Are you Date-Ready?
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024“Love me as I am” said the single love-seeker. However, this is a high risk strategy.
In seeking a partner, you should be working on yourself to ensure that you are ready to meet someone, attract them and keep them.
Here are a few handy ideas to help you.
Mental Preparation
Get ready to make space and time in your schedule to meet someone. This might be a few hours on a Sunday afternoon to message potentials, then a couple of nights in the week to actually go out and meet.
To make a relationship work, you will need to share not only your time, but also your emotional energy, space if you move in together and also financial resources.
Be your Physical Best
Getting in shape can make you feel great and boost your confidence to help you meet someone in the first place. Good health is always seen as an attractive quality.
Dressing well and taking pride in your appearance is very attractive. Dress especially for your body shape to boost the bits you are proud of and to hide those that you want to tuck away. Throw away any clothes with worn collars or faded shirts. These will affect the first impression.
Once you start dating, you will likely end up having to share your personal space and ultimately revealing your body to someone new. This can be an exciting adventure and preparation for this can lead to greater success.
Putting yourself on Show
To successfully date, you need to put yourself on show and have an action plan. That may mean putting up lots of photos on your profile and creating what is essentially a marketing plan. There are no short cuts to this. If you give too little away in the description it just looks like you are not taking it seriously and this will work against you.
We restrict photos to other members so you do have some sense of remaining private. If you have a genuine reason to hide your images, we have solutions on request. Please ask.
Engage in Personal Development
Not many people know instinctively how to date, how to attract a partner and ultimately how to keep them. Invest time into reading dating advice. There is a lot of advice in this blog and on our Instagram Channel.
Work on yourself, set realistic expectations and become self aware of your traits. Then then work on being a better version of you.
Some personality traits are seen as universally appealing in the same way that some are universally turn-offs.
Positive traits might be: Being considerate to others, a good listener, generosity, hard working, confident and decisive, being accommodating and supportive, taking care of yourself, keep fit, recognising the importance of good teeth and grooming, having lots of interests and reading a wide range of topics, happy and positive demeanour, telling others that you appreciate them.
Negative traists might be: Talking too much and not judging if the other person is interested, being mean with money, being selfish or flaky, time wasting, being work obsessed at the expense of those around you. Poor hygeine and not taking care of your appearance, being unfit, being aggressive or demanding of others, not having lots of hobbies and interests, complaining or generally moaning or looking to blame others.
Work on developing those positive traits and eliminating the negative. Only when you are the best version of yourself are you truly date-ready.
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- Posted in Dating Advice
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