Everyone wants someone to spend their lives with especially the “day of love” known as Valentine’s Day. If you’re single, it can be overwhelming to try and find a date. However, using these 5 steps, you’re bound to find your Valentine!
Step 1: Put yourself out there
Obviously, you’re not going to meet someone new if you’re sitting at home with all of the lights turned off. The only way to meet people is to put yourself where people are. Yes, you can sign up for a dating website membership and download a dating app. But if you want to meet more people, you’re better off getting out into the real world. Sign up for a class, learn to play an instrument, join community events, volunteer. Do something that puts you out in the world. After all, what are you going to answer when a potential date asks how you spend a typical day? Instead of crafting a magnificent story, be honest. If the truth is boring, then maybe you need to be more interesting. You won’t find your Valentine if you’re invisible.
Step 2: Be approachable
Now, getting outside into the real world is just the beginning. No one is going to approach you if you seem like you’re outside against your will. In order to be approached, you have to be approachable. What does that mean? It means you look interesting enough to want to talk to. You can accomplish this by dressing well, but not over-the-top. You want to have good hygiene as well. You want to smile, and make eye-contact whenever possible. If this sounds hard, maybe you need to work on your confidence before trying to find your Valentine.
Step 3: Be conversational
Putting yourself outside and smiling at people will only do so much if you can’t hold a decent conversation. Now, initiating a conversation isn’t always easy, but there are tricks you can learn. Develop your conversational skills with random people. This way, you’ll feel more confident in your search to find a Valentine. Of course, part of being conversational is knowing when it’s time to listen. Make sure you’re allowing other people to speak as well. Be a good listener, even if it takes work.
Step 4: Be prepared
When you’re looking to find a Valentine, you want to be prepared for the date. This means you want to have romantic plans made, even if you don’t have someone to share them with. Buy Valentine gifts for that special someone. Don’t put any names on the tags. This way, if you don’t manage to get a date, you can give the gifts to someone else in your life, like a family member or single co-worker. When you’re in the dating pool, it’s best to be ready for anything to happen. You could meet someone when you’re getting coffee before work or even through a friend. Treat every outing like a new opportunity to meet someone. This way, when you do meet someone, you’re prepared.
Step 5: Be confident
It isn’t always easy to exude confidence. If you’ve been single for a while, you may feel discouraged about dating. You may feel like you don’t have anything to offer someone. These thoughts are exactly what prevents you from finding someone. When you’re out and looking to find your Valentine, know your own worth. Before you start looking, boost your self confidence so you truly feel worthy of a romantic connection.
It’s almost the time of year that everyone sits down to plan their resolutions. Weight loss or better gym attendance. Finding a new career or finishing a project. The problem with resolutions is that most of us give them up after a few short weeks. If one of your 2020 resolutions is finding love, a few weeks isn’t going to make a difference. To help you find romance, here are a few tips you can start implementing into your life right now:
Step 1: Evaluate what you’re looking for.
Before you start looking for love, it’s important to know exactly what you’re looking for. This doesn’t mean create a partner in your mind with every detail thought out. You’ll never meet the perfect person. Knowing what you’re looking for means knowing what you will and won’t tolerate. Everyone has “deal-breakers”. Look over your own and decide which ones aren’t really that important. Now, you’ll meet a whole new criteria of people. It is also important to know what kind of relationship you want, before you start meeting people. You may find that you need to adjust your personal expectations. That is normal. When you’re creating these expectations, be realistic.
Step 2: Know where to find people
Now that you know who you want to meet, it’s time to figure out where you can meet this person. Do you want someone smart or interested in a vintage lifestyle? Try going to a museum, library or other gallery of information. You can meet someone almost anywhere. You probably have places that you visit regularly. These are your “go-to” places. Your favorite coffee shop. Your favorite bar. Your favorite book store. The fact is, you haven’t met someone in these places yet. Instead of sticking to what you already know, try stepping out. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Ask for recommendations from your friends. You never know what options await you when you’re trying something new.
