wishing all our lovely members a very happy Diwali.

From the Asian Single Solution team.

New Feature Rollout

Thursday, September 29th, 2022

We have just put some features live to make your experience better.

Likes and Views are now shown one at a time. You must specify Yes/Maybe or No on each one.

We found that many people were sitting on large numbers of activity without giving an opinion one way or the other. For those with large numbers of historical LIKES it will take a little time but there is no rush. Work through these and give your YES or NO information on each one. This will help create more mutual matches and give clarity about your intentions. If you get it wrong, don’t worry. You can always change your mind from either the Mutual Likes page or from the Dislikes section.

The App will soon be updated to reflect this change. For now, it still shows the number of new likes as the number you have not seen. In the old system, just seeing them would change the status from new. Now , we ask that you grade them Yes/Maybe or No.

New Unmatch Feature

If you wish to disconnect with someone click unmatch. This is a quicker and easier way to delete messages and stop chats with people you are not interested in pursuing.

You then get the option to delete or delete and block. If you delete and block the other person will no longer be able to see the messages, click on your profile or contact you further.

Hope these add to your positive experience.

Any feedback please contact us via the website, or comment below

Indian Film Festival 2022

Thursday, June 16th, 2022

The Indian Film Festival is back this June in London Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester. AsianSingleSolution is again proudly supporting this wonderful cultural event that has become a valued annual addition to the Calendar.

Indian Film Festival is back in London and Uk
Indian Film Festival




Check out their list of screenings here – and

You can watch the festival in cinemas or on your own sofa, at home, via our digital site

They show many films, from big producers but also from smaller independent studios.

Happy Vaisakhi 2022

Thursday, April 14th, 2022
Wishing our members a happy Vaisakhi

The top UK cities looking for love

Monday, November 8th, 2021

The dating fever is back in the UK after numerous months of lockdown and isolation. Perfect timing as we approach the romance-filled part of the calendar leading into Christmas and Valentine’s.

Despite dating coming back to the forefront of many people’s lives, Brits have never struggled more to find a match.

According to YouGov 60% of Brits have decided to remain alone since Feb 2020. 

Almost half of all active daters stopped looking for matches during the past 18 months, so there’s good news for anyone who has been struggling on dating apps over the past 12 months. 

Chris Pleines, a dating expert from said:

“After the world essentially stopped, we suddenly had the time to pause and think.

“For daters, quality starts to matter more than quantity. So, you get a bunch of likes and winks. But in this pandemic, what do these likes and winks actually mean?

“Intimacy and meaning has become a major requirement for some daters. Casual flirts or hookups aren’t enough anymore. 

“People go to dating apps hoping to find profound connections and potential for serious relationships. 

“Dating apps should shift their perspective from giving high quantity of matches to high quality of matches. People need to socialize and feel less alone in this uncertain world.”

One of the least surprising findings came in that the least likely age group to stop dating all together throughout COVID-19 has been the 18-24 year olds, with 1 in 4 turning to dating apps opposed to the previous concept of meeting in person.

The impact of COVID on dating has been the biggest on the 18-24 year olds with 1 in 3 reporting a “huge reduction” in their sex life. 

This is a worrying trend after the marriage rate dropped by almost 70% as less people are wanting to start a family in their 20-30s whilst the shortening of the wage gap gives women more options opposed to marrying early. 

The current average age for marriage in the UK is 34 for men and 32 for women compared to 1975 where the ages were 28 and 26 respectively. People are arguably taking longer to tie the knot – the pandemic could change this drastically however.

Multiple dating apps recently reported that they had the most ever number of swipes and matches this year, around the time a pathway out of lockdown was announced. 

What are the top 25 cities for people looking for love?

Here are the top 25 cities to visit if you are looking for the most enthusiastic singles:

  1. Manchester
  2. Plymouth
  3. Liverpool
  4. Brighton
  5. Bristol
  6. London
  7. Birmingham
  8. Derby
  9. Swindon
  10. Bournemouth
  11. Ipswich
  12. Belfast
  13. York
  14. Portsmouth
  15. Nottingham
  16. Exeter
  17. Cambridge
  18. Oxford
  19. Cardiff
  20. Swansea
  21. Newcastle
  22. Sheffield
  23. Edinburgh
  24. Leeds
  25. Hull

Dating apps have had a 60% increase in popularity over the past 90 days, showing that romance is definitely on the rise in a post-lockdown UK.

Happy Diwali 2021

Thursday, November 4th, 2021
Happy Diwali

Wishing everyone a Happy Diwali for 2021.

Asian Single Solution

How does the British Indian dating scene work?

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

British Indian Dating: Find a long-term partner your way

Finding another Indian person to date can be difficult if you look to meet through normal situations. Choices are limited if you don’t look online at dedicated Indian matchmaking services. Even if you do attend a Gurdwara or a Temple the circle of other Asians you could meet there is potentially quite limited.

Using an Asian dating service such as Asian Single Solution is a great way to connect with other similar minded people, no matter what your age.

Asian Dating is fun but requires effort to succeed.

Do British Indians date non-Asians?

As we move though the 2020s, British Indian men and women are becoming more open to relationships with those who are not Asian, providing cultural norms and expectations do not create conflictions. That might mean family pressure which still encourages many British Indians to find a partner of a comparable heritage. Using a dating application or website bio and or the About Me section is a great way to set that expectation. You could use the profile to state that you have more traditional or liberal views on life. Many dating applications no longer allow clients to specify the ethnicity of a partner. As a specialist British Asian dating service, does encourage members to state their preferences.

Is Indian matchmaking easier online?

Arguably Indian dating is easier online because you have a bigger pool of people to look through and interact with, that does not mean it is for everyone though.

During the coronavirus pandemic, we saw a big spike in account sign-ups as the World closed down but the internet stayed open. This led people who wouldn’t necessarily sign up to an online dating site or app to give it a try.

A lot of those people have found is successful and therefore kept actively using the Asian Single Solution site, searching for their perfect match.

Dating online can be easier to make that first initial connection but you never truly know someone until you meet them in person. If you decide to take that step you should consider looking at our safety tips.

Our specific Asian matchmaking site uses a Golden Rules guide on how we expect our members to behave to ensure everyone’s safety online.

Controversy over ‘old fashioned’ depictions

Some British Asian men and women still like to go about things the ‘old fashioned’ way. That is appropriate providing both sides have that expectation going forward. Some older British Asian dating practices have been depicted as ‘bad’ and ‘outdated’, for example, arranged marriages, men controlling money and women staying home for work. 

These aren’t really things that happen in the modern, 21st-century world anymore. In order to meet British Asian women, men must act chivalrously as well as pursuing the art of active communication and listening.

It might be wise to talk about your expectations for each other and how you expect to be treated. If you want to meet British Indian women or men you need to reach out, set boundaries and go on dates.

British Asian Matchmaking: Where does it happen?

As we covered above, British Asian dating can be easier online however, there are some other places that you may find love and meet British Asian men or women. Before the pandemic, we used to run speed dating events across the UK for Hindu and Sikh people, we saw great success in those events. These have now started again. 

Other places British Asian men and women could find love are: Through family or friends, getting people to introduce you to single friends, at a bar, at a Temple or Gurdwara and even in a local supermarket if you’re brave enough to ask someone out in person.

For those not brave enough to ask someone out in person, it’s completely understandable, not everyone has that confidence and you should consider an online British Asian matchmaking solution like Asian Single Solution.


Saturday, June 12th, 2021

The results are in

Events will be back Soon

We polled our members about singles parties and speed dating events post the Covid Pandemic.

We asked if they were ready to return to events. We are thrilled to report that over 80% of respondents said that they were keen to get back to events as soon as Government restrictions allowed.

We have missed our regular get togethers as they provided a chance for new friends and old to get together. We also missed chatting to our customers about the service and their dating successes and failures!

The time is almost here. As such a high percentage of UK adults have received the vaccines, people feel it is “safe to go back int he water”. There is a huge appetite for events and parties and we hope to be back soon. Watch this space.

Statements Now Available

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021

Statements showing membership payment history are now available in the Account Details section in the Account Activity tab. You can see up to 12 months.

Details shown include the transaction date, amount, reference and the membership type and period. e.g. Premium 3 months.

You will continue to receive email receipts for all fresh membership upgrades which detail the amount of your initial payment and any recurring details. Members can continue to see full details of current membership in Account Details. If you are using Paypal or Itunes you will receive notifications of any recurring payments directly from those providers. We will no longer send additional email notifications ourselves for all recurring subscriptions as you can view these reliably in the portal.

Happy Diwali 2020

Friday, November 13th, 2020

Wishing all our valued members a very happy Diwali 2020.


Are you allowed to have sex or go on dates during the coronavirus pandemic?

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020
Stop what ever you are doing.

The current rules are very clear. At the time of writing, you may only leave your house for work, exercise, to visit certain shops and medical appointments and apparently joining in mass demonstrations. These are all with the caveat that you maintain social distance of 2m from everyone.

So, a dating hookup with the guy you have been chatting to on is unfortunately still out of bounds. So, is a cheeky meetup in the park behind the bushes.

It may be that this is the hardest part of lockdown. When you are young (or old) and the hormones are flooding all you desire is to meet someone of the opposite sex for a romantic date.

If you chose to lockdown with a partner then of course matters are different. It would also be interesting to hear some stats about liaisons with housemates. It has been said that if you put two people who like each other in a room alone, then what could happen, probably will.

Is Sex allowed at all?

If you are already living with someone in the same household, you are not in a high risk group and have not come into contact with anyone who has symptoms, then sex would be permitted. If either of you is exhibiting symptoms then sex is probably not a good idea and may be the last thing on your mind.

Is Dating Allowed?

The rules now state that up to 6 people may meet in an out door space, as long as they maintain a distance of 2m. This means you can meet someone outdoors for a date. This might be a walk in the park or a picnic.

Holding hands, kissing or touching would be still be disallowed under the lockdown regulations. It seems fair to assume that kissing carries a high chance of transmission of any virus. Police may not enter your home but if caught dating you may be breaking the law.

As we continue to offer safe online messaging and you do now have the opportunity to video date or meet up outside whilst maintaining a safe distance.

I have positive Antibodies should I be free to date and have sex?

You have a positive antibody

You can now easily get a test privately for Covid-19 Antibodies for under £50. This may give you some peace of mind that you have had the virus and may have some immunity.

The Government have not sanctioned any change in behaviour for those who have a positive antibody. Some believe that it is statistically likely to afford some immunity however there is still no official policy on this. Therefore the rules on dating still apply.

It may seem common sense that if you have a positive antibody then you should be exempt from 14 day quarantines when arriving in the UK. It seems that the Government are not willing to utilise testing to help get the economy moving. With most viruses, the antibody does give some immunity so we would hope this is true for Coronavirus. The issues being that of the length of time an antibody remains effective and the issues around strains and mutations. We look forward to the results of further research and a change in policy on this issue.

What do you think, please add your comments below.

Your Secret Weapon in Love

Thursday, November 21st, 2019

Did you know that when you sign up for our Asian dating site, you get so much more than just being able to contact people?

You have access to a team of Dating Experts

Our company has now been going for over 17 years, which is a huge amount of time in the dating industry. We’ve learned so much in that time and know all the secrets about making online dating work. The great news for you is that if you need help then all you have to do is ask. We can review your profile, photos and messages in order to make sure you are making the most of all your opportunities. The best thing is that it’s absolutely free for all paying members.

We are the most trusted Asian Dating Site in the UK

Check our our reviews on TrustPilot and you’ll see we have an incredible 4.6 out of 5. In fact, we are the 3rd highest rated Dating Site out of ALL companies! This means you can be sure we are a reputable site who have your best interests at heart.

Best Events in the Business

We aren’t just about online dating – we also run regular Asian Singles parties too. For these, we have the very best hosts to help introduce you and have more available per event than any other company. We believe it’s important you get to know our staff so they can help you better.

Happy dating!

James Preece

Happy Diwali 2019

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Wishing all our valued customers a happy Diwali 2019.

From all of us at AsianSingleSolution

Price Match This Valentine’s

Tuesday, February 12th, 2019

Have you received a Valentine’s deal from another site this week?.

We don’t want you to miss out on our great service just because you have a deal elsewhere. If this is the case, we promise to price match the deal.

How to claim – Just forward us the email from the other site, stating the deal or send a screen shot to [email protected].
Add your payment card (from account details). Let us know which package you want and we will do the rest.

Terms of Price Match:
Price match offer valid until Monday 18th Feb 2019. Price discount limited to 50% reduction paid through our website using debit or credit card. Only Seasonal deals are applicable. Excludes introductory discounts. Service must be a comparable, established brand aiming at professionals or a predominantly Asian Market. Service must be a Premium (paid for) service, Excludes any free or Freemium sites. Applies to our 1,3, or 6 months Premium or PremiumPlus service

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 20th, 2018

The team

would like to wish you a very happy Holiday Season.

We hope you have a lovely break and enjoy the last few days of 2018.

The office will be closed over Christmas but we’ll still be providing support and answering emails.


James, Paul, Meera and the Team




Happy Diwali

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

With gleam of Diyas
And the Echo of the Chants
May Happiness and Contentment Fill Your life
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!

James,Paul, Meera and the Asian Single Solution Team

Brit Asian TV Music Awards Winners

Thursday, October 11th, 2018

We were very pleased to sponsor the Brit Asian TV Music Awards last Saturday, 6th October.

This was our 5th years sponsoring the awards as we think it’s important we support the industry.  The event was packed full of celebrities and was a very glamorous ceremony.

It was an amazing night and our lovely host Stephanie presented the award for “Best Bollywood Track”  This was won by Dilbar – Dhvani Bhanushali, Ikka Singh, and Neha Kakkar  

The other winners of the night were:

Best DJ: DJ Frenzy
Breakthrough Act: G. Sidhu
Best Lyricist: Sidhu Moose Wala – So High
Best Music Video Director: Sunny Dhinsey – Udaarian
Best Male Act: Guru Randhawa
Best Non-Traditional Asian Act: Steel Banglez
Best Female Act: Jasmine Sandlas
Music Producer of the Year: Vee
UK Act of the Year: JK
Album of the Year: CON.FI.DEN.TIAL – Diljit Dosanjh
Music Video of the Year: Udaarian – Satinder Sartaaj
Track of the Year: Lahore – Guru Randhawa
Special Recognition: Raghav
Outstanding Achievement: Panjabi MC
Lifetime Achievement Award: Arif Lohar

Congratulations to everyone who won and well done to the organisers on such a wonderful event.  We can’t wait for next year!

Asian Single Solution

Brit Asia TV Music Awards Sponsor

Thursday, September 20th, 2018


We are very proud to announce that once again we will be sponsoring the Brit Asian TV Music Awards.

We are sponsoring the “Bollywood Track of the Year.”

The awards are  dedicated to celebrating talent from the Asian entertainment world. The annual award ceremony takes place at the prestigious Park Plaza hotel located in the heart of Central London on Saturday 6th October.

The evening will be televised so watch out for us presenting the award!


