No Time Wasters Please

I’ve noticed a lot of people write this on their profiles.

So today’s blog will be on this topic.

Before I begin, I’d like to suggest that the phrase “no time wasters please” is not a good thing to write in your profile.  Firstly,  you should never focus on negative things and who you don’t want to meet, but rather the sort of person you do.  As well as this, would it really put off a time waster and what is the true definition of a time waster anyway?

I doubt many people would admit to being a time waster, but they would admit to sometimes being unsure, nervous or concerned about dating someone.  If you’ve emailed for a while then you fall into a comfort zone where you enjoy the attention and the very fact someone is interested in you.  Everyone is looking for different things – marriage, fun dates, friends etc so you need to be clear about this from the outset.  Otherwise it leads to frustration and disappointment.

It’s not fair to string someone along with the false hope that you are interested in a relationship with them.  The longer you delays telling them that you don’t see a future, then the more hope and expectations will be built up.  Don’t continue to email or chat to them unless you make it very clear you just want to be friends.

It might be hard to admit it to them but you are doing the kindest thing for them in the end.  Once you’ve told them there is no romantic inclination then you’ll both be free to meet someone more compatible.

Good luck,

James Preece

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