Step 3: Put yourself in social situations
Knowing where to meet people is only the first step. The second step is actually putting yourself out there. It can be intimidating to go somewhere you’ve never been before. If you asked a friend for a recommended coffee shop, invite them along the first time. You’ll feel more comfortable going alone in the future. You don’t want to bring someone everywhere you go though. If you’re alone, you’re more approachable. If you’re accompanied by someone, people are going to give you privacy. Especially if your friend is someone of the opposite gender. If you’re stuck on ideas of where to go, here is a quick starter list:
Community events Volunteer work Classes / courses / workshops Social events and gatherings (eg: Facebook events, concerts) Festivals / Music Concerts Office parties Museums & other information centres (eg: art gallery, pop-up art installations, guided tours, local tourist attractions)
You always have the option of dating online and even hiring a match-making service. If you’re the type to be nervous in social situations, online dating may be a better option because there is less pressure than meeting someone face to face.
Step 4: Be someone that people want to approach
There are many things that go into being an approachable person. First, think about your appearance. To be approachable, you have to be unoccupied. You shouldn’t look busy, be on your phone or reading. You want to be available for conversation. Look around the room you’re in. Smile and make eye-contact with anyone who smiles at you. Allow conversation to develop naturally. But, don’t be afraid to make the first move! Initiate conversation with anyone you find interesting and see where it goes. Most importantly: Have fun and laugh often.
Step 5: Live your best life
If you focus too much on finding love, you may feel as though you’ve wasted a lot of time. The best thing to do is live your life and look for love on the side. Embrace being single for a bit. Enjoy spending time with yourself. You can even date yourself out on dates. If you feel you’re lacking in any area, take time to work on yourself. You can improve your personality or develop your social skills. You could take a cooking class or learn to play an instrument. You could even make a bucketlist and start crossing things off. Occupy your time with everything you love, while also putting yourself out in the world. You’re more likely to attract someone when you’re living your best life.
Step 6: Be patient
You have to remember that finding love isn’t a quick or easy process. You’ll likely meet people along the way and feel a connection that goes no where. You have to be patient throughout dating. You have to be confident that you will meet someone. Each failed date is a new learning experience.
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You may be confused when you see the word “cuffing”. It sounds like something that “those young kids” are doing. Don’t worry though, it’s nothing complicated or inappropriate! The term cuffing actually refers to finding a partner for the colder months. Basically, it refers to a “temporary relationship” for the winter months.
There are 2 reasons singles are compelled to cuff: Social pressures and genetic desire for warmth.
Cuffing is most common from October to February. These months are filled with couple-focused activities, like Valentine’s Day, Christmas, New Years, and more. It can be lonely for those who don’t have a significant other during such significant holidays. As a result, many singles find themselves with temporary partners. This allows two individuals to be a pair for a season that practically demands love. Cuffed couples can dress up together for Halloween and have a romantic Valentine’s day. Cuffing is for those who just don’t want to be alone through this season. Cuffed couples are likely to split when the weather gets warmer.
Since the months are cold, it is only natural to want additional warmth. This is where genetic desire plays a role. The human body wants to snuggle up with someone else, sharing body warmth. It provides a feeling of comfort and satisfaction in the months that hold cold and bitterness.
The ideal for a cuffed couple is that the relationship will last through the seasons. However, that isn’t always a shared ideal. By definition, this type of relationship is meant to be temporary. It is possible that one or both parties will develop genuine feelings, leading them to want the relationship to continue after the cuffing season. If this is mutual, then it’s a great situation. When one person develops genuine feelings and the other doesn’t, it can be a heartbreak waiting to happen.
It is important to be on the same page as your partner, even if they are temporary. It may be awkward to have a conversation based around the idea of a “temporary relationship”, but it can make a big difference in how the relationship progresses. You may find the person you’re cuffed to is looking for something long-term and you aren’t. It may be the other way around. If you’re both interested in short-term, then you’ll save yourself from getting attached.
If you’re starting a new relationship in the winter months, it can be hard to know if it’s timing or this need to be with someone. Because of this, you want to talk to your partner about this type of relationship. They may be interested in something short-term or something long-term and it will be best to know right away. This is why it is so important to talk to your partner about what they are looking for.
Of course, feelings and opinions can change over time. A cuffed relationship can develop into the real deal without you even noticing. There’s nothing wrong with keeping a relationship that started in the cuffing season. As long as you’re both happy, that is all that matters!
After a first date, it’s hard to know when to text someone.
Do you text them right away and tell them you had a good night? Do you ask when you’ll get to see them again? Do you wait three days and hope they text you? It can hard to figure out the process. That is because there is no right or wrong answer. Many people prefer to wait or play hard to get. Others are direct and ask for a second date right away. There are advantages to both. The important thing is that you can keep someone interested enough to want a second date between dates.
