How To Sell Yourself On Your Dating Profile
Tuesday, August 13th, 2019
There is no room for modesty when it comes to your dating profile. Even if you are a private person, you need to up your game if you want to make it work! There are so many active profiles on dating sites in the UK. It can be hard to stand out, especially when you want to fill out the profile quickly. Many people think by having a dating profile and messaging people, they will get dates. Unfortunately, other people have to find you interesting in some way. Your messages may be well-crafted, but if your profile is dull, your message is going to end up unread.
You have to really sell yourself on your dating profile. How? By highlighting every quality that makes you amazing. Yes, you are amazing. Why? Write down every reason you think you might be amazing. Amazing means dateable. If you’re really good at a particular sport, include that. If you hold the world record for the most hot-dogs eaten, you could mention that too as it’s fun. You want to choose accomplishments that will interest other people. It may feel like you are embellishing your better qualities, but that is fine. Do not try to balance this with your bad qualities. There is no room for negativity on a dating profile. Your dating profile should be a negative free zone. Seriously.
If you’re not sure that your giving an accurate description of your awesomeness, ask a friend or family member to review your profile. If they offer suggestions, use them! No one knows you better than the people who are closest to you. Their insight can drastically improve the accuracy of your profile. This can also give you insight to how potential dates are going to view you.
The best way to list your awesomeness is actually in a list. It’s hard to read a wall of text, so breaking up information into easily digestible lists is ideal. It’s easy to skim and still have information jump out. You should do the same thing with your hobbies & interests as well. Now, when you’re crafting the list of things you love, consider leaving out solitary actions. You want to share hobbies you have with a potential interest. Reading a book isn’t going to sound like a fun date, unless you are both introverts.
Building an online dating profile isn’t a one-time shot. A dating profile should be considered an ongoing project. You need to adjust your profile on a semi-regular basis. Add new information. Remove old information. Experiment with what is working and what isn’t. This applies to everything, including your photo, tagline, bio, and even the messages you send out. If something isn’t working, you need to figure out what it is and how to fix it. The only way to do that is by keeping your profile fresh and exciting.
Consider someone checking your profile for a second time, not recognizing they already passed you over. Now, you have a new picture and new information and something on your profile stands out. They decide to message you and you hit it off. It is possible to catch someone’s attention like this. You wouldn’t shop in a store that never changed their display, would you? It’s the same concept.
Ask yourself: What do you find attractive about other people’s profiles? How can you apply that to your own profile?
Of course, there are some things you should avoid when it comes to building your profile, such as:
Using cliches
Photos that show other people
Photos that don’t show your face
Too many emoticons
Too many generic statements, not enough substance
Sending boring messages
If you were a salesperson, think of attributes that would sell your product to a customer. You are essentially selling yourself to a potential date. You should treat it the same way. Honesty is always the most important thing to include on your profile.
Happy dating!
James Preece
Dating Coach for Asian Single Solution
- Tags: asian dating profile, hindu dating, online dating profile, online dating site, sikh dating
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