Do you stand out from the crowd?
If you want to succeed in dating you need to stand out.
But just make sure it’s not for the wrong reasons!
Online dating sites, like the Asian Single Solution, are filled with thousands and thousands of members. They are so spoilt for choice that it can sometimes all the profiles can seem to blend into one. Otherwise you won’t get noticed and you won’t meet anyone. So you’ll need to work hard to make sure you get seen.
The trouble is, some people stand out but they just don’t realise it.
You might think that adding a photo of you looking “cool” in sunglasses, posing with a group of models or looking mean and moody will get you messages. The truth is that this rarely works. No, girls don’t want to see you standing next to a car and no, men don’t want to see you falling over drunk with a cocktail in your hand.
THIS about the message and image you are portraying. Do you want to be seen as warm, friendly, happy and good dating material? Then smile in your photo and you’ll be seen as all those things.
Be careful with what you write in your profile too. Don’t go on about negative things or talk about the things you don’t want. You’ll come across as a whiner and will quickly get crossed off any favourites lists.
Spelling mistakes, text talk and bad grammar just make you look like a loser who can’t be bothered to write properly.
The golden rule is to be make sure you are proactive. No matter how good ( or bad!) your profile is, if you aren’t sending out messages to the people you are interested in then you won’t get results. They’ll just never find you.
Top Tip: Log in every day and you’ll be listed at the stop of searches. This is the best way to get noticed.
Happy dating,
James Preece – The Dating Guru