Again, there are no right or wrong answers to what you should text between dates. But here are 4 sample texts you can send to keep your date interested, without going overboard:
“Do you want to hear a secret?”
If you’re going to text this, make sure you’re sharing something personal, but not too deep. No one wants to dig through your dirty laundry this early in a relationship. You want this “secret” to be something that sparks interest and conversation. For instance: “My favorite emoji is ______”, “my childhood dog was named ________”, “I’ve seen the _______________ movie more than 20 times”. You can use this text format to share something about yourself in almost any subject. For bonus points: Ask the same question for them to answer (eg: “my favourite emoji is __________. What is yours?).
“I’ve never been ____________________.”
This can be a great follow-up to your “secret” or work as a message by itself. The activity you suggest should be something you’d like to do on the next date. This gives you the chance to ask for a second date, while being playful. It also shows that you want to share this new experience with them. If you want bonus points, use an activity that was mentioned during the first date. That will show you’re a good listener too!
“I was thinking of going to _________________ on __________________ and wondered if you wanted to come with me?”
You can use this text format to invite someone to food, drinks or any event. This is an open-ended invitation that gives your date the chance to change the variables. If your date likes the date idea, but not the time, then he/she can ask for a different date. By giving someone variables, you’re allowing them to feel in control and choose something comfortable for them.
“My favourite ___________ is ______________. Do you want to go with me?”
With this text format, you can insert your favourite food/sport/museum or anything else you can think of. The details don’t matter. This format is a great way to ask for a date, while also sharing something about yourself. There are no details about the time of the date, which allows you to ask when they are going to be available to see you again.
The best advice for texting between dates is to keep it simple and be yourself. If you’re naturally a flirty person, then your texts can come off as a little flirty. You want to avoid sexy messages until you get to know each other, but flirty is fine. You can compliment someone if you think it will be appreciated, but it could come off as needy too. If you’re clever and creative, you will be able to keep someone interested in you. After all, your main goal is to keep the person wanting to see you again.
Almost everyone feels nervous before a first date. There are too many things to think about. Firstly, you need to pick an outfit that shows you’re well-dressed. You need a scent that is going to match your look. You need good hygiene, which can be hard when you’re sweating nervously through the fabric you’re wearing. Then you have to think about where you’re going. Is the location you picked going to work? Is it too loud or too busy? Is your date going to enjoy the location? Is your date going to enjoy you?
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the “what-if’s” before a date.
If you are like most people, one of the biggest concerns is conversation. For any date, good conversation determines whether or not there will be another date. Many people worry they will run out of things to say. Although there are going to be natural pauses in conversation, maintaining a flow is the ideal. Other people worry that they will say too much, ultimately making themselves look foolish. The first date is your opportunity to share aspects of each other, but you don’t want to reveal too much.
There are definitely conversation boundaries on a first date.
It may go without saying that politics and religion are not first-date conversation topics. Although these subjects don’t seem revealing, they can put your date in an awkward position. Especially if they have different views. Similarly, the subject of children or marriage should be saved for a later date as well. If you already have children, you can find a way to bring them up in conversation. To your date, children may be a deal-breaker. For some, this is because it suggests you are still involved with an ex-partner. Your date doesn’t want to think about your previous relationships in any way.
First-date conversation should be fun, while also being informative. You want to talk about your passions and learn the things your date is passionate about. You want to share your hobbies and find common interests. A great question to ask a first date is: What is your ideal/typical weekend? This can tell you many things about your date, while being something they will enjoy answering. You may also want to ask where they see themselves in 5 years and quietly reflect on your position in that future.
There are two things you want to keep in mind:
This is not a therapy session.
This is not an interview/interrogation.
You don’t want to dump all over your date, whether it’s by complaining or giving too much information. Ideally, you want to reveal your personality and quirks gradually. This gives your date the time to absorb everything. You should do the same. Ask your date questions and listen to the answers. Share pieces with each other. Most importantly: Allow the conversation to flow naturally.
When it comes to revealing anything about yourself, ask: Would I be comfortable if the whole world knew this about me? If the answer is “no”, don’t share it on a first date. If it is something you would share with anyone, then it isn’t too revealing for your date.