Happy Ganesh

Thursday, September 13th, 2018



May Lord Ganesha shower you with blessings and happiness.

Wishing you all a very Happy Ganesh

The Asian Single Solution Team.

5 Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

Relationships are up and down. Even the best relationships still had some negative aspects. This is typical in the dating world. It can also lead people to look for something that goes above and beyond the typical dating experience. Not everyone is looking for their soul mate, but those who are searching tend to put a great amount of effort into the search. If you’re one of those people, it helps to know what you’re looking for. Of course, there is no right or wrong answer for how soul mates interact. The list below is merely a guideline that suggests you’ve found “the one” your soul has been looking for.

1. You are empathetic towards their pain, both physically and emotionally.

Soul mates often feel the pain of one another. If your partner stubs your toe, you may not feel anything. But if your partner loses someone close to them, you’ll experience their loss. If your partner were to get into an accident in the middle of the night, there is a chance you would wake up from a dead sleep, knowing something was wrong. This is the type of connection that soul mates share with one another.

2. You have never met someone who gets you so perfectly.

Your partner understands your jokes and your quirks. The two of you can talk about anything and everything. You may even feel like they physically fit you better than anyone else. Their likes and dislikes are similar to yours and you can share almost everything. You recognize the flaws in them, but see them as quirks instead. They feel the same way about you. The two of you just seem to fit together like peanut butter and jelly.

3. You communicate properly with your partner.

This doesn’t mean the two of you never argue about anything. Even soul mates can get into disagreements. Communicating properly means that a minor disagreement will not become a fight or escalate into something that can’t be repaired. Soul mates find it easier to talk to each other than to anyone else, even when it’s an uncomfortable topic.

4. You are completely comfortable silence.

Although you can communicate well and you talk about everything, the two of you are also comfortable with silence. You can sit together in a room and not feel compelled to fill the silence. You simply enjoy being around each other. You enjoy the vibes. This also means you don’t feel the need to talk constantly when you’re not together. In fact, you can probably go a few days without contacting each other at all and trust that everything is fine.

5. You feel like you’ve found your soul mate.

If you’re intuitive, there’s a good chance you already know you’ve found your soul mate. Something just tells you that this is the right person for you. Maybe you can’t find the words to explain the way you’re feeling. It’s just something you know in your gut. When you find your mind wandering, you find yourself thinking of this person and you’re filled with joy and content. This type of feeling goes beyond love. It means you’ve found your soul mate.

London Indian Film Festival 2018

Sunday, June 3rd, 2018 are yet again, major supporters of the London Indian Film Festival which begins on 21 June.

LONDON 21 – 29 JUNE 2018



Please review the programme here or at

Iphone App Service Update

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

On Friday we requested that our developers make a minor change to the website. This unfortunately, had knock on consequences in the iphone App causing it to crash unexpectedly.

Unfortunately, our developers do not work weekends so we were unable to contact them.

We emailed all our members to advise that you can gain full access to the service via the website until this issue is resolved.

I have now restored the system to overwrite the changes from Friday.  The App may have cached the erroneous data causing it to malfunction. If you still experience an issue, please delete the App and reinstall it. There are still some intermittent issues. Ideally, please use the website version until Monday.

We will provide a further update on Monday once our tech team have had a look.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Win a £250 Shopping Voucher

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017

Happy Diwali 2017 !

Thursday, October 19th, 2017

We’d like to wish all our lovely members a very Happy Diwali.

Meera, James, Paul and the Team

Married at First Sight: Casting Call

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017


CPL Productions is accepting applications from single people seeking a committed relationship as part of television programme, Married at First Sight.


Married at First Sight is a returning documentary series for Channel 4 in which brave men and women, who are genuinely looking for love, commit to marrying a stranger.


Using science and psychology, couples are carefully matched by a team of highly respected and experienced experts.
The matching process aims to identify couples with high compatibility across a number of areas for a successful long-term relationship.


Those located in or willing to relocate to London have an increased chance of being matched but the casting team are very interested in hearing from applicants anywhere in the UK.
Those taking part should have no children and not have been married before.


People interested in finding out more about the series and application process should simply contact the team at CPL Productions to arrange a friendly and confidential chat.

Please send you name, age, location and phone number to[email protected]


The team really look forward to hearing from you!


(Applying does not guarantee selection. All information provided will be treated in strict confidence)



Why women should contact men first

Sunday, July 30th, 2017
Many women believe that they should wait for men to message them on dating sites. They might have the old fashioned view that it’s up to men to message them first or are worried about appearing to be forward. So they wait and wait and wonder why they never seem to get messages from men they are interested in.
Men and women approach online dating in different ways, and once you realise this you can use it to your advantage.  Men tend to collect up their “favourites” and then contact many women at once, in one big hit. This is called the Shotgun approach and is very hit and miss. Women, on the other hand, can be more selective and will either wait to see who contacts them or just send one or two messages.
The secret is to be proactive and actively target men you are interested. Don’t sit and wait for them to come to you or someone else will snap them up. Imagine you are applying for a job and your dating profile is your CV.  Would you send out your CV to prospective employees or would you expect them to come and find you first?
Check back on the site every day and contact the new men.  By doing so, you’ll be top listed in the searches as shows the men the most recent women to log into the site.  You’ll then find more men are contacting you anyway.
Men absolutely love it when women message them first.  If you’ve got a great photo, interesting profile and are in the right age group then this is very flattering.  What man wouldn’t be interested?  It’s not overly flirtatious to write to a man – after all you are both on a dating site with the same intentions.
So what should you say?    Imagine you are in a bar or at a party. How would you get their attention? Perhaps you’d look over and smile.  You need to do the same thing in your first email. Write just enough to get them hooked and capture their imagination.   Ask them how their day is going or what they are up to for the weekend.
So why not send some messages now?  You’ll see much better results and might just make someone’s day!
James Preece
Dating Expert

Asian Single Solution meets Gulshan Grover

Monday, June 26th, 2017

The Asian Single Solution is a very proud sponsor of the London Indian Film Festival.

This year we are sponsoring the film “BadMan” and we attended the premiere last Saturday at Wembley Stadium, along with some very lucky Asian Single Solution members.

The event began with an introduction by the star of the film himself – Gulshan Grover – and was followed by an Q and A with him and the ever popular Sunny and Shay.  After this we organised a very special drinks reception in a secret nearby venue, to allow our guests to meet and discuss the film.


This was a very exciting event and a great time was had by everyone who attended. The Festival is on for another few days and there are lots of more shows that might interest you.

Do check out our events page to find out what wonderful singles events we have coming up next too.

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

The team


would like to wish you a very happy Holiday Season.



We hope you have a lovely break and enjoy the last few days of 2016.

The office will be closed over Christmas but we’ll still be providing support and answering emails.


James, Paul, Meera and the Team




Is something frustrating you?

Tuesday, August 16th, 2016


If you are finding the dating game difficult, then it’s quite understandable that you might be getting confused.

I know that everyone has different problems and finding dates can take a little while.  This important this is that you don’t ever feel stuck.  You have to be able to keep moving forward so you ultimately end up with what you want.  So we are here to help you on your journey and you don’t have to do it all on your own!

What I’d love you to do it tell me exactly what problem you are having right now.

Perhaps you aren’t sure what to write in your profile or how to get replies.  Or maybe you are getting lots of interest but it fizzles out.  Whatever it might be it usually something that can be resolved quickly.

I’ve been a Dating Coach for ten years now and I’ve helped bring 10000s of couples together. I’m an authority in the dating world and highly respected.

I’ll do my best to answer each and every issue, with my dating expert advice to help you make dramatic improvements.

You can either reach me at [email protected] or you can add an (anonymous if you prefer) comment to this blog.

Don’t put you life on hold any longer – take action now and you might just starting people and getting more dates than ever before!

Dating Guru’s Mailbox: How can I talk to more people?

Wednesday, July 20th, 2016

Here is the latest question for our Dating Coach

Hindu Girl

Hindu Girl

“Hi James, I want to build up my confidence and increase the amount of women that I talk to.  So I’ve been out in the shops trying to say hello to women I’m attracted to.

At the moment I either ask for directions or pay them a compliment…but I’m just not seeing enough that I really like.  Are these big enough challenges or should I being trying something else?   I know you are a dating coach so I hope you can help!  M”

Hi M,

Thanks for the message.  I’ll see how I can help.

First of all, well done for taking the first steps and actually going out into the real world approaching women. Most men are far to scared of rejection to do this, so you already have the advantage on your competition.

Your challenges are a great start but there are a few things you could do to improve.

Firstly, you shouldn’t just be approaching the hot girls but ALL women in the right age category. The more you flirt and talk to women in general then the better you’ll get and the more natural you’ll find it. If you do it right you’ll make them feel good about themselves and set them on the way to having a better day.

However shouldn’t be complimenting them on their looks/clothes all the time either. That’s just creepy. When they give you directions, tell them they are obviously well travelled or intelligent. The ladies will appreciate that much more than anything superficial.


Questions in general are better than directions as you have more chance of continuing the conversation. You want to ask something interesting that will get them to open up.

So these sort of questions can work well:

“Excuse me, I’m buying a shirt for my brother.  Which of these do you like the best? ”

“What sort of vegetable goes well with chicken curry?”  ( In a supermarket)

I’m not sure if I need to tell you but make sure you always dress well when you are out and about. A suit works well.  You want to look like the sort of person they would love to date.  Then make them smile and you’ll have much more success.

Hope that helps and good luck!

Best Wishes,


The Dating Guru



If you have your own dating question or dilemma, please send it over to [email protected]      James will answer the best ones here in the blog.

New Mobile Matches Feature

Monday, July 11th, 2016



We’ve introduced a brand new “Matches”  feature which is currently exclusive to our mobile site.


We hope this will give you a fun user experience and increase your success.

Each day, when you first log in from your phone, you’ll be presented with a selection of up to 6 profiles. With each one you will see a photo, age, religion and location.

You can either accept as Yes/Maybe  or reject them with one click.  If you want to see more you can view profile. We recommend that if you like someone then you also start messaging them right away.

To see who you have liked go to Favourites and to see who likes you go to Who Likes Me. We have now also set up a separate tab so you can see your Mutual likes straight away.

To jump back in, go to the homepage on the mobile site.

Have fun, and let us know how you get on.

Asian Single Solution sponsoring the London Indian Film Festival

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

We are delighted to announce that once again, we will be sponsoring the Bagri Foundation London Indian Film Festival.


Now in it’s 7th year, the festival showcases some of the most prestigious and though provoking movies from the Indian subcontinent. This year, it will be held
from the 14th to the 24th July.

It’s such a great opportunity to be able to support this festival. Many of our members love cinema and it’s a wonderful way to celebrate the best of Indian culture and filmmaking.  If you get the chance then do check out some of the films.

Our lead film will be “Jugni” starring


About Jugni  (12a)

Travelling through the verdant fields of Punjab, Vibhavari (Vibs) is a gorgeous, young composer from Mumbai. She is in search of Bibi Saroop, the voice that she believes will be the saviour of her new score. She bumps into Bibi’s dashing son Mastana who has a stunning voice. Vibs records Mastana’s renditions of Punjabi folk songs and the duo soon fall for each other. Vibs returns to a soured relationship with her boyfriend in Mumbai. Mastana is left brokenhearted, but his voice is indeed the magical ingredient of the score, which becomes an instant hit. When Vibs calls Mastana to the big city he is full of hope, but they are forced to make tough choices between their careers and their hearts.


Supported by


17 JULY | 20:00 | CINEWORLD O2


TV Casting: Second Chance Salon

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016





My name is Claire and I am a producer at a Television Production company called Electric Ray, we are currently making a new BBC1 show called Second Chance Salon, following people who are about to experience a huge turning point in their life.  For example it could be someone getting married after overcoming a health issue, a person preparing for a crucial job interview or a single dad going on a first date – anything that is of huge significance to them personally.

To tell you a bit about it – We want to help people feel confident and ready to take on a life changing moment by inviting them into our purpose-built salon. Here they will meet people going through similar experiences and receive a full, free makeover.  Our aim is for each person to leave the salon feeling like the best version of themselves.  We want to show how a positive transformation in someone’s outward appearance can have an incredible impact on their emotional wellbeing. As each person undergoes a physical transformation before our eyes – via conversations with the stylists – we’ll learn more about their life story and why they are in need of a helping hand. We’ll then follow each person out of the salon and into the real world as they take on their date with destiny – a heart-warming and emotional payoff at the end of the show.


This isn’t a ‘makeover show’ in the familiar sense but a documentary series in the style of First Dates and 24 Hours in A&E. The salon environment and makeover process gives us an engaging way of telling powerful human stories.


To find out a bit more, all you have to do is email [email protected] or call them
on 0207 061 8614 . They can answer any questions ahead of our starting filming in late July/early August.

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Today is International Women’s Day – the one time of the year that celebrated the wonderful achievements of women all over the world.


We are very proud of our single female members on the site.  There are so many inspiring women with lots of exciting, adventurous lives.

Enjoy your day and use it as a chance to reflect on everything you’ve done with your life so far.

The Asian Single Solution Team



Message Style Changes

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016


Dear all,

today we have made some changes to our messaging system.

You will see that all mail is now presented in a more user friendly chat style. This means that all desktop and mobile users can be online and receive chat messages.

You will also receive online notifications for new winks and messages in addition to emails. You can stop these if you select “appear offline” but we would not recommend that you do this.

The old function “turn off chat” is no longer valid. The equivalent function “appear offline” is new so we have set to on by default. You can switch off from your profile. This is a Premium feature.

If you experience any issues, or have any thoughts on these changes please let us know.

Please send all feedback to [email protected]

Book our biggest ever Valentines Parties

Thursday, January 14th, 2016


Our Valentine’s parties are the biggest and best events of the year…and this year is no exception!

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We have two massive parties coming up for you:

Sat 6th Feb – Birmingham – Broadway Casino

Sat 13th Feb – Lond0n – Kensington Close Hotel

We strongly suggest you book your tickets as soon as possible as they are very likely to sell out.   Check out the event pages on our site to find out what we have planned at each event, but they will both have a DJ, optional Speed Dating, great hosts and icebreaking activities.

If you come then hopefully you won’t be single for much longer.  It’s your best opportunity of the year to find love!


Competition Winners

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016

Thank you to everyone that entered our “2015 Quiz of the Year”


We have lots of entries and the winners have now been selected and notified.

The star prize winner of £100 was Sharon Jatti

The correct answers were:

1. We were a finalist at the Uk Dating Awards for Best Niche Dating Site
2. Jaz proposed to Amz
3. We supported the London Indian Film Festival
4. We had over 270 at our London Valentine’s Event

Here’s to 2016!
Best Wishes,


Win £100 with our Fun Quiz

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015

We would like to wish all our wonderful members an extremely happy holiday season and a wonderful 2016

2015 has been an amazing year for our members, with many success


To celebrate some of the 2015 highlights, we’ve put together a fun quiz on our Facebook page.

