Competition Entry: Hair today – gone Tomorrow

Here’s a funny entry for our Perfect Fashion Blog Competition – ends this afternoon!
As many of us asian females are aware, many of our asian males do have requirements (yes, and these can stretch to a list lol). One such requirement is the traditional long lustrous hair which Bollywood Belles used to don with such grace (reality snippet : they were wigs most of the time, sorry to break the fantasy of any bollywood heros).

Anyway, I had a pic posted of myself : I tried to find the most flattering pic I could, difficult job, as Im not blessed with being naturally photogenic, or <laughingly> naturally “anything”, everything requires effort.

This particular photo had me with long lovely hair. However, as we all know, (girls) one trip to the hairdressers can change that in a snip ! (You’ve got quite a few split ends, you know the usual hairdresser admonishments) Behold, my long lustrous mane was severely reduced to a short bob cut almost. Mortified, as I had a date, in a few days, I shrieked and freaked out on the phone to my friend, who furtively suggested donning a wig !

Where on earth am I going to get a wig I wailed. As friends go, she whipped out a wig .. don’t ask me how she had a wig in her closet ; lets not go there. Anyway, amidst much laughter in attempts to fit it … I decided to wear it. The day of the date, arrived. My dears, I strode into London on the tube, confident in my long lustrous WIG. I met up with my date at a suitable central location in London.

We propped ourselves on a bench, and dears, I was mortified to discover that my date, was staring incredulously at my hairline.

My eyes widened as I saw his eyes nearly popping out and I could feel the wig, was sliding backwards : it was so long, unknowingly, Id been sitting on it, causing the wig to slide, to reveal my own hairline. .. OMG ! I gasped and rattled an explanation – I just had to tell the truth, no matter how unladylike I was looking : my own hair  was appearing and looking very dishevelled, not to mention sweaty under that damn wig.

The date ended in riotous laughter and oodles of embarrassment on my part.

Never again.

Conclusion is, you go as you are, and no matter how or what you look like on the outside, if the other person is for real, and they like you for real, that’s what counts, not the length or breadth of your hair or any other part of you.


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