There is no room for modesty when it comes to your dating profile. Even if you are a private person, you need to up your game if you want to make it work! There are so many active profiles on dating sites in the UK. It can be hard to stand out, especially when you want to fill out the profile quickly. Many people think by having a dating profile and messaging people, they will get dates. Unfortunately, other people have to find you interesting in some way. Your messages may be well-crafted, but if your profile is dull, your message is going to end up unread.
You have to really sell yourself on your dating profile. How? By highlighting every quality that makes you amazing. Yes, you are amazing. Why? Write down every reason you think you might be amazing. Amazing means dateable. If you’re really good at a particular sport, include that. If you hold the world record for the most hot-dogs eaten, you could mention that too as it’s fun. You want to choose accomplishments that will interest other people. It may feel like you are embellishing your better qualities, but that is fine. Do not try to balance this with your bad qualities. There is no room for negativity on a dating profile. Your dating profile should be a negative free zone. Seriously.
If you’re not sure that your giving an accurate description of your awesomeness, ask a friend or family member to review your profile. If they offer suggestions, use them! No one knows you better than the people who are closest to you. Their insight can drastically improve the accuracy of your profile. This can also give you insight to how potential dates are going to view you.
The best way to list your awesomeness is actually in a list. It’s hard to read a wall of text, so breaking up information into easily digestible lists is ideal. It’s easy to skim and still have information jump out. You should do the same thing with your hobbies & interests as well. Now, when you’re crafting the list of things you love, consider leaving out solitary actions. You want to share hobbies you have with a potential interest. Reading a book isn’t going to sound like a fun date, unless you are both introverts.
Building an online dating profile isn’t a one-time shot. A dating profile should be considered an ongoing project. You need to adjust your profile on a semi-regular basis. Add new information. Remove old information. Experiment with what is working and what isn’t. This applies to everything, including your photo, tagline, bio, and even the messages you send out. If something isn’t working, you need to figure out what it is and how to fix it. The only way to do that is by keeping your profile fresh and exciting.
Consider someone checking your profile for a second time, not recognizing they already passed you over. Now, you have a new picture and new information and something on your profile stands out. They decide to message you and you hit it off. It is possible to catch someone’s attention like this. You wouldn’t shop in a store that never changed their display, would you? It’s the same concept.
Ask yourself: What do you find attractive about other people’s profiles? How can you apply that to your own profile?
Of course, there are some things you should avoid when it comes to building your profile, such as:
Using cliches Photos that show other people Photos that don’t show your face Too many emoticons Too many generic statements, not enough substance Sending boring messages
If you were a salesperson, think of attributes that would sell your product to a customer. You are essentially selling yourself to a potential date. You should treat it the same way. Honesty is always the most important thing to include on your profile.
At the end of every relationship, there is a period of self-reflection. You sit down and talk to yourself about the past, present, and future. Once you’re confident you know what you want in life, you decide to enjoy the highlights of being single for a little while. Then, there comes a time when being single is no longer as exciting as it once was! You want someone to spend time with and share a laugh with. So, you get back into the dating pool and start looking for a new romantic interest.
There is no reason you can’t enjoy your own company for a while. There are many benefits to being single and right now is the best time to take action!
Focus On Your Career
One of the benefits to single life is being able to focus on your career. Marketing plays a major role in career development and it’s time consuming. If you’re single, you can devote yourself to developing your career. When you’re in a relationship, you have to find a balance between work and your social life. This means that single people are more likely to succeed professionally.
Less Stress
There are dozens of articles online that express the “science behind being single”. To summarize every article you could read, it’s all because single people have less stress. When you’re single, you can do anything you want to. You don’t have to coordinate your plans or get permission/confirmation. You can be spontaneous because you only have yourself to be responsible for. You can have a lot more fun when you’re not worrying about anyone else.
Alone Time
Along with doing anything you want, you can do it for as long as you want. The only time restrictions fit into your own schedule. Of course, being alone means you can get in touch with yourself in a new way. There are many things we learn about ourselves when we are single, such as what we want for ourselves. Alone time gives you the chance to figure out where someone else may fit into your plans for the future. You can really think about all the details you didn’t consider before. You can gain a whole new perspective on your own life, as well as the world around you.
Our society is always growing, advancing in new and exciting ways. As a result, there are more opportunities for people today than in the past. This includes career and dating opportunities. Right now is the best time to be single because anyone can take advantage of these opportunities.
This is why dating sites, such as Asian Single Solution, are so popular among singles. This type of application provides almost instant access to new people, without the commitment of a traditional relationship. This allows users their momentary indulgence, without becoming a distraction from their future plans.