First prize is a £100 Amazon voucher and we
have 5 one month memberships as runner up prizes.

To enter, all you have to do is like our page and answer the easy

 Click To Enter Quiz

Have a very happy Holiday Season and a successful New Year.

From all at AsianSingleSolution





Asian Single Solution is a Finalist For Best Niche Dating Site

Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

We have some very exciting news this week.

Best niche dating site

Best niche dating site

We are delighted to be able to tell you that has been voted as a finalist for Best Niche Dating Site at the UK Dating Awards.

The awards celebrate the very best of the UK Dating industry it’s a real honour to be selected for this.

There are great contenders in this category so please keep your fingers crossed!  The event takes place next week at the exclusive Honourable Artillery Company in London.

Our very own James Preece is also a finalist for Dating Expert of the Year which is also fantastic news.

Wish us luck!

The Asian Single Solution Team

Happy Diwali!

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015




We would like to wish all our members a very Happy Diwali!


James, Paul, Meera and the team

Asian Singles Dating: Donald Trump wanted to date Princess Diana

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

We read a very interesting feature this week that got us thinking.

Donald Trump Dating

Donald Trump Dating

Apparently, Donald Trump once had his heart set on making Princess Diana his very own trophy wife.  This was not long after her divorce to Prince Charles and Trump was absolutely besotted with her.

In order to woo her, he bombarded her with flowers.  Orchids, roses, the more extravagant the better. Unfortunately for him, she was massively creeped out by this rather blatant show of affection. From his point of view, he always thought he would have had a chance with her:

“I never had the opportunity to court Lady Diana Spencer. I met her on a number of occasions,” he said. “I couldn’t help but notice how she moved people. She lit up the room with her charm, her presence. She was a genuine princess—a dream lady.”

We can only speculate what their chances of a couple might be due to her very untimely death.  But if they had got together they would certainly attracted huge amounts of media publicity.

As a dating expert though, I really don’t think that sending lots of flowers is a great tactic.  If they aren’t interested in your then it’s not far off harassment and even if they are it can be overwhelming. After the first few deliveries the novelty wears off very quickly.

Smaller gestures are much more powerful.  If you send a bunch of flowers on a birthday or special occasion then it can be very flattering.  I know some people do this after a first date but that’s premature and you’ll look too keen.  Even if you had a wonderful time, it’s better to hold back a little of your interest and takes things slower.

We would love to hear your thoughts on this. Would they have made an interesting power couple?

Happy dating!

Asian Single Solution

Our latest feedback and Success Stories

Monday, April 27th, 2015

We love hearing your positive feedback about the site and the events



Here are a few of the latest emails we’ve had from our Asian members:


“Very Happy with the service
Feedback : I have found my bf ” JS

“Think the website is a great way to meet new people ” BS

“Very Happy with the service
Feedback : Met someone through the site” RG

“Met someone from the site after only meeting 1 other girl and things are going really well. Great service and excellent site!!” MS

“Met someone from the site!” PP

“Found the love of my life x” SK

“I have found the most amazing girlfriend ever” PP

“I met someone on your dating site, and am no longer single
Feed back : Awesome,no flaws” CR

” I found someone :)!” LK

“I have met someone via your site and now in a serious relationship with them so no longer need to use the site.” RN

If you have your own feedback or success that you’d like to share with us, please drop us an email to [email protected]


Happy dating!

James, Paul and Meera

Recent Feedback and Successes

Monday, March 23rd, 2015

We love hearing your positive feedback about the site and the events


Great Job

Great Job


Here are a few of the latest emails we’ve had from our Asian members:


“Great website very handy” KP

“I met someone on your dating site, and am no longer single
Feed back : Excellent site!!” NC

“Please accept my gratitude for organising such a wonderful event. The event was very successful. A great turnout of people. I had a amazing night. I didn’t meet anyone that I liked but made fantastic friends and took away cherished memories. The people were great. The Asian Single Solution team members were really polite and helpful too. Thank you. So many compliments were offered to me. What an enjoyable event. I look forward to attending future events for definite. You are doing a wonderful job Asian Single Solution.”!RB
“Great site, runs smoothly” KM

“I found my Mr Right on your site! Thanks :)” PC

“Very Happy with the service
Feedback : found a partner AP

“Very good event..” GS

“The party was really good, very nice venue, very spacious and good calibre of people. Very well organised..loved the chocolate fountain…such a fantastic idea..gets people talking!!
It’s the first time I have been to an event like that..nice way of meeting people in person rather than just online!” AV

“Very good site” SP

If you have your own feedback or succes that you’d like to share with us, please drop us an email to [email protected]


Happy dating!

James, Paul and Meera

Chrome Diverting to Mobile

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

chromedownload (1)
Are you using Google Chrome browser?

If so, you may have noticed that some websites are incorrectly identifying you as a mobile browser. On you may find that the website sends you to the mobile version of our website.

This appears to be an issue with the latest version of Google Chrome.

As a work around, if you get this issue you can go to the main menu at the top of the page. If you open that, there is an entry to switch to main site. If you click this, then this should resolve the issue.

Valentine’s Ball a Great Success

Monday, February 16th, 2015

Our Hindu and Sikh Valentine’s Ball was last Saturday.

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We are delighted to report that the event was a fantastic success. Many matches were made and our guests particularly enjoyed the classical guitar duo.

With over 270 tickets sold, the party was a complete sell out which gave it a real buzz.

Here is some of the feedback we’ve had already:

“Very good event… I would be keen for more  events”

“I had a great time thanks. Met a few people and enjoyed the chocolate fountain”

Thanks you everyone that came.  We hope you have some dates lined up now.


We’ll be planning some even bigger, better parties over the coming months so do keep an eye on the website. 

If there is anything extra you’d like us to do then please let us know.


Best Wishes, 

The Asian Single Solution Team

Over 300 tickets already sold for our Asian Valentines parties

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

Here’s a quick update for you


As you know, we have two AMAZING Valentine’s parties lined up for you:

7th February – Birmingham Ball

14th February – London Ball


Both are already massively busy with 300 tickets gone between them.  There are now less than 100 tickets available and these

will go just as quickly.  So if you want to have the most fun Valentine’s day you’ve ever had, book up now!

Our big Valentine’s Parties are on Sale!

Monday, January 19th, 2015

We’re delighted to announce our Valentine’s Parties are live for booking



We are running very special balls – one in London and one in Birmingham.


The Birmingham Ball is on the 7th February at a wonderful new venue – the Manhattan Suite at the Broadway Casino

The London Ball will take  place on Saturday 14th February at the Kensington Close Hotel in London.

We are doing our best to ensure this will be the biggest, best party we’ve ever had so we are pulling out all the stops. We’ve got lots of entertainment planned for each one and we are also asking our guests to dress up.

We will as usual have optional speed dating included and great hosts to introduce you.

You can find out more about each party on the website.

If you’ve already got your ticket then we look forward to seeing you then. If not, do be quick as over half the tickets have already gone!

See you there,

James, Paul and Meera

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

The team


wishes you a very happy Holidays



We hope you have a lovely break and enjoy the last few days of 2014.


James, Paul, Meera and the Team




Ten Dating Facts you won’t believe

Monday, November 17th, 2014

As a Dating Expert, I come across lots of very useful dating information.


(Image courtesy of Michal Marcol, /


Here are some of the one that will really make you think!


1)   Most people are fine to kiss on a second date.

2)  One in Three people who use online dating sites have never actually met up with anyone.

3) The average amount of dates as singleton has to go on before they end up getting married is 100

4) A Rabbi invented speed dating in 1999 as a way to bring his Jewish community together.

5) The most common break up period is between three to five months.  So you can rest easy if you get past that!

6) A woman makes up 80% of her first impressions of a man by the way he stands.

7)  91% of men are comfortable with a woman asking them out first.

8) People who have an animal in one of their dating profile photo pictures get the most dates.

9) 50% off all singles have not had a date in the last two years.

10) One in six online daters also prefer to “virtually” end a relationship, either by email or text.

Do feel free to add your own thoughts and comments to this.


Happy Dating!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Clocks Go Back This Weekend

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

Summer Time is officially over this weekend as the clocks go back.

At 2am Sunday 26th October, the clocks go back one hour for daylight saving.


Why not contact some people today and organise some dates? It is the best way to stay happy over the coming winter.

Announcing our 12th Birthday Singles Ball !

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

We’re delighted to announce our very special “12th Birthday Asian Singles Ball”

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This will take  place on Saturday 20th September at the Kensington Close Hotel in London.

We are doing our best to ensure this will be the biggest, best party we’ve ever had so we are pulling out all the stops. We’ve got lots of entertainment for this party including Celebrity Magician Ravi Mayar, Chocolate Fountain, interactive Photo Booth, amazing Covers band and more.

This is as well as the usual optional speed dating and great hosts to introduce you.

If you’ve already got your ticket then we look forward to celebrating with you then. If not, do be quick as over half the tickets went over the last few days!

About Photo Booth
With our stylish sleek photo booth our guests can take amazing pictures of themselves to remember the occasion, with a large box of party props for that extra fun. The booth uses professional DSLR camera’s with professional studio lighting to ensure you get high quality photos everytime. With a LCD touch screen for ease of use.

About Electric Superfruit Band
Professional musicianship and high-class vocals guarantee a fantastic show from Electric Superfruit. With years of experience playing to crowds of all ages, they keep everyone dancing – and singing – all night!

Announcing a new type of Singles Event

Monday, June 16th, 2014

Here’s something new for you!


We know how much you love our Asian Singles Parties and Speed Dating Events. The parties are going from strength to strength, but as we get bigger and better we want to try new things.

We’ve had requests for us to try out new ice breaking activities that will get people mingling. We’ve also been asked to run some smaller, pure Hindu or Pure Sikh events.

So we put our heads together to create a new concept of event that will make sure you get more targeted dating opportunities as well as have a fantastic night.  These new events don’t have any speed dating or pressure.

We did run Casino “learn to play” nights a few years ago which were extremely popular. These new parties are will be even better because:

1) Private use of the VIP room – so much more exclusive

2) Fun (free) gaming tables with professionals to teach you how to play Blackjack, Roulette and more.

3) Select crowd of either Hindu or Sikh singles.

4) Central London location so easy to get to.

5) Unique opportunity to try something new and a little different!


The casino elements are completely optional so if you don’t fancy it, don’t worry. You are still free to mingle and talk to any of the other singles that you wish.

If you would like to book then please sign up now as spaces are strictly limited and we expect them to sell out very quickly.  Check out the events section on our site to get your ticket now.

Happy dating!

The Asian Single Solution team

February Feedback

Monday, March 10th, 2014

February was another great month for our Asian dating site


Here is just a small selection of the latest emails we’ve had from our Asian members:

” I met someone at one of your events, and am no longer single
Feed back : Professional indeed :)” LJ

“A good site.. met some nice people – and hopefully have met the ONE! :)”  RH

“Good service, especially chat” LP

“I think the site is good. And the fact that you can send messages is good too. I have enjoyed using the site ” SP

“The new website is definitely an improvement on the last” BC

“Best online asian dating website i have come across” NT

“Good service and recommend it to friends” DC

“It’s good, opens other avenues to meet the right person.” NC

“Service is great, probably one of the better sites out there!” HS

If you have your own feedback for success that you’d like to share with us, please drop us an email to [email protected]


Happy dating!

James, Paul and Meera

Dating Guru’s Mailbag: Why am I always just a friend?

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Here’s another dating dilemma


for our Dating Guru

“Dear James,  I hope you can help me.  I’d love to attend one of your singles parties but I’m really really nervous about having to talk to new people.  I know it’s important if I want to make new friends, but I’m so scared of rejection.  What can I do?  Ben”

Hi Ben,

Thank you for your message.  Firstly, let me reassure you.  Almost everyone is nervous about meeting new people and having to go up and say hello.   Perhaps they’ll tell you to go away, be rude to you or ignore you altogether. The good news is that the things you are worried about are extremely unlikely to happen.  The reality is that all the guests are there for the same reason and they’d love you to introduce yourself.

Here are some quick tips which will help you:

1) Test yourself.   If you are shy about going up and talking, just try asking a question.  You could ask if they know where the toilets are or what time it is.  A simple question could start a longer conversation.

2) Use our hosts.   They are there to help make introductions and are the friendliest in the business.

3) Try the speed dating.  You only get to talk to each person for three minutes, so use this time as practice.  You’ll have to say hello and ask a few questions and each time it will get easier and easier.

4) Listen attentively.  The more you listen, then the more the other person will want to speak.  Ask lots of questions and show an interest about what they are talking about.

5) If someone doesn’t want to talk, smile and move on.   Perhaps they are even more nervous than you!    Don’t take it personally.

Happy dating!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Valentines Leeds Asian Hindu and Sikh Party

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014


If you are a Leeds based Asian Hindu or Sikh professional single then you really need to book this party.


We’ll be running an exclusive Valentine’s party in this new area and tickets are completely free!   On top of this, the first to arrive will get a complimentary drink too.

The party will be held on Wednesday 12th February at Tiger Tiger in Leeds from 7pm.  Once it gets full then that’s it – no more tickets will be available.

So if you want to make the most of your best chance ever to secure a Valentine this year,  please book up now.  Tell your single friends too and grab your free ticket while they last.



See you there!


Dating Profile Review: Masterchef

Monday, January 13th, 2014

Here is our latest online


profile review for you

Here’s a look at his current profile.


Your main image is fine, but you aren’t looking right at the camera.  It looks a little forced.   While it ties in with your profile, you may have more success with a photo of you wearing a suit jacket.  Studies have shown that more women reply to men who wear suits in their profile photos!

Interesting Fact:

You’ve not actually completed this bit.  You really should as it can provide a fun way for someone to break the ice.  You’re missing out by not including it.



You asked if your username worked or not….and I think it does.  If you are a great cook then it’s a good name to choose.  Take ownership of the name and don’t apologise for it being too cheesy.  You should play up to it instead and talk about the things you like cooking.  Perhaps ask women to suggest something you could make for them during a date!

There is too much talk about random things as that’s generic.  Be specific and talk about the exciting things that make up your life.   You need to say more about the type of person you are and why you’d be a good person to date.


You MUST write about the person you hope to meet.  Otherwise, how will they know if you are compatible or not?  It just looks like you haven’t bothered to write anything.  Spend some time on it now.

Don’t say that you are a pig as that’s far too negative and suggests you are inactive when you clearly are.


You really ought to contact more poeple too as it’s a numbers game.

I hope this helps,



If you would like to have your profile reviewed and featured, then please email your request to [email protected] We’ll pick the best one each month and get our leading Dating Expert James Preece to offer you his advice on how to make it better in this blog.

Good luck!

James Preece – Dating Coach

Season’s Greetings!

Monday, December 23rd, 2013

The team


wishes you a very happy Holidays



We hope you have a lovely break and enjoy the last few days of 2013.


James, Paul, Meera and Kuldeep




Happy Diwali 2013

Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

Happy Diwali 2013 from all at

Happy Diwali


Family and Friends are so important at this time of the year. As we move into the 11th year of SingleSolution services,  this is a time to reflect on the hundreds of happy couples that have met through AsianSingleSolution. Why not have a read through some of our success stories and recent feedback.



