New Live Chat Feature

update – as of 18th May we have temporarily removed the chat feature as it is slowing the site down. Please bear with us.


After many requests our live chat feature went live on Friday.

This is a beta version, which means that it’s still under development – its almost impossible for us to test until its under full use. If you get the chance to use it, please send your feedback to us. email [email protected]

To use the chat you must be  Premium member and you can chat with any other Premium member. If you are a Premium Plus member, you can invite anyone, including basic members to chat.

You can see who is online, from the profile view once logged in. You can have up to two sessions running concurrently.

This chat is a new feature under development. So I must say that  it doesn’t yet form any part of your agreement with us at the moment. Let us know how you get on.


Paul Ergatoudis


One Response to “New Live Chat Feature”

  1. Mohit Khosla Says:

    It was a good move.Other matrimonials have given the option of chatting.When I heard about it I was really happy as it is really good .All I can say I will be happy If you bring it back .

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