If you are looking for a relationship, the best way to meet new people is by putting yourself where people are. This could mean approaching people in public places or online dating. We offer a fantastic online dating service for British Asians so why not give it a go?
When you’re getting ready for a date, it’s natural to be nervous. Almost everyone feels nervous before a date. It is a universal part of the dating process. The nerves are only amplified if it’s been a while since you’ve been on a date or you have a history of dates that didn’t go quite the way you hoped. The problem with being nervous is that it can quickly develop into over-thinking and may even become a source of stress and panic.
What do you do when that happens? Give yourself a pep talk! It sounds silly, but it’s more common than you would think. Many people give themselves a quick pep talk right before a date. This can help to boost your confidence and refocus your thoughts. If a pep talk from yourself doesn’t sound helpful, try recruiting a friend or family member to boost your confidence.
Be prepared to hear the most dreaded phrase in pep talks: “You just have to try to relax.”
We all know that the secret to being less nervous is to relax. We also know that it’s easier to say than to actually do. If you are having trouble relaxing, here are a few things you can do to calm your nerves before a date:
Deep breathing
Listening to music, especially your favorite artist/favorite songs
Distract yourself (eg: video games, word puzzles, chatting on the phone with a friend)
Work out/get physically active
These methods may or may not work for you. For some, distractions are a great way to reduce nerves, instead of hyper-focusing on the upcoming date. If distraction isn’t helping, this is what to say to yourself before a date that will actually be helpful:
You’re just meeting someone.
You are two people, getting together to share conversation and a few laughs. There are no expectations beyond the conversation. If the date doesn’t go well, it won’t be the end of the world. There will always be someone else you can meet. By putting “expectations” on a date, you’re making it more complicated than it needs to be. If you reframe your from “date” to “going out with a new friend”, you may find it easier to relax. You may also choose to focus on what you’re doing, instead of who you’re doing it with.
It’s not a job interview and you won’t lose anything if it doesn’t work out.
You don’t have to worry about perfect presentation. Yes, you only get one chance to make a good impression. But you’re not up for a job interview. You don’t have to put a professional foot forward. Instead, just be yourself. Speak in a way that is natural to you and let the conversation flow. The best method for keeping this mind set is by making low-stress plans together. This means a coffee shop and a walk through the park. Choose simple activities that you’ll both be comfortable with. This way, you’re less likely to suffer from nerves. You can ease into the date and let the conversation progress naturally.
Embrace it.
The best thing you can really do is just accept and embrace your nervousness. There is a good chance the person you’re going to meet feels just as nervous as you. Instead of thinking about how nervous you are, think about how nervous the other person might be. Now, think of the ways you can break the ice by mentioning the elephant in the room. Humour is a great tool to ease stress and make someone feel more relaxed. Keep in mind that your date understands your nerves as they are feeling them too.
All over the world, there are people who dread being single on Valentine’s Day. It’s the one day a year that every couple, new and old, take to the streets and flaunt their joy and love. Restaurants fill up with those who are celebrating. Movie theatres are showing romantic comedies and the crowd is filled with couples. Even walking down the street, you’re bound to see people engaging in public affection that may otherwise be considered inappropriate. If you’re single on Valentine’s Day, it seems easier to coop yourself up and avoid the all out love-fest. Although it might seem like a good idea to keep to yourself, this can create deeper feelings of isolation. If you’re already feeling a sense of loneliness, this is the last thing you need. Instead, try these fun ideas to boost your spirits:
Singles Parties
You’re certainly not the only Asian single who is alone on Valentines Day. The good news is that of the people like you, may choose to be pro-active. The end result? Singles Parties. These parties are exactly what they sound like, with men and women alike gathering to engage in conversation. We are running two big Asian singles events ourselves – one in London and one in Birmingham. Of course, it won’t always result in a date, but it’s something to keep your mind from wandering too far. If there aren’t any parties in your area, try hosting one yourself. This works well if you know quite a few single people. The more people you tell about your party, the more people are likely to show up.
Make Plans
If a singles’ party doesn’t sound like your thing, that’s absolutely fine. Not everyone is interested in meeting new people at events, especially if you’re introverted. Instead of trying to meet someone new, opt to connect with someone you already know. You can use Valentine’s Day to bond with anyone, not just a significant other. Try calling a friend or family member to hang out for the evening. If you have a co-worker that is single, invite them out for drinks or just to chill out.