What is your biggest dating turnoff?

Monday, October 7th, 2013

We’d love to hear what

would put you off dating someone

First dates are all about making good first impressions.  If you don’t try hard enough then it’s very unlikely you’ll make a connection or persuade them to see you again.

Here are our top ten dating turnoffs which are made up of the most common complaints we hear.  We are including these so you can make sure you don’t make the same common mistakes!


1)  Turning up late

2) Rudeness and Bad Manners

3) Looking nothing like their photo in real life

4) Playing with their phone throughout the date

5) Being tight or mean about money

6) Boasting or trying too hard to impress

7) Coming on too strong too quickly

8) Poor dress sense

9) Not asking or answering any questions

10) Drinking too much

Remember, a little respect and courtesy can go a very long way.  You must always remember to be polite and show that you are genuinely happy to be with your date.  It’s not hard to have a good date but it’s even easier to mess them up if you don’t care enough!

These are ours, so what’s yours?   Please do add a comment to the blog to add your own.  We’d love to encourage some friendly debate and hear your own thoughts!

James Preece – The Dating Guru


Chat Resolved

Sunday, September 29th, 2013

Update 30th September.
The issue with chat has been resolved.  If you experience any issues you might get a pop-up telling you that you are offline. Please click the link in the pop-up.

Then please try the following.

1. Turn chat off then on again.

2. Log out then log in again.

3. Clear temporary internet files and cookies.

4. Try another browser.

If the issue persists, please Contact Us and describe the issue stating your browser type.




Update 29th Sept 2013.

Our developers made some changes to the chat function this week. I am sorry to say, that its not currently working, so has been temporarily disabled.

This will be resolved tomorrow (Monday) We apologise for the inconvenience caused.


Asian Single Solution

Single Solution is now part of the Online Dating Association

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

The Single Solution brand

is part of a new dating initiative.

We have agreed to sign up with other online dating sites as founding members of the Online Dating Association (ODA)

This will be a new body set up to make sure customers are treated fairly and to keep them safe from scammers.

You can find out more information using the link here:

Donation to DEC

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

Last month we agreed to give £3 of each ticket sold for our 27th April parties to the Disasters Emergency Committee, to support innocent victims of the current crisis in Syria.

The total was £600. Here is the letter. Thank you to everyone to came to that event supporting this cause.


If you wish to read more or to donate please visit their website


New Site Launches

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Our new look site is now live.

Please let us know if you experience any issues or if you like it and want to share this with us. Please email us to [email protected]

We have added new fields into the profiles for Personality, Interests, Music etc. Please go to Edit Profile and spend a few minutes to check update your details.

All issues that we know of are now resolved. Please let us know if you find anything else.

Scheduled Maintenance 29th April

Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Please be advised that the new look site is finally being unveiled tomorrow, Monday 29th April.

The site will therefore need to be down for a significant part of Monday morning. We hope to get things up and running by about 2 or 3pm.

If you have any issues or find anything not working once the site comes on please  Contact Us

The site will include lots of new features such as

  • New modern look and improved navigation
  • New App-Like mobile site
  • Messaging presented as in-line conversations
  • Easier Search and more effective searching
  • Enlarged images throughout the website
  • New chat features

New video

Online Dating Profile Workshop

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Would you like some help with your

Online Dating Profile?

Would you like to get some feedback on your dating profile?  Wish you had more hits?   Can’t work out why nobody is contacting you?

Then it’s time to get some help.
Each month,  our Dating Guru James Preece will take a look at one profile.   He’ll rewrite it and offer his expert opinion on what would make things better for you.

James has been a Dating Expert for over seven years now,  helping 1000s of singles and giving dating advice to countless magazines, newspapers, radio and TV shows.

If you’d like to be considered for this, then please email him at  [email protected]  with your username in the message so he can take look.   The person who he believes he can help most next month will be featured in this blog.

We’d also like our members to offer their own (contructive) thoughts and insights too.   You’ll be able to do this by commenting on each blog.


If you’d pefer more detailed, one-to-one help or coaching you can reach him at:



New Year – New Start

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Happy New Year!

This is your chance to get what you want.

2013 is hear always and it’s out with the old and in with the new.   It’s the time that we all make new year’s resolutions.  For some it’s to lose weight, get a new job or to meet someone new.

Online dating sites like  are always incredibly busy at the start of every new year.  We have so many new people signing up who would love to meet you.  There’s no better time than right now, so do make sure you have Premium or Premium Plus membership and take full advantage now.  All you need to do is write a great profile, add a nice photo or two and then start contacting the people you like the look of.

If you aren’t sure what to say then perhaps you can just wish them Happy New Year or ask if they had a good holiday.  It’s not so much about what you say, but about making a good first impression and contact.

We’ve got some big singles events planned and they are the perfect chance to meet other single professionals in a relaxed, fun environment.

This really is the peak dating period and it last right up until just after Valentine’s day.   So don’t put it off any further.   Put in a little effort now and you could soon be lining up dates for the upcoming year


Happy dating!

James Preece – The Dating Guru


Happy Festive Season

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

The team

wishes you a very happy Holidays



We hope you have a lovely break and enjoy the last few days of 2012.


James, Paul, Meera and Kuldeep




Christmas Dating Facts: Mistletoe

Monday, December 17th, 2012

Have you ever wondered why

we put up Mistletoe at Christmas?

Mistletoe is most often used as a Christmas decoration, although it’s only been common since the 18th CenturyIn ancient times the Druids believed that mistletoe would bring good luck and health which is why they put it up.

According to custom, the mistletoe must not touch the ground between it’s cutting and it’s removal as the last of Christmas greens at Candlemas.  It doesn’t necessarily need to be taken down and it can in fact remain hanging throughout the year.  This is to save  the house from lightning or fire, until it is replaced the following Christmas Eve.

According to ancient Christmas custom, a man and a woman who meet under a hanging of mistletoe are obliged to kiss to boost their chances of marriage.  The custom may be Scandinavian, but nobody knows for sure.

So remember to look out for some mistletoe while you are out and about over the festive season.  It might just boost your chances.  Just make sure you don’t eat it as it can be poisonous!

Happy dating!

James Preece  – The Dating Guru


Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

We’d like to wish all our members

a very Happy Halloween!


We hope it’s full of lots of treats and very few tricks.


James and Paul




Photos and Feedback from the Birthday Ball

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

Our birthday ball was our best ever

with over 260 guests


Thank you to everyone who helped make our 10th Birthday Ball such a huge success.  We had well over 260 guests booked up and an even mix of professional Hindu & Sikh men and women.

We ran double speed dating and played a new “London” themed Icebreaker.

Entertainment was provided by our amazing Lady Gaga tribute and Celebrity Magician Ravi Mayar who both proved to be extremely popular.  The canapes and food also went down extremely well.

We also had cupcakes provided by the Cupcake Cake, raising over £100 for charity.  We’ll be passing that on later this week.
We had a professional photographer in for the event and you can see the rest of her photos on our Facebook page.  If you see yourself, please do tag yourself in and LIKE it!

Facebook page HERE

There have already been some great feedback from the party:

“For my first time I really enjoyed the evening. It was nice to see lots of British Sikh and Hindu’s in the same place . I felt relaxed the whole evening and stayed till the end”

“Nice, good rooms and plenty of seating”

“Brilliant music and entertainment.  We love it – thank you!”

“Inclusion of canapes – Good value for money”

If you have your own please do remember to emails us so we can make our events even better in future.
Here to the next ten years!

James and Paul

Technical issue this morning

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

Sunday 22nd July 2012

Dear members

Last night there was a technical issue which caused parts of the database to fail.
This would have meant that those who tried to access their accounts this morning would not have been able to do so.

This issue is now resolved and we apologise for any inconvenience.

A minority of users may have lost some messages from late last night. We have taken a backup of these so if you need these please let us know. This is a bad time for us as we are on annual leave and I’ve just dropped my laptop! Worst possible time.

A few people have emailed because they are concerned about personal data. I just wish to confirm that credit card data is not stored anywhere on our systems.

I personally thank you for your patience and loyalty.


Paul Ergatoudis featured in Asian Woman Magazine

Monday, June 25th, 2012

Check out this month’s Asian Woman Magazine


Special tips for the 50th issue.

Asian Single Solution are featured in the latest edition of Asian Woman Magazine. The Dating Guru,  James Preece answers online dating problems and gives some extremely useful tips and advice on how to avoid online dating cliches.

Click Here for article

Basic User Permission Changes

Monday, May 21st, 2012

Today, we have made some changes to the Basic user Permissions.

We are proud of our database, which is both high quality and very active. In April 2012 our members generated 200,000 yes, that’s two hundred thousand interactions between profiles.

A Basic free profile is offered to anyone, so that they can properly evaluate the database of these members or attend events. So to enhance this opportunity, we have now made these features free to Basic users.

– View Photo Albums

– Advanced Searches

This will enable potential members to have a good look around the site before membership purchase, to check that we do indeed have lots of opportunities.

There is a little give and take.  We have made the following features available to paying members only.

– See who has viewed your profile

– See who has winked at you

– See who has added you to favourites

If you are just a basic user, consider that now is the best time to upgrade your membership and start sending out messages. Our database has never been busier and now offers more opportunities than ever.

A final note about Premium Plus

One final point about our PremiumPlus membership. If you do wish to engage with basic profiles, then we do have the “Reply Paid” message feature. This is available to PremiumPlus members. Reply Paid means anyone can read and reply even if they just have a basic profile.

Click Here to upgrade now.
Enjoy the site, and best of luck with your dating.

Be clear about your intentions

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

It’s so easy to get stuck in the friends zone

So here’s a quick tip to avoid it!


You find someone that you like and you ask them if they’d like to join you for a  drink/meal/night out one evening.  You are naturally excited about meeting up and wonder where it might lead.  You have a fantastic night and think that you’d quite like to see them again.  But they hit you with the big bombshell – they thought you were meeting as friends!
So why did this happen?

Well, chances are that you didn’t make it obvious enough that you were both going out on an actual date.   The other person didn’t know what was happening either, so in order to protect themselves from rejection they chose to assume it was a friends thing.

1)  Make sure you make it absolutely crystal clear that you are interested in them and that you’d like to go on a date.

2) Flirt and show them that you are interested.   Touch them on the arm every now and again and make sure you have lots and lots of eye contact.

3) Don’t talk about each others problems. That’s what friends do, not possible dating partners.

4) End the date with a kiss.  If you like them and you got on well, then by all means go in for a kiss.  This is a very clear signal that you aren’t just mates or there for a business meeting.

Good luck!


James Preece – The Dating Guru

New Web Server

Monday, March 12th, 2012

New Extra Hosting power

This morning the website was down for a few hours for planned maintenance.

Some of you may be wondering what we were up to. Well, we have upgraded our hosting solution. So we now have extra power to make run faster than before.


I’m sorry if you couldn’t get on the site this morning but hopefully you will now find the site works better than ever. Please do let us know if you experience any technical issues.

As at 10pm Monday, there appears to be an issue which is causing a slow response time in some cases. We have temporarily suspended the chat feature, to remove unnecessary loads from the server. We are checking this. Unfortunately, moving the sites to a new box can have a few issues. Hopefully, we will get these ironed out within the next few hours. Sorry for any inconvenience.



Paul and the team


Monday, February 20th, 2012

Do you know someone who is getting married?

Let them know about this amazing Wedding Site.

As the UK’s leading dating site for British Asian, many of our members end up getting married.   Even if you have no plans just yet, we all have friends and family looking for ideas to make their big day special.

So we have joined forces with – the home of the world’s most extravagant Asian weddings. presents the UK’s first fully loaded wedding website parading truly beautiful Asian weddings from the artistically innovative to the effortlessly beautiful. These are Asian Weddings like you’ve never seen them before! features real life weddings, bundles of inspiration and the finest suppliers around to help couples live out the wedding day they’ve been dreaming of since they were little.

Do take a look.  You might not need it now, but if you put some effort into dating you might do very soon!


James Preece – Dating Coach


Happy Christmas Season

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

Whatever you’ve got planned this holiday season, we hope you have fun.


Happy Christmas Season from the Asian Single Solution!

Thank you for all your support over the last year.  It’s thanks to you that we’ve grown even bigger and better and we’ll continue to do so in 2012.

In fact, our January events are already on sale so do book them.  Remember that the start of a new year is always the busiest time for dating, as people make resolutions to meet someone.

So take it easy and enjoy the break.   Make sure you wrap up warm as the snow will probably be here soon :)

Best Wishes,

James and Paul

Height – the long and short of it

Monday, November 28th, 2011

Height is often a very import factor in dating.

But does being taller really get more success?

I often see very tall women wearing high heels at singles parties, then complaining that the men are too short.  So for Asian men, it can be tough to find a match. I really don’t think that someones height should be an issue.  Do a few inches here or there make that much of a difference if you’ve got chemistry?  Of course, if you are a very tall women then you are going to find it more difficult to date if you are seeking someone significantly taller than you.

So why are taller men in such great demand and do the facts back it up?

There’s a thought process that taller men are perceived as more sexually attractive and likely to produce more children. Interestingly enough,  men seem to prefer shorter women.  Those under 5ft 3 are statistically more likely to be married than those of average height or more. So that’s why men and women haven’t evolved to be the same height.

A study this week showed that women who marry men of average height are more likely to have children.  This goes against all previously held beliefs and could perhaps dispel the myth that tall men are more likely to be better breeders.  The suggestion was that this could be that men of average height tend to get married sooner than others.  So the longer you’ve been married then the more chance of having kids.

It’s an interesting study.  What do you think about it all?  We’d like to hear your thoughts, so please do add a comment on this blog.

Good luck!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Happy Diwali!

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

The Asian Single Solution would like to wish all our members a Happy Diwali.

We wish you and your family a very happy Diwali & prosperous new year.

May all your wishes in love, wealth, health & happiness be fulfilled.

James and Paul

The Date Finder App?

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Mobile phones are becoming increasingly more powerful.

With power comes new ways to help you with dating.

The latest of these is a new app for the IPhone that helps you locate other singles in your area using the GPS tracker on your phone .  The idea is that you would have a dating profile (and photo), turn it on and then you could pinpoint any matches within walking distance. So rather than mess around with online dating, you would know who is single instantly and be able to go up and say hello there and then.

Do you think this is something that the Asian Single Solution should introduce?  Would you find it useful?

My own gut feeling is that this would rather take the fun and mystery out of dating.  After all, the fun is with the initial flirtation and the whole “getting to know each other” process before you meet.  That way you can get the build up, the butterflies and the anticipation – which help create the chemistry and attraction.  If you have to resort to an app then you’ll lose the mystery.  All you’ll be left with is random strangers trying to come and chat you up.  This might be good for some people, but if you don’t have the confidence to walk up and say hello in the first place then nothing is going to change that.  If you CAN talk to strangers, then you won’t need an app in the first place.