Date Yourself
The greatest love you will ever have is love for yourself. Whether you’re male or female, self-love is crucial to personal development and rich relationships with other people. If you’re single this Valentine’s Day, take the chance to date yourself. Get to know yourself all over again. You may discover a whole new side of yourself! You can also engage in old hobbies & interests that may help you to connect with yourself. Of course, you’re not limited to introspection. Take yourself to dinner, run a bubble bath or go see a movie. If you just want to stay home and play video games, do it! Make it a day that is all about you.
So everyone is busy and you don’t want to sit at home alone. This is a great chance to volunteer your time to a good cause. You can go down to a food bank and help hand out food. You can read to the elderly in a hospice. If you really want to get creative, you can bake treats and hand them out to the local homeless. Not only is this a great way to spend your Valentine’s Day, but you’ll feel a deeper reward in helping others.
Keep Busy
The best advice anyone can give you when you’re single on Valentine’s Day is to keep busy. Even if you’re just ticking things off a to-do list, keeping busy will prevent you from that isolation feeling. The more you can get done, the more accomplished you’ll feel in the following days too. You may be able to completely finish your to-do list or finish those creative projects you have started. You may be able to catch up on work assignments or even just sleep! There are too many options to list, so get creative!
The holidays are a great time to spend with your closest family and reconnect with distant relatives. You get to see all the faces you haven’t been able to see since the last holiday. There are gatherings everywhere. People to meet. Faces to remember. It’s fun, but it can also be chaotic.
If you’re just starting a new relationship, the holidays can be really tricky. After all, there are two families to plan around. You want to visit your family for the holidays. Your new partner probably wants to visit their own family. At the same time, you also want to enjoy the holidays together. It’s hard enough to have the conversation with yourself. How do you talk to your new partner about their plans?
The first thing you need to do is get all the variables out in the open. This is done by asking your partner what his/her plans are for the holidays. It is awkward, but you will have to ask your new partner if he/she wants to spend the holidays with you. If the answer is no, your problems are solved.
Of course, you may be offended by the fact that your partner doesn’t want you to meet his/her family. Keep in mind that your partner could feel that it is too soon to introduce you to his/her family. Your partner may want to introduce you more gradually or to a smaller group first. You’ll need to be patient with your partner and respect this decision.
If your partner does want to spend the holidays with you, then you’ll need to figure out how you can both get what you want. Ask your partner the details: Where would you be going? Who would you be seeing? How long will you be staying? Ask yourself the same questions and share the information with your partner. There are likely going to be conflicts. Try and be patient with each other as you work through those conflicts together. Communication is the key to a smooth holiday plan!
If both of your families are located in the same place, your plans will be significantly easier to arrange. Of course, there will still be the question of where you are eating the traditional holiday meal. You don’t want to eat at both locations, even if they are at different times. If they are different days, you’re set! Alternatively, you can always arrange to meet each others families, then go your separate way for the meal. After you’ve enjoyed the meal and time with your family, you can get back together for the later evening. If that isn’t realistic, you can spend the following day together to make up for lost time.
Along with open communication, you need to be flexible about your plans. Again, the holidays are stressful and you don’t want to add to that stress. Being open about the time you spend together. You will be able to make it work as long as you’re open, flexible, and patient.
When you’ve known someone for a long time, it’s usually easy to buy them a gift for the holidays. You know enough about what they like and don’t like. But if you’ve recently started seeing someone new, you’re likely at a loss for the perfect gift. After all, you don’t know much about each other yet. You’re not sure of their hobbies or interests. You have no idea what they would want for the holidays. You don’t want to ask because it puts them on the spot. You can always opt out of getting your new partner a gift, but you want to make a good impression, right?
This is your guide for buying your new partner the perfect holiday gift:
Let their social media guide you
You can tell a lot about a person from their social media accounts. Look at the type of content they post, especially when it comes to Facebook posts. People often share videos or make comments about products they wish they owned themselves. You can use that to find something your new partner will adore. With Instagram, you can see the type of hobbies your new partner is interested in. You can also see what your new partner already has and hopefully avoid buying a repeat gift. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use this trick if you haven’t exchanged social media information.