Here’ s a question I’d like your help with.  If you could have the PERFECT dating app on your phone, what features would you like it to have?  Would it be something to help you get more dates?  Or perhaps to improves the dates you already have?

Please post your thoughts and comments here please.

Happy dating!


James Preece – The Dating Guru

Would you like some free champagne?

Monday, September 5th, 2011

We’ve got some nice cold bottles waiting for some of you.


Read this to find out more

We love getting success stories and we get them each and every day.  We always post the best ones to our blog, along with our latest feedback.

Recently we’ve heard about lots of marriages through our site, so we are pretty sure there are even more that we’ve not been told about yet.

If you have your own success story, then please do tell us about it so we can share this with our other members. By telling your story you can give other dating members a welcome boost in their search and confirming to everyone that our service really does works!

If you give us a quote and email us over a photograph of the pair of you we’ll send you a bottle of champagne ( or a High Street gift voucher if you prefer)

To qualify, you will need to have been dating at least 2 months.

So get in touch now and share the love.


Happy dating,


James and Paul

Don’t give up!

Monday, August 1st, 2011

Have you had enough of dating?

Are you worried you might never meet someone?

Dating can sometimes be difficult and it even become frustrating if you aren’t getting want you want out of it.

My message to you is this:  Don’t throw in the towel yet!

Sometimes it might take 20  or 30 dates before you meet Mr or Miss Right,  or it might be very next person you go out with.   But what if they were number  31 and you gave up at 30?  You’d never know how close you might have come to meeting your dream partner.

Here’a an interesting comparison that I’ve been thinking about recently. Thomas Edison tried a 1000 ways to get a light bulb to work and all of them failed. Some didn’t work. Some just flashed and dies and some only lasted a few minutes. He made notes on every case. Eventually, he got one to work long enough that it would make sense to make it for sale to the public..

He didn’t see this as a thousand failures, but as a way of getting closer to the result he wanted.  His famous quote is:

“We now know a thousand ways not to build a light bulb.”

There’s a definite lesson to be learned here – for every date that doesn’t work out you are one step closer to the one that will!

Once you are in the right frame of mind for dating and take steps to get what you want then it WILL happen.

Just think what would have happened if Edison hadn’t invented the light bulb.  We’d be sitting here in the dark.

So don’t give up just yet. Put some effort into putting an effective plan together, attend some dating events and take full advantage of our online dating site.  The love of your life might just be a click away.

Good luck,


James Preece – The Dating Guru

Important: Remember our Dress Code

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

As a professional site, we have a strict dress code for the events.

Please take a moment to read our policy.

We have to enforce our dress code policy at all our events due a few members letting the side down.

Well it’s quite simple really.  Just wear something comfortable that is somewhere between smart, that you might wear to work or to a wedding, and casual pub gear.

The idea is to get noticed and so if you lean towards glamorous, that is fine too and  it’s unlikely that you can over dress as long as you feel comfortable.

We do insist that our guests don’t wear trainers, workboots, t-shirts or shorts.

Guide for Men

For men this might mean, cords, smart non-blue jeans or chinos and casual shirt with a collar but no tie. A jacket is a bonus and may help compensate for blue jeans. Shoe choice is important. Brogues, slip ons or off-black colours such as brown would be perfect but black is fine too. Big no-nos would be trainers, collarless t-shirts,  tracksuits. Anything with a slogan on would be considered too casual. Suit and tie is great if you feel comfortable, but the tie is probably not needed. To ensure you look like you made an effort all clothes should of course be clean and pressed.

Guide for Women

For ladies there is a little more flexibility as ladies have the option to wear less to look sexy, whereas for men, this just isn’t an option. For example if you have the figure for it you’ll look great in a cocktail dress and heels. Most people might opt for a more conservative look with Smart slacks or skirt and blouse. Non-blue jeans are fine but blue jeans are not ideal unless you offset with smart shoes and top. No-nos would be trainers, sports wear or baggy tops with slogans.

These rules apply for our singles parties but also are very important when going out on dates too.  Studies have shown that 70% of singles would chose not to see someone again if they dressed badly on a first date.

We hate turning guests away from events, especially once they’ve already booked and turned up at the venue. So make sure you follow the guidelines here.

These are also the conditions of many of our venues too, which might be smart bars, hotels or restaurants.

Happy dating

James and Paul

How many photos do you have?

Monday, May 9th, 2011

This is a common question I get asked.


Is it better to have one photo or several?

Some people like to add a vast selection of photos to their online dating profiles. They add action shots, photos of them on holiday, with their pets, swimming in lakes etc. This is all very well and good but you should keep one thought in mind every time you add one: Does it add value?

Each photo you upload will be judged carefully by the viewer. If it raises alarm bells for any reason whatsoever then they’ll quickly move on to the profile. However, if it’s an interesting shot it might serve as a fantastic excuse for them to contact you – an instant icebreaker.

My advice would be to stick to two or three images. One clear headshot ( no sunglasses or hats please!) and one full body shot. A third one can be a holiday or photo of you doing something out of the norm. If you only have one photo then viewer will wonder why that is and what you might be hiding.

I’d always advise you to rotate your main photo every two – three months. That way you might get a second chance if someone has overlooked you before. They’ll see a new image and assume it’s a new person, doubling your chances of hearing back from them. Don’t change it too often though, as it gets confusing for everyone.

Of course, if you do only have one photo then you need to make sure it’s THE best photo you have. The absolute biggest error is NO photo at all.

Happy dating!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Arrive on Time

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

We’ve noticed something that’s happening a lot at our events.

Guests are arriving well past the start time!

We’d really appreciate it if you could make the extra effort to arrive on time.  Otherwise it can ruin an otherwise fantastic party.

Perhaps you might be nervous about being the only one there. Many of our guests do turn up at the start, so you won’t be left on your own.  Once these people have chatted they are looking for the next people to talk to and if you aren’t there then they can’t use the icebreaking game or other activities.

If we are running speed dating at the event then we can only make it happen if enough people are interested.  It really is first come, first booked in – so if you are late you’ll miss out.

We’ve even heard about groups going off for a meal before attending an event. While it’s a good idea to eat before you come, make sure you have finished so you can arrive at the start time.

The worst situation is where the guests who have arrived on time assume nobody else is coming.  They’ll then leave early, just before other guests turn up.  The new guests then think the party is quiet!  So rememeber that if you arrive on time we’ll end up with a bigger, better party with a much better vibe.

As a guide, most week night parties start at 7pm and our Saturday night events begin at 7.30pm.

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Chat Attack

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Join us on Wednesday at 9pm for our next Chat-Attack

On a typical night we have 2000 users logging on but at different times. Hence there might only be 300 at one time, either using chat or ready to use chat.

Chat Online at

Meet up to 500 people online Wednesday 9pm

Sometimes it can be hard to find the people you want online. So, we thought that if we set a time for everyone to go online, then it would be like creating an amazing party. Well, almost! You can chat to up to two people at a time.

So, make sure you are logged in at 9pm Wednesdays.

If you are  a Premium Plus member you can request to chat with anyone. If you are a Premium member you can initiate a chat with other Premium or PremiumPlus members.

If you are basic user CLICK HERE to upgrade now. Or you can sit in the corner and hope someone finds you.

Why is it called Chat-Attack? Well mainly because it rhymes! Think of it as an ‘Attack’ on our servers. We’ve just put in masses of new memory and processing power, so we want to test it to the limit. ;-)

What is chat for? – Its important to realise that chat is really for fun online flirty entertainment purposes only. The chances that the love of your life will be online at the same time as you are generally slim. So don’t expect that! If it happens great, let us know.

See you online on Wednesday.


Paul Ergatoudis


N.B. Chat is still a bonus feature under test, so please don’t shout at us if it breaks!

Chat Feature Update

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Hi all,

Everything was working so well, I forgot to up date the blog.

We fixed our technical issues and added some extra memory and processor power to our servers. The site and chat feature is all now working brilliantly and super fast.

Log in now and have a play. You can see who is online when you do a search.

Dont forget to check out your new SmartMatches.


FootNote – Chat is just a bonus part of your membership as it’s still in beta testing.  That means its not part of our contract with you and could be removed or suspended in the future. We obviously hope this wont happen though!



Young, Single and Hindu/Sikh TV Show

Monday, March 21st, 2011

Are you under 30, Hindu or Sikh and looking for a partner?

An exciting new TV show is looking for you!

We’ve been approached by a television production company to help find people for a new television documentary.  If you’d like to be involved, please let us know asap.  This could be a great opportunity to meet someone amazing and will also be good publicity for the Asian Single Solution

About the Show

We are currently producing a new documentary series for BBC Three which will be exploring the subject of courtship and marriage amongst several different religions. The series will aim to give the audience an informed and educated insight into the traditions and values of each faith as well as observing and following a person on their quest to find their life-long partner. We also want to learn about the people who are involved in assisting young people and their families, when making this important decision.

Within the series, we will aim to give an understanding about the practices of each faith, as well as give a light-hearted and enlightening view of contemporary, multi-cultural British life.

We would like to make the series both accurate and balanced but through the views and experiences of people practicing Sikhism/Hinduism.

We are in the early stages of production currently. We have scheduled to start filming from May onwards. The entire filming process will continue over a period of 4 months, as we follow our main characters who will form the main aspect of the programme.

We would be keen to gain an insight into the current dating scene and the support that is being given to people within the Asian communities, specifically Hindu and Sikh communities.  We will of course be treating this extremely sensitively and in the manner that you will be happy.


If you’d like to find out more then please drop me an email to  [email protected]

I’ll then forward it to the production team.

Thanks for reading!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Successful Server Upgrade

Monday, March 14th, 2011

At 2pm  today, Tuesday 14th March,  our hosting company successfully upgraded our main server. This involved a short down time of about 20 minutes.

The sites should now be quicker during peak times, and you will now be able to better enjoy browsing the site and using our advanced features.

Please do feedback to us if you experience any issues.

Smart Matches

Sunday, March 13th, 2011

Dear users,

You may have noticed a new link called SmartMatches in our top navigation bar.

Using scientific analysis we are now able to offer you recommendations based on your activity and the activity of other users.

We can only make these suggestions if you are actually using the site. So click on the profiles you like, and send lots of messages and winks etc. By measuring which other people also like those profiles, we can identity profiles that you may have missed out on. We can also guide you to which profiles our members believe are similar to the profile you are viewing.
Why not jump into the site now, and have a play. If you are not getting any Smart Matches, then you just need to start using the site and in a few days your matches should appear.

Enjoy these features and let us know what you think.



Recent Technical Issue

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

About 7pm last night, 22nd Feb, our service was interrupted due to a major technical issue. The site has now been restored as at 11am on the 21st February so we have lost about a day of data.

We are in the process of manually restoring what we can in terms of memberships and event bookings.

Any messages sent since that time are now lost. Please resend any messages that you sent during this time. If you received a message you can check who it was from in the email notification so you can prompt them to resend if you wish.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. This matter was beyond our control.

We have taken all necessary steps to repair the issue to prevent it happening again. features on BBC Asian Networks

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011


Paul Ergatoudis from was a guest on the Nihal show today. 19th January 2011.

The discussion topic was about online dating sites.

We appear at approximately 1hr 17 into the show.  Also at approximately 1.34, 1.44 and 1.56.

You can listen to the full show Click Here

Making 2011 the year you find love

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

It’s a new year and your chance for a fresh start.


So what can you do to guarantee you find love at last?

Everyone makes new year’s resolutions, which is why January is traditionally the busiest month of the year when it comes to dating.

So if you want dating success you have to take your first steps now.  You don’t want to be single in a few months time wishing you’d taken the opportunity.

Here are our top five suggestions to make sure you make the most of your chances.  We advise you just to start with a couple to make sure you stick to them:

1) Work out what you want.  Who do you really really want to meet?  You need to be clear on this from outset or you’ll never know when you get them!

2) Team up with a friend.  Doing something with a friend boosts the chance of you making it work.  You can rely on each for support and spur each other on.  So find a single friend and attend some of our events together.

3) Stop making excuses.  We’d all like to have more time, more money and look better – but live for the moment. Be proud of who you are right now.

4) You don’t need to settle.  By all means give people a chance, but if you know someone is completely wrong for you then stop wasting their time.

5)  Keep up the momentum.  If you get good results you’ll stick to them, but if they don’t come quickly don’t be tempted to stop.   Like most things in life, you’ll get more out of dating if you put the work in!

Why not upgrade and sign up to some of our singles event to get the year off to a great start?

Remember, we are here to help you so let’s make a plan together and get you what you truly deserve at last.

Good luck!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Muslim Site Launches

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Today our new site for British Asian Muslim Professionals launched.

This will allow us to focus the marketing on getting more good calibre Muslim singles onto the site. This is better for all of our Muslim members.


If you are Muslim then this will affect your membership so please note the following.

1. All Muslim Profiles have been copied over to the new Muslim site.

2. Existing Muslim profiles on have been deactivated but are still on the system. We will delete those in a few weeks once the migration is complete.

3. When you log into you will receive a message that your profile has been moved and you will be redirected. All messages between you and other Muslim members have also been moved. Memberships and credits have been moved over.

4. If you need to access your account eg for messages, or have any other questions about the service, please contact support. [email protected]

5. We are running introductory offers of 50% off  memberships, so if you are Muslim, get onto the site now and upgrade whilst its cheap.

6. The site is new so we cannot guarantee that it will be free of errors. If you notice any error, please email us to [email protected]

Happy Diwali 2010

Monday, October 25th, 2010

We wish you a happy Diwali 2011

Happy Diwali

From all at The Asian Single Solution

Safety in Numbers

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Has anyone ever asked for you phone number and you really felt uneasy about it?

Well there is a simple solution, and its called a ‘Personal Number’.

Your phone number is precious

Here’s how it works.

When you apply you get given a new number beginning 07. Its set up so that any calls to that number are automatically re-directed to your mobile number. Hence you can receive calls but never have to give out your real number.

In the event that you keep getting unwanted calls, you can easily just terminate the re-direction and get  anew personal number.

Of course once you call the other person, you may give the game away so make sure you type 141 before you dial. Most mobiles also allow you to withhold your number.

If you would like to try this, email us with your mobile number [email protected] and we will set it up for you for free.  It will never cost you anything.

We have 10 numbers to start with, so if you;d like one get in touch ASAP.

For the person calling you its slightly more than calling a normal mobile number. Typical charge is 35ppm from a BT landline.

Will you be our eyes and ears?

Monday, September 6th, 2010

We have so many lovely members and want you to have fun meeting them.


However, every now and again we find someone not playing by the rules.

This is true on all dating sites and in every aspect of life, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take it seriously.

We really do have to rely on you, our customers, to let us know when someone isn’t behaving on the site.

You are our eyes and ears. While we can monitor messages on our site, it’s out of our hands once you decide to talk on the phone or go on dates.

As you are the ones dating, you are the ones who need to tip us off if you have a bad experience. We don’t tolerate rudeness or offensive behaviour from any of our members and we expect everyone to be respectful and considerate.

If you have a bad experience, please don’t let if put you off. There are 1000s and 1000s of decent people on our website and we’d hate you to miss out on meeting them.

Don’t judge them by the poor behaviour of one individual.

Every day we get wonderful feedbacks which show that our members are not only genuine but meeting partners through our website.

We are NOT a casual dating site, but one that helps bring people together for serious, quality relationships.

So please do let us know if you come across one rotten apple. If they have posted something inappropriate in their profile or aren’t what they seem in real life then we need to know about it. We’ll always suspend ( and ban if necessary) unsuitable people on our sites, especially if we have several complaints.

All you need to do is let us know!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

It has never been a better time to join us

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

We like to think that we are the leading British Asian dating service. Here is why.

We have grown over 400% since January 2009, now attracting 30,000 individuals to our website every month, making 90,000 visits.


What that means for you is that there has never been a better time to join to find your partner.

In August 2010 our clients viewed 1,331,744 pages, which I think is pretty phenominal. If you have a great profile, with a great photo, we are offering you the best chance of success. We wish to thank you and all of our clients for making the site so successful. Please continue to tell your friends about us as its word of mouth that counts.

If you want more stats, then consider that in August 2010 30,000 individuals used our site. Of those, nearly two thirds used it on 5 separate occasions in August 2010 alone. That means we have serious people looking for serious relationships.

We also continue to have a very even male:female ratio on the database. 51% male and 49% female. Measured as profiles that are visible on the site.

Why are you reading this? Get searching and contact people right now.

Paul and James and the team.

Help us raise £2000 for Pakistan

Monday, August 9th, 2010

Our Appeal has now Closed. Thank you to everyone who took party

Upgrade to 3 months Premium and we will donate 100% to the Pakistan Flood victims appeal.


We have reduced the 3 months Premium, from £30 to £25. We will also give 100% of this payment to the Flood appeal.

Its win win. You get to give to this Emergency appeal, and get your upgrade, and you get a small discount which you can lock into for as long as you keep your membership live. The target is £2000. We will end the appeal at midday Wednesday so act now.

Background information

Over 1,000 people are reported to have died with that number likely to rise as more information becomes available. About 2.5 million people are believed to have been affected by the floods which may worsen as further rain falls and water moves downstream. In the aftermath of the floods there is a serious risk to survivors from potentially deadly diseases which will spread as a result of contaminated surface and drinking water.

The Disaster Emergency Committee has opened the ‘DEC Pakistan Floods Appeal’ and special broadcasts will run from Thursday (05.08.10) on the BBC, ITV, Sky, Channel 4, Channel Five and independent radio stations.

The money raised will help fund the life saving work in Pakistan of the DEC’s Members and their partners.

The money raised will support the efforts in Pakistan of the DEC’s members which are the leading UK aid agencies.

When should I propose?

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

So you’ve been together a while and you want to settle down.  You’d love to get married but how long should wait to propose?


Wedding Ideas magazine recently ran a study to find out exactly how long people leave it to get engaged.

The results were very interesting. They showed that most couples will get engaged within two years of their first date. For the next three years after that  proposals are very rare.  Then they pick up again rapidly between five and ten years.

However, if you have to wait longer than that then chances are you’ll never get engaged.  Only  four per cent of couples will get married who have been together this long.

Interestingly, short “whirlwind” romances – where they had been together for six to eight months resulted in 6.8 of all engagements.

Rachel Morgan, the Editor of the magazine added this : ‘Couples tend to hold on until their incomes are secure before making an announcement”

These results seem to indicate that if you’ve been waiting over ten years then perhaps it’s time to move on if you aren’t happy.  Some men get comfortable with the way things are are don’t see the point in officially getting married.  After all, they’ve already got everything they want!  However, they might not realise you want to get hitched so maybe it’s time to drop some not so subtle hints!

The good news is that if you’ve been together for two years then the odds are you’ll be getting engaged soon!  If you do – and met through us – don’t forget to let us know!

Happy dating,

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Competition Blog Entry – Is Silence good or bad?

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Here is a “dating question” for our new “blog competition”


Dear Dating Guru,

When Dating, are Silent moments good or bad?



Dear N,

Dating is all about getting to know each other, building a connection, then attraction and beyond.   The majority of this is done through talking to one another – asking and answering questions.

If you are both sat there without saying anything then it can quickly become awkward.   This can stop the date from flowing and you’ll be unlikely to have a second.

For this reason, you have to have a wide range of “conversation starters” under your belt to keep up the momentum.  These don’t have to be too complicated, just discussions about family, holidays, ambitions, beliefs, funny anecdotes etc.   It’s easy to find topics to talk about – just pick up a paper and read the headlines if you get stuck.

However, silence isn’t always a bad thing.   There are times when you will need to sit back and enjoy each other’s company without saying a word.  This is a fantastic opportunity to process the date so far and really think about everything that’s been said.      It’s also a great chance for non-verbal communication.  You can look deep into their eyes or play with your hair in a flirty, fun manner.

The bottom line is :   Make sure you have plenty to talk about but you don’t need to fill in every silence just for the sake of it!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

If you have want to win a pair of tickets to our upcoming “Perfect Fashion Show” then read our blog to find out more.

Competition: Win Perfect Fashion Show VIP tickets!

Monday, June 7th, 2010

We have an amazing competition for you that we are only running for the next few days.


The Asian Single Solution is sponsoring the Perfect Asian Fashion Show on Sat 19th June.

We’ll be hosting a table at the event and have two pairs of PLATINUM VIP tickets worth £250 up for grabs.

The event will take place the Millennium Mayfair Hotel and will include a reception with canapes, a three course meal, fashion show and live entertainment from Navin Kundra and Angrej Ali.

To win your place you need to send us something for our blog.  This can be one of the following:

1) Your best dating tip

2) A short funny date story

3) A dating question for us to answer

Email them directly to :

[email protected]

The best blogs will be featured and the top two will win a pair of tickets.

Closing Date: Competition ends midday Friday 11th June, so write now!

For more details and standard tickets at £75 or £65 for Premium members, click here

James Preece – The Dating Guru

How to Work a Room

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

Any party or event is an amazing opportunity to meet new people but I know it can often seem a bit scary.

Some people find it really hard to do this so I’m going to give you some great tips to help.


Guests worry they will left on their own or even worse, they will get stuck chatting with the same group of people all night.

This doesn’t have to be the case at all. Keep in mind that people who attend these events are generally open to talking to you.

If they hated the idea of making new contacts they’d just stay at home wouldn’t they? It’s not like going up to a random person in a bar – you already have something common.This can be a mutual friend, hobby or just the very fact you all quite fancied the idea of coming along.

The very first thing you should do, once you’ve made your entrance and got yourself settled, is do a quick scan of the moment.  See who you might be interested in and who is already talking to who.    It will also help to make note of where the bar and toilets are so you make a hasty exit if it become necessary.

When you’ve got a drink, carry it in your left hand which will keep your right hand free for the initial handshake.  There’s nothing worse that offering a freezing hand or having to juggle your drinks.

Then all you have to do is go up to someone and say “Hello, I’m ———.  Is this your first time?”     The ice is quickly broken and you’ll have something to chat about.   Stay away from asking closed questions that only require a one or two word answer and don’t outstay your welcome.

Finally, try and speak to as many people as possible. Even if you aren’t attracted to them it’s always useful to introduce yourself.  You never know how they might be able to help you and it’s better to talk to “anyone” rather than look lost.   You’ll also be able to sneak yourself into any conversations they are having later!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

New Web Server

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

On 29th April 2010, our website received a major hardware update as we moved the website onto a new server.

This unfortunately required a few hours of down time.  If you tried to use the site during this time, we apologise for any inconvenience.

Hopefully you will see some improvement in the speed of the website. This will also enable us to add new features such as the live chat which will be launched shortly.

Do let us know if you experience any issues with the site, or if you have any other feedback.


Paul Ergatoudis


Asian Woman Magazine Partnership

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

We are delighted to announce that is now working in association with Asian Woman Magazine.

As part of this new partnership we will be sponsoring the AsianWoman Bachelor Hunt 2010


Asian Woman Magazine boasts a readership of over 100,000 per issue, making it the biggest Asian publication in the world.

The Asian Woman Bachelor of the Year is the annual spectacular of the year.


Selected from their  infamous Top 50 Bachelors and voted by you as well as an industry panel, the lucky Bachelor will be featured in AW Magazine and win some fantastic prizes.

If you’d like to nominate someone ( or even yourself) then click here to register:

Why you should always be proactive

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

We recently ran a survey on the Asian Single Solution website which asked the question:

“Do you message people first or wait for them to contact you?”


The results surprised us:

I contact them first –  55%
I wait for them to email me  –  45%

We’ve noticed that there that a few very proactive users on the website who contact a lot of people at once.
These members then think its great that they are getting messages, but don’t realise that these people are probably also in discussions with 20 – 30 others too!
So what usually happens is that they send a few messages back and forth but it never actually goes anywhere.  This can be confusing.

The problem is that because they are getting messages they forget to target the people they want.  They think that all they have to do is sit back and wait for people to contact them rather then doing anything themselves.
Just relying on these very proactive members  is not a good strategy!
Instead, always keep in mind that even the very best profiles with the best photos have to keep working at it. There are so many singles on the database that it’s only the ones who make a real effort that will get the results they deserve.  After all, if you wanted anything else in life – such as a job , a car or a holiday – you would do something to make it happen wouldn’t you?  So why should your love life be any different?

So do make sure you always make the first move and contact as many people you like.

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Interesting Dating Statistics

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Here are some very interesting dating facts you might enjoy.


Did you know:

1) In the Uk, over 15 million people are estimated to be single.

2) Just over half of them are actively looking for a long term relationship.

3) 75% of these people have not had a relationship for over 18 months.

4) The average number of dates each of them will have in one year is just four.

5) Amazingly, 1 in 4 people don’t brush their teeth before going out on a date.

6) Just over 43% of people Google their date before they meet up with them for the first time.

7) The place with the highest percentage of single people in the UK is Lambeth in South London.

8 ) Over 4.9 million people in the UK have visited a dating website in the past year.

9) One in three admits to lying on their online dating profile.

10) One in five married couples aged between 19 and 25 met online.

11) British men are the least confident in Europe.

12) 88% of women don’t mind a bald man.

13) 3% of people who want a serious relationship will send a text immediately after a first date.

14) One in five people end up marrying someone they work with.

15) However, over half of all workplace relationships are over within six months.

16) Men spend up to ten times as much buying drinks and meals for potential partners than women. However women match the cash spent dating, as a result of the amount they invest in preparation before a date.

17) The most popular day of the week for a first date is a Saturday.

18) According to one reports, people spend an average of £38 a year on lucky pants!

19) A whopping 8 Billion Pounds is spent on Dating in Britain every year.

20) A date in London will cost twice the amount of anywhere else in the UK.

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Ten of the best dating headlines

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

We all know that a good headline will get your better dating results.  We’ve put together a list of the ten best openers we’ve heard so you can get an idea of what to write yourself.


1) Is this Ebay?  I’m up for auction – highest bidders only!

2) New girl on the block needs a tour guide

3) Can I ask you for directions?

4) Fabulous people deserve to be together, don’t you think?

5) Towns yet to be visited, friends in need yet to be discovered, battles yet to be fought…

6) I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist!

7) 94.5% of all statistics are fabricated

8)  This is really just shopping for guys – two of my favourite things combined!

9) Experimental cook needs food taster

10) Where’s “Clever Opening Lines for Dummies” When You Need It?

Do leave a comment with the best opening line you’ve seen as we are collecting the best ones.

James Preece – The Dating Guru

How to make the most of Premium Plus

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

In today’s blog I’m going to be writing about our Premium Plus Membership to make sure you are taking full advantage of it.


There are two options that you get when you decide to upgrade on our site. The first is Premium Membership, which means you can contact anyone you wish, read messages and get huge discounts off most of our events.

The second option, for the more results orientated dater is our Premium Plus membership.  This is our best selling membership as it offers the best value and the biggest returns.

The trouble with most dating sites that is you never know if the person you are contacting is a paid up member.  If they aren’t ( and don’t have any credits) then they won’t be able to read or reply to your message. Premium Plus gets round this frustrating problem and keeps you totally in control.

The other big advantage is that most people are just Premium members, so you’ll have an huge advantage on them.  You’ll get more replies if you use it properly.

However, some it seems that some Premium Plus members aren’t remembering to “send a free credit” when first contacting someome.  So, we just wanted to remind you that the option is there when you go to send a message.

There’s also another bonus feature that you can use too.  If a member has added their mobile phone number to the site then you’ll also see a button to send them a text.  This will instantly alert them to the fact that you’ve contact them. It’s completely free to use and well worth using it!

Finally, do make sure you follow our basic tips when you send messages.  They are:

1) Have a great photo

2) Have a fantastic profile

3) Write an intriguing, carefully crafted email to each person

4) Keep at it!

If you need any help then get in touch.
Happy dating,

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Have you ever fibbed on your profile?

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

We often hear the myth about how the online dating world is full of liars, each trying to make themselves sound better than then really are.  However, this certainly isn’t the case at all. According to a new survey by Kansas university, researchers have found that most people are honest, especially the confident ones.


The study also showed that both men and women were equal in terms of the few who did tell fibs.  Men lied about sexual partners  and women lied about their weight.

According to the study,  members  of the online dating site were no more or less likely to lie about themselves than people who find dates the old fashioned way through work, recreation or via friends.

If someone is confident and sucessful then they don’t need to make things up.  It was only the people who were unhappy about their life choices who steered away from the truth.

5000 internet daters were apparently interviewed for this research…..but that could have been a lie.

Eli Finkel,  associate professor of social psychology at Northwestern University , said the study results came as little surprise:

“These findings lend empirical validation to my longstanding assumption that the typical person using modern dating approaches doesn’t differ much from the typical person using traditional dating approaches,” he said.

“There was probably a time when people using dating services were different in important ways from the general dating population,” added Finkel, “but that seems to be less and less true as modern dating approaches become increasingly popular. Online daters, speed-daters, and the like seem to be just like the rest of us in most ways. That this intuition extends to truth-telling among online daters is important validation of that general point.”

From our own experience, the biggest lie people seem to tell is about age.  It can seem easy to shave a year or two off in the hope of netting someone more useful.  Just remember that one day you’ll have to admit the truth and it could instantly ruin any trust you’ve built.  It’s better to be honest from the outset so you don’t need to keep worrying about being found out.

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Will love happen when I stop trying?

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

There’s a well known saying that you’ll find love when you stop trying and don’t expect it.   People say that if you just forget about finding someone then they’ll find you anyway.


So should you stop looking?

My advice is absolutely not!  While I do believe it’s true to a certain extent, it’s also a fantastic excuse to do refuse responsibility.  If you are a happy, positive frame of mind and ready for love then it will come your way. The big secret is that you do have to give it a helping hand.

If you want to get something in life, whether it’s love, money, a new job or even a holiday then you need to take action.   For example, if you’d like a new job then you’d polish up your CV, send it out to prospective employees and attend some interviews.   You just wouldn’t sit back, do nothing and wait for one to find you.  Event if one magically does then you can guarantee it won’t be the best one you could possibly dream of.

So what should you do?  Well as well as the obvious things like going out on dates, why not try and do more for yourself.   Use your spare time to go out and get a new haircut, hit the gym or buy some new outfits.  Take the chance to sign up to learn some new skills, such as dancing or cooking. They will all help you feel and look amazing, which will therefore make it easier to meet someone wonderful.  If you enjoy your life and enjoy being who are then others will naturally want to share it with you.

The bottom line is this: Love will find you in the end but you need to help it along the way by being open and ready for it!

Good luck,

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Guest blog: How to dress to be your most attractive and fabulous self!

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Hi! Let me introduce myself……I’m Louise Gillespie-Smith and I have been a personal stylist for just over 6 years, my company is called Create Yourself. The main thing I love about my job is helping people accept themselves for who they are and to really make the most of themselves through how they dress, plus of course I really love the shopping! I often get asked about what is best to wear when going on first dates so James has invited me to write you all a little something to help you really knock your date’s socks off!!


Following are my top 5 tips on how to look your most attractive and most fabulous:

1)      Take some time to prepare: If you want to be looking your best pamper yourself a bit before the date, make sure you smell nice, enjoy the process of getting ready and get a good night’s sleep beforehand to ensure you are not turning up hung-over and yawning to death. Men make sure you have cleaned your teeth…..I know I don’t need to say this to women as they know the importance of not showing up with bad breath!!

2)      Be yourself: With studies showing that image and body language is 55% of what matters most in first impressions it is really important to be feeling comfortable in what you are wearing, confident that you look your best and that you are conveying the real you. Until we really know someone we can only judge them by how they come across and a big part of that is through their image. There is no point trying to be something you are not, if they don’t like you for who you really are then they are not worth it anyway! There are all sorts of ways of doing this by using colours, styles, accessories and make up. Have a think about your key personality traits that you would like someone to know about you and then take some time to consider how you can express this through what you wear.

3) Make an effort but don’t go over the top: You need to get the balance between making an effort and feeling comfortable. It’s important to feel comfortable so you are not distracted by hurting feet, pulling skirts or tops down but at the same time you want to look like you have made an effort, heels are always a winner for dates as they lengthen and slim your figure, plus wearing them gives you that extra boost of confidence and sexiness. However don’t go for totally over the top ones that will cripple you in seconds.  If heels just are not you though then don’t wear them, the most important thing as I said above is to be yourself.

4) Wear the right colours: The right colours, especially close to your face can really make you look vibrant, healthy and even younger! The wrong colours can drain you, make you look ill and highlight any redness or lines on the face. The most flattering colours for you share the same characteristics as your own natural colouring so for example if you have dark hair then deep colours will suit you more than very pale ones. Or if you have a golden undertone to your skin then colours with a yellow base will look fantastic where as blue based colours will drain the warmth away from you.

5)      Enhance your best bits: take some time to consider what your best bits are for example are they your; eyes, your bust, your bum, your legs, your stomach etc? Then think how you can show that off. It’s a waste of time and energy worrying about the bit’s you don’t like (plus it won’t make you feel very good about yourself) instead focus on how to enhance the great bits about you.

Please do feel free to email me if you have any specific questions about what to wear or what not to!! [email protected]

Yet another Single Solution Wedding

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

We get success stories every single day, but thought we’d share this one with you:

“I have tried various methods in the past to meet my future partner, such as speed dating and other matrimonial websites, but unfortunately was not happy with the quality of people and the service provided.

I was recommended your site by a friend of mine so I  thought I would give this a chance. I registered myself with single solutions and at the same time booked myself on a “Casino Event”. I thought this would be a great way to meet people and expand my social network. I am very pleased that I decided to try this avenue as I met my future partner at this event. We are now engaged and due to get married in August!

I definitely encourage others to attend such events as it is a unique way of meeting like minded professionals. The casino event was fun and well organised. There was no more than 30 people at this event which mean’t I had a chance to interact with everyone in the room. I sure did get my moneys worth!

Thank you once again for your excellent services”
We wish them every happiness.   There’s another Casino party fast approaching so do book up for that – perhaps you’ll be lucky!
James and Paul

Social Networking Flirting: Is it cheating?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

With the popularity of online social websites such as Facebook, Myspace and Twitter, flirting can take on a whole new dimension.  They offer exciting new opportunities to meet new partners and chat up new love interests. I’m going to write an article soon about how to flirt and meet new people via these avenues, but for now I’m going to talk about online fidelity.

Just this week,  married celebrities like Vernon Kay and Ashley Cole have been caught “virtually cheating” online with other women. They’ve texted sexual images back and forth, thinking it to be safe ground.

If you are seeing someone, what are the rules when it comes to using these sites?  Is it ever ok to flirt with complete strangers you’ll never meet, or add your exes?

Social networking sites can be addictive, especially if you’ve got something lacking in the real world.  It’s easy to get caught up in the fantasy environment and flirt with exes or new people. It feels completely safe and something nobody every need know about. People love an ego boost, so if a hot girl or guy tries to get in touch it can be very tempting to continue.  It connects you to those you otherwise wouldn’t meet or renew friendships with people you weren’t too concerned about.

The thing is, many people still see it as  cheating, even if it’s just emotionally. Instead on focussing on your relationship and making your partner happy, you are giving attention and energy to other people instead.

J.M. Kearns, author of ‘Better Love Next Time says: ” “Social Networking sites are a neutral tool that can be used for innocent or guilty purposes. If they are  talking to an ex through the public forums, they may just be keeping in touch.” But if they are only using the site’s private forums, that could be a different story.  If this is becoming an issue then you need to start setting the boundaries.”

I’d advise that you if you find yourself entering risky territory then take a step back.  If you are in a relationship then it’s never ok to take things beyond friendship with anyone else.  How would you feel if you found out your partner was doing it?  If you have to can’t stop then you need to work out what’s missing from your relationship.

Of course, if you are single then flirt away!

James Preece – The Dating Guru

Valentine’s parties – did Cupid find you?

Monday, February 15th, 2010

Once again we had our biggest and best parties of the year for Valentine’s day.

We had two Hindu & Sikh parties-  the London one at the Abbey and the Birmingham party at the Pitcher and Piano.

At The Abbey we had a complete sell out with over 220 guests.  The icebreaker got everyone mingling and the evening was soon in full swing.

Later in the evening, we had our new DJ who got the dancefloor jumping and the tunes flowing.

We saw quite a few matches at the parties so if Cupid sent you a little arrow we’d love to hear all about it!

The year has only just started and we’ve got many more exciting events lined up and are planning some very special evenings for you.

James – The Dating Guru

James Preece in Scarlet Magazine

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

I’m very excited to tell you all that I’m featured as the guest “Agony Uncle” for the current issue of Scarlet Magazine.

For this article, I joined resident experts Pam Spurr and Flic Everett to help with reader’s dating problems.


Scarlet is available from all good newsagents including WHSmith.

If you have any dating dilemmas or need any advice then email me and I’ll try and help. You can reach me at [email protected]

James Preece – The Dating Coach for

How to “break the ice”

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Just because it’s snowing doesn’t mean you can’t keep dating.  There are many things you can do outside that will help make an entertaining and unforgettable date.  Not only with they get your adrenalin going and raise your temperature but they won’t cost you much either. I’ve put together a few ideas for some brilliant dates in the snow. Just remember to warn your date to wrap up warm!


Snowman Building:   Very simple but very entertaining. Bring along a few buttons, carrots and bbq brickettes. By building a snowman together you’ll both bond quickly.

Snow Paint:  This is great fun. Mix some food colouring with water and put it in a spray bottle. You can then take turns to squirt it on the snow and create works of art.

Sledging:  Not just for kids. You can either buy one for about £10 or make your own from a piece of wood or cardboard.

Snow Golf:  You just need a couple of golf balls for this one.  Dig some holes in the snow and take turns trying to get the balls into them. You could even bury some empty tin cans to make the holes even better.

Snowball fights aren’t an especially good idea for a first date, but if you already know them they can be quite flirtatious if done playfully.

Finally, make sure you’ve researched a warm pub or restaurant you can go on to afterwards to thaw out – ideally somewhere with a roaring fire!

James Preece  Dating Coach for

Redheads discriminated against

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

A newspaper advert for the TV show “Dating in the Dark” has been banned after it suggested that ginger haired people were unattractive.

The advert featured the slogan, “How do you spot a ginger in the dark?”

The show worked by getting singletons to have several dates together in complete darkness so they had no idea what each the other looked like.

marcia_cross_red_hairThis wasn’t the first time the series had used risque slogans.  It had previously used the phrase: “When the lights come on I just hope I haven’t been kissing Shrek.”

The makers of the show, Virgin Media, treid to justify this by saying that the show was just an experiment to find out if people could be influenced by personality rather than by looks alone.

However the Advertising Standards Authority upheld several complaints  that the ad was likely to cause offence and should not be repeated..

“We considered the text was likely to be interpreted … as a statement that reflected a choice between looks and personality … being a suggestion that people with ginger hair were unattractive,” the ASA said.
James Preece

Dating Coach for

Why our parties are special

Monday, November 30th, 2009

We have run hundreds of singles events but it’s a very hard thing to do and it’s a unique skill.  However, sometimes people think it’s easy to run a singles events company.. Just get a venue, round up some guests, charge them to come and you’ll be rich in no time. But the reality is it’s just not that simple. We see new singles events companies come and go every single week. Their first party might work because they’ve got all their friends to attend but what happens for the next one?

Most of the large online dating sites have tried events at some point. used to run Matchlive events and even Dating Direct attempted to run their own events. However, even with their large singles databases they just couldn’t get them to work. In fact, Dating Direct once bought Chemistry who were known for their large mass market events.  But they soon stopped as they keep up the momentum. This is for the simple reason that it’s a very difficult thing to do and they aren’t all that profitable!


If you don’t get the right venues, ratios, staff and activities then you are just asking for trouble. Then you’ve got things like minimum spends and advertising to consider. That’s why we are so proud to be in our 8th year of operation. We’ve worked extremely hard to make sure that we get the formula right and that’s why they are so popular. We continue to reinvent ourselves and try new things out.  In 2009 we’ve had new events such as Casino parties, Wine Tastings, Theatre and Comedy Trips, Manhunts and 2010 will see even more exciting new developments. They aren’t always perfect but that’s the nature of dating. We can control everything except the people who attend.

That’s where we need your help. It’s only by you telling your friends about us that we can continue to grow and get even better. So please, spread the word and we promise to try even harder!

James Preece

Dating Expert for

Muslim Dating UK

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Meeting a British Muslim Partner

The Muslim culture is rife with longstanding and ancient traditions including Muslim Dating etiquette. Meeting a potential mate and marrying them is no exception! For centuries, Muslim singles  were introduced mainly through family connections. Arranged marriages where the bride and groom did not even meet each other until the day of the marriage ceremony, were quite common.

Muslim Dating in the UK

These days, in a Western country like the United Kingdom, times have changed for young Muslim people, but the ancient ideals remain a constant obstacle. How is one to meet and spend time with a special person they might potentially spend the rest of their lives with if their parents disapprove and even the word “dating” is frowned upon?

Muslim Singles in the UK have more options now than ever before, but must still be careful to tread lightly so as not to confuse or upset their older family members. The main fear of these older and more conservative Muslims is that “dating” will not lead to wholesome time spent for their young family member with their future husband or wife, but rather to casual sex and the more disposable relationships that have become more common in the Western hemisphere for young adults. Since extramarital sex is completely off limits for the Muslim faith, Muslims are faced with a quandary if they want to spend some time with someone before taking their marriage vows. Here are some ways to meet a British Muslim partner.

Muslim Symbolism

Muslim Symbolism

Organised Muslim Dating Events organise events for Muslim singles to meet each other through networking and speed dating. The events are aimed at those of South Asian descent, eg Pakistan, India, Bangladesh. These events are currently arranged in London and typically attract 30 to 40 professionals. The events are quite informal, and relaxed and yet there is a high standard of etiquette ensuring guests are respected throughout. They present an excellent way to meet a number of people quickly in a convenient and appropriate setting such as a cafe or restaurant where alcohol is typically not served.

Chaperoned Dating

Another way for Muslims to meet and interact with each other is through chaperoned dating. This allows a couple to spend time together in an approved forum without the temptation of attraction and privacy to make them compromise their values. The man and woman would be able to sit together in a semi-private area of the home or meet in a public place and talk and learn more about each other. Chaperones (preferably not their parents) would be nearby to dissuade them from getting intimate.

Congregational Outreach
More and more Muslim communities are starting to understand the importance of young Muslims getting to know each other before signing on to a lifelong commitment of marriage. Therefore, even churches are getting on board with planning events that have a strong religious connection while also allowing Muslims to interact and mingle with each other. Socials, Koran studies, and community service projects gather young Muslims together in a fun and wholesome environment to reach a common goal, which helps build teamwork for potential mates as well. Although most Muslim women have never even seen the inside of a mosque, that practice is changing slowly but surely and events are being held at the mosque more and more often.

It’s not easy to keep sacred strong religious values in such a modern and changing world. However, these ideas, coupled with the ever growing Muslim acceptance, will hopefully aid young Muslims in finding Mr. and Mrs. Right.

Sikh Dating

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Sikhs are diligent in their spirituality and loyalty to God. The compassion Sikhs demonstrate in their worship is directly related to their love lives. Sikh teens are becoming more and more frivolous in terms of dating and romance, but still adhere to the most respected rules of Sikhism if they choose to remain active in their faith. Romantic relationships are not prohibited in the faith of the Sikh, though the meaning of such a relationship is far different from that of many Western religions.

Sikh Dating Events

Dating events in the UK are organised by Events are held in London and Birmingham and may be combined with Hindu events for convenience and to ensure greater numbers.  Sikhs are sometimes open to meeting single Hindus. Events will always include opportunities to meet other Sikh professionals, through ice breaking activities, hosting and Sikh speed dating.

Sikh Dating Relationships

Sikh Khanda

Sikh Khanda

Sikhs must maintain a devotion to God that prohibits romance above spirituality. Many couples who date become so completely engrossed in one another that they do not give proper attention to spirituality and worship. The Sikh dating relationship must be one that does not take away from the compassion they hold for their God. Romances are often undertaken in a Sikh culture to create a partnership working to promote spirituality and faith. While younger Sikhs may engage in flirtatious relationships that often lead to commitments for a period of time, no life bond is entered into without serious considerations of its impact on spirituality.

Sikh dating in the United Kingdom has evolved to compensate for all levels of spirituality and a Sikh’s desires in a partner. Websites and dating services bringing Sikhs together have options to accommodate those that are uncomfortable meeting in person on short notice, as well as participants who are eager to jump right in. Gatherings for UK Sikh singles have become extremely popular. This enables Sikh professionals to meet and engage with someone they’ve meet through a convenient and organised channel.

One large aspect of Sikhism that affects dating relations Sikhs is the belief that a Master Plan will be taking place. There is nothing to be gained by exerting all of one’s energy into a dating relationship when the gurus have stated the partner will be established in a larger Master Plan. As the Sikh youth has been raised with this set of beliefs, Sikh youth in the United Kingdom will be focused on dating only other Sikhs or those who will eventually choose the path to Sikhism. Dating someone outside this school of spirituality will only detract from the overall benefit of the belief-system itself.

Sikhs may dabble in dating singles from other religions or sects, but will not marry too far outside their beliefs. It is not uncommon for Sikhs to hide relationships from their parents as youths, since the concept is considered a detraction from their whole as a spiritual being. Males who are revealed to their parents as active in the dating scene face a far less criticism than their female counterparts. Whereas a male may simply be teased or joked with by his parents, a female who is exposed as actively dating will more often be looked down upon as a disappointment and weak of faith. This stigma is largely why Sikh youth in the UK will seek each other out in organized activities. Meeting people of the opposite sex in an environment that promotes civilized courtship is not likely to be frowned upon by elders and parents.

Though Sikhs will, when responsibly courting other Sikhs, put their religion before any feelings of love that may surface, it is not unlikely that a Sikh will enjoy a loveless marriage. Often, two people who have established the same life goals on a plane as relevant as spirituality will be able to bask in each other’s admiration for the beliefs they share.

Hindu Dating Trends in the UK

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Historically, Hindu singles met in Hindu society through introductions from their parents or other family members. In most cases, by the time the couple met up, there were already matrimonial negotiations going on between the parents!

Hindu singles who have grown up in the UK, take a more modern approach, and may reject the old ways. They may find the old methods of introductions  embarrassing or too restrictive. Having been exposed to the ways their friends date, many Hindus want to meet different people and “fall in love” the British way. However, at the same time, they may still be interested in meeting people from their own culture.  This can prove challenging as it would be for any minority group in the population.

The Hindu Symbol Aum

The Hindu Symbol Aum

This fact has been the main factor in the rapid growth in popularity of online dating services and organised dating events catering to Hindu Asians and other Asian groups in the UK .

Dating events and online dating allows Hindus to meet other like minded single people who share the same faith.

Hindu Social Events

Big events are a popular way for Hindus to meet. These events are run by and are held in UK Cities such as London and  Birmingham. London events are usually large parties of 100 to 200 people, whereas due to the smaller population, Birmingham events may typically be 50 to 60 people. Guests come for the express purpose of meeting others for dating purposes, although another key objective may be to have a good night out and  make new friends.  These events are arranged on the internet website where guests can book tickets and communicate with other attendees. They generally are organized according to religion, i.e. there might be a “Hindu + Sikh” event, and also age, i.e., for ages 22 to 36.

The event may start with a mixer and social drinking, and then get down to business with speed dating. Other events may have games, or there may be dancing or a formal ball.

Hindu Speed Dating

One of the big trends these days, is Hindu speed dating.  Up to 40 singles or more may meet for a speed dating event in which one takes part in a number of mini-dates of short duration. Usually each date will last between two to six minutes. These short encounters all taking place in the same day allow guests to briefly get to know the other person and see if any sparks fly. No one is committed to any other person on the date, but those who hit if off can pursue things further.

Speed dating provides a fun, and safe way of meeting lots of new people quickly. In this case, everyone will share the same Hindu religion. The group setting helps people overcome shyness that can ruin a normal blind date. Also some screening can take place before hand to make sure everyone is of a similar age and professional or economic status. Many people find this is far superior to approaching someone cold in a dance club or bar. Sometimes events may include an element of speed dating.

Organised dating events from cater specifically to single Asian professionals.

Hindu Online Dating

Online dating websites allow users to search for people who match their requirements in terms of interests, job type, income, education, height etc. Users can set these criteria to be very specific or broad. What makes online dating so popular is that users can browse the website and contact other people in their own spare and from the safety, convenience and security of their own homes, or office. By browsing through the profiles of other members on these sites, you get a lot of choices of pictures and personal information from the profiles. Once you have created a short list of candidates, then you can decide on you would like to meet on a more personal basis.

At first, this might consist of only online chat or a brief exchange of emails. The next step is usually to have a brief chat on the phone. If all feels right a date can be set up and who knows where it might go from there!

Why not book some events or sign up now for our Hindu dating service. Register on the left.

New Search Options

Monday, October 5th, 2009

We have added three new ways for you to mix up your search results.

Searches have always been ordered by last logged in, which is a logical method. This means the users who are most active will always be at the top. The obvious issue is that with thousands of people logging in regularly, profiles can very quickly slip down the results. Go on holiday for a week, and your profile may be so far down the list that you’d need a spade to find it.

search options

Once results are displayed you can rearrange the results.

  • Last logged in (default)
  • I feel lucky (random)
  • Distance from you
  • Age

You then have the option to sort by Ascending or Descending. Ascending is the default and means, most recently logged in, closest to you, youngest first


Go to Search Profiles now

Can you ever get easy Sex?

Monday, August 24th, 2009

In the current time poor society, is there a place for casual dating? With the massive influx and growth of casual dating sites such as temptation is certainly out there.

Girl undressing

Girl undressing

So where have these sites come from? Online dating has now been around for about 10 years, and is perhaps now, one of the most popular ways to find a date. There is still some stigma around organised dating but that is definitely fading and most single people will have registered on at least one dating site. It was probably inevitable, that as the next step adult dating sites would slip into the mainstream. These are sites for people to meet, who are primarily looking for casual encounters, or no strings fun. They are used by single people looking for a simple encounter without the palaver, or indeed expense of proper dating, and also by married people looking to have an affair or to spice up their relationships.

There is a risk of using these sites of course. What kind of people will you meet? Are they genuine? The real downside is perhaps that these sites create an additional catalyst for relationship breakdown. There isn’t even a pretence that a married person is pretending to be single, these sites just allow people to tell it like it is.

Our research into one of the leading Adult sites, has revealed that most people on these sites are actually single, and just looking for a bit of fun. As long as you are aware of the risks, and are not going to regret anything, then there is probably no harm in getting online, and you never know where it might lead. Maybe its time to fulfil those fantasies without the ties of a relationship.

How to break up without breaking down

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Not every relationship is going to work out and it can be really hard when you split up. Here are some top tips to help you cope:

1) Surround yourself with people who care about you. A break up can be like a bereavement so you need to with friends and family through the difficult time. They will make sure you keep eating and stay healthy.

2) You are entitled to be upset for a while. It’s part of the moving on process so allow yourself the chance to be sad. You’ll get bored of being miserable before you know it.

3)Time heals all wounds and gives you a chance to put things into perspective. You’ll eventually meet someone even better even though it doesn’t feel like it at the moment.

4)Don’t do stupid things to make your ex jealous or try to get revenge. This only makes you feel better in the short term and can make things much worse.

5)Don’t beat yourself up and go over and over why it didn’t work out. Just because it didn’t work out doesn’t mean that you did something wrong or were wrong to put your trust in the relationship.

6) Look back on the good times – it’s your experiences that make you the person you are.

7) Put your energy into the things that make you happy. Focus on going to the gym etc. If you stay busy and concentrate on other things this will take your mind off the breakup.

8) Even if you agree to be friends, agree to cut off all contact for at least a month. This will help the healing process.

9) Make a box of all the gifts, letters and photographs you have and give them to someone to keep safe. This stops you moping over them. You don’t need to throw them out.

10) Once you have had time for the intial shock, get yourself back into the dating game and you’ll soon be
enjoying the chance to be single again. Try one of our singles parties. This will boost your confidence and show you that others are interested in you.

James Preece Dating And Relationship Expert for

Single Solution loves Loose Women

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

The Single Solution were very proud to sponsor the send-off for “Loose Women’s” Jackie Brambles at Zebrano Bar last Monday, 3rd August.

After a successful 3 year stint on the popular and award-winning daytime programme Jackie is moving on to new projects. We had an amazing party, with a huge celebrity turnout including Lulu, Zoe Salmon, Pooja Shah and Dr Fox. Roachford sang live and everyone carried on partying until the early ours of the morning.

This was also great exposure for the Single Solution as it increased brand awareness and got our name into many newspapers.

The Love Bus Rides Again

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

The Asian Single Solution Love Bus made it’s triumphant return to the streets of London on Thursday 23rd July.

Following on from successful trip in February , our new improved “open top” London Love Bus spent the day travelling around the City and the West End, letting everyone know about our amazing singles parties and online dating. To make sure nobody could miss us, we hired a 17 piece brass band to serenade the crowds with Love songs. Everyone had great fun and we gave out 100s of flyers and goody bags.

We’ve had a great response to our promotion which will attract many new members to our site.

Bhangra Party

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

Thank you to everyone that came to our Hindu & Sikh “Bhangra” Singles party at the Cuban Bar. We had over 150 guests who took part. For this party, we had DJ Precious who really made sure he got everyone dancing once the speed dating had finished.

We’re delighted to say that he’ll be back at some of our upcoming parties so do watch the website!
We’ve also had some great feedback as you’ll see below.

“Thanks for a great DJ – the speed dating part was great fun!”

“One of the best nights I have ever been to!”

“Really enjoyed the DJ and your staff were great!”

We took a few photos that we though you might enjoy.

Rules for a Great Date

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

We’ve put together some useful tips on having a great date that we thought you might find useful:

1) Be kind and considerate. Observe good manners and treat your date as you’d wish to be treated yourself.

2) Be generous. For the best outcome, men should always offer to pay but women should not take advantage of this and over the period of several dates then the women should take their turn.

3) Take an interest, make sure you a good listener. People love it when you pay attention to them and they’ll instinctively like you a lot more.

4) Use Body Language to your advantage– be flirty, smile and pay attention to the signals they are giving off too.

5) Be honest about your intentions and don’t play games. Follow up afterwards, even if you aren’t interested.

6) Do something around an activity, so the focus isn’t just on you. Make sure it’s something where you can both still talk and get to know each other.

7) Dress up, take pride in your appearance. Brush your hair, floss your teeth and make sure you smell nice. Remember you want to present the best version of yourself possible so do make the effort.

8 ) Don’t talk about exes or competition for your dates. Focus on making them feel special instead.

9) Have several talking points pre-prepared. This will make you seem interesting and helps fill any awkward silences

10) Pay a compliment to your date, but don’t go overboard.

11) Wear nice underwear. Even if you aren’t intending to have sex, it will make you feel sexier and more confident.

James Preece & Paul Ergatoudis, Dating Experts for the Single Solution

Birmingham Asian Saturday Singles Party

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

The Asian Single Solution had it’s first ever Birmingham Saturday party on 14th March. We ran this in response to many requests for a party in this Area, following the huge successes of our London parties.

By all accounts the party was great fun and well attended. We’ve heard of a few success stories already so we’re very pleased about that.

We are planning to run these Birmingham parties on a regular basis, so we intend to get bigger and better. In the meantime, we rely on word of mouth to grow, so please do help us spread the word and tell all your friends about us. It’s only with your assistance that we can keep running them.

Do guests come on their own or with friends?

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

Many people do bring their friends along to the events, but plenty of people do come on their own.

Remember that we have hosts at the events who will make sure you are introduced to the other guests and not left on your own. If you are a bit nervous then do ask them for help as they might not be aware of this.

If you do come with friends, try and split up as some people find it hard to approach groups.

How do I get my event ticket?

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

We don’t issue printed tickets. Instead, when you book up you will get an email confirmation from us. Please print this off if you’ve not been before and bring it with you. You just need to quote your “nickname” on the door when you arrive.

If you have booked for friends please make sure that they know the nicknames you signed them up with. This will usually be there first name and a number, unless you change it.

You can always make sure that you have booked by checking in your account and look under “My Events” on your home page once signed in.

If you booked through another ticket agent rather than you will need to register a quick profile on our site first. Once you’ve done this, email is at [email protected] and we can then add you to the guestlist.

Are you too knackered for sex?

Friday, February 27th, 2009


We were fascinated to hear about a recent study that was carried out by GMTV. Apparently 79.2% of us would prefer a good night’s sleep to sex. They also found that seven out of 10 people have trouble sleeping.

In fact, only 12% of the 8,500 people who took part thought they were getting enough sleep.  People are working longer and longer hours in increasingly stressful jobs so they find it hard to switch off at night.

Dr Chris Idzikowski, the Director of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, said “Disrupted sleep not only impacts on quality of life, but there’s an increased risk of higher blood pressure and its consequences – heart attacks and strokes.

“Many people have jobs that demand a lot of attention and attention is the first mental ability to deteriorate after a poor night’s sleep.Some people think they can manage on less, but really they aren’t performing or feeling as well as they might. The average for adults is around 7.5 hours, so those 40% are right – they understand that they’re not functioning properly.”

If you are having trouble sleeping then ironically sex can help. It can be a natural sleep inducer. Not only will it tire you out and take your mind off things, but sex releases chemicals ( especially in men) that will relax and help you drift off.

Of course, if it’s the other way around and your lack of sex is causing you sleepless nights, you know where to come for help!

The Perfect Online Dating Profile

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

How much thought do you put into your online dating profile?   What do you think you’d have to write about to get the best results?  


Studies show that men tend to look for someone they find physically attractive, sporty and understanding while women want someone understanding, funny and in touch with their emotions.


The big question, is do you write about you or write about the person you are looking for?    Professor Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire carried out a study at the Edinburgh International Science Festival to help answer this question.  He asked  40 men and 40 women to write 25-word personal ads – then got another set of volunteers to circle the ones that appealed.


The results showed a “golden formula” that you should stick to when writing a profile.   You should spend 70 per cent of the profile describing you and 30 per cent describing what you are looking for. If you spend more than 70% of the profile talking about yourself then you might appear to be egotistical. Likewise, you may give you the impression you are trying to hid something  if you don’t write enough about yourself.     


In the studies, the ads that were closest to the 70:30 rule were the ones that had clearly the largest number of replies.


Interestingly, Wiseman used a separate panel of volunteers to predict which ads they thought would get the most responses. There was a huge and evident gender difference. The male volunteers were extremely good at predicting which ads would have the most success while the women completely failed.


Wiseman concluded that women should perhaps get a man to look over their dating profile to get the best results.

Would you take a love potion?

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

It was reported in the press this week that scientists are on the verge of producing a genuine love potion. Apparently they close to creating drugs that would simulate the effects of falling in love.  These could be used to alter the brain’s emotion-controlling areas to increase or decrease feelings of attraction.

It’s not the first time that the media has been fascinated by the idea of a “love potion.” Pheramones have long been available but there is little evidence that they really work. However, tests have shown that the hormone oxytocin can boost emotional feelings in animals.  Such hormones could be used to boost fidelity and even help strengthen marriages.

If such a potion were available, would you want to try it?  What would happen if they found out or when the effect wore off?  How would you feel if you discovered someone had given it to you?

Do let us know your thoughts either on here or by emailing us at [email protected]