Choose something simple
When it comes to a new partner, you don’t want to get crazy with gift-giving. That means you don’t want to buy them a pile of presents and you don’t want to spend a fortune on a single gift. You can usually get away with something simple when it’s your first holiday together. If you do opt for an expensive and dazzling gift, you may scare off your new partner. He/she may believe you are moving too fast with the relationship.
Personalised is always a prize
It is never a bad idea to get your partner something with his/her name on it. This is a fun gift idea that works for any occasion. It’s rarely expensive, but always appears thoughtful. Of course, you need choose a gift that falls into your partner’s interests/hobbies. If you choose something random, your partner may think you aren’t serious about the relationship or getting to know them. Opt for something you have seen them use or you believe would be useful.
Choose a gift that represents your relationship
This gift idea depends on how long you’ve been seeing each other. If you’ve only gone on a few dates, this idea won’t work. If you’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks or even months, this is a great idea. You can choose a gift that symbolises your first date. You can choose a gift that represents something you both have in common. This gift doesn’t have to be store-bought either. A handmade relic of the relationship may be significantly more sentimental to your partner.
Of course, the best way to choose a gift for your new partner is by listening to them. Since the holidays are approaching, they will likely drop a few hints about what they want. If you pay attention to these subtle clues, you’ll be able to get them the perfect gift!
If you haven’t got a partner yet, it’s just a case of sending out some some messages on our dating site and going out on some dates. There’s still time!
There are people out in the world who avoid commitment when dating. They aren’t interested in settling down. Maybe they want to travel the world and meet different people. Maybe they are too focused on advancing their career to think about love.
For these people, short term dating is a choice they have made. But there are others who have had the choice made for them by their insecurities. These people are commitment phobes, but they often don’t even know it!
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you are one of those people. Consult the list below and see how many of these traits you can identify in your own life:
You are always second-guessing yourself.
You’re indecisive, especially when meeting new people.
You think about the end of every relationship.
You have hidden insecurities and are afraid of being left behind.
You worry about someone accepting you for who you are.
You always end up in the worst relationships.
You avoid sharing personal details about yourself with a new partner.
You avoid talking about your past, even if it was “normal”.
You tend to ghost on other people.
You have a rotation of people you’re communicating with.
You are more comfortable with short relationships.
You tend to nitpick about unimportant things.
You are always looking for a reason to end the relationship.
You tend to self-sabotage.
You always make jokes about how relationships are a waste of time.
You have been called out by friends or family.
You have commitment issues in other aspects of your life.
If any of these traits resonate with you, there is a good chance you are afraid of committing to someone. If you are afraid of commitment, you may be wondering how you can overcome that fear. After all, no one wants to be alone forever or move from relationship to relationship. If you’re ready to accept that you’re afraid of commitment, you’re ready to make the changes too.
The key is to take small steps and make gradual changes. Change isn’t easy for anyone, even if you want to believe you’ll be the exception. If you try to rush the process, you’re going to fail and end up back at square one. Instead, try pacing yourself. If something feels unnatural, don’t do it. You’re also going to want to communicate your fears with your current partner, especially if they are the reason you want to make these changes. Your partner should know what you are going through so that he/she can be supportive of the process. Otherwise, you may feel your efforts are for nothing.
The first thing you need to do is figure out the reason behind your fear of commitment. Are you afraid of being left behind? Are you afraid no one will love you for who you really are? Are you afraid of investing time into something that is going to end? Be honest with yourself about these hesitations. That is the only way you will be able to work through these issues. Often, identifying them helps you to realize they aren’t valid insecurities and allows you to move on with your life.
If you continue struggling, get in touch and our resident Dating Coach might be able to help!
As a Dating Coach, it concerns me every time I see someone writing a negative online dating profile.
It’s a terrible thing to do but still surprisingly common, despite our best efforts to teach people they shouldn’t be doing it!
So what exactly is a “negative” profile and what’s so bad about it?
A negative dating profile is one that talks about all the things you don’t want. Typical comments might be things like:
“I can’t believe I’m doing this”
“No timewasters please”
“Only contact me if you have a photo”
“Don’t bother to contact me if you aren’t serious”
“I don’t know what to write here”
“If you aren’t in the UK don’t bother”
Believe it or not, these type of statements appear in an awful lot of profiles. The problem is that they make you sound really miserable, jaded and unlikely to be fun on a date. Nobody likes a negative nancy so you should avoid these at all costs. If people think you are like that then they won’t be drawn to you and won’t want to spend time with you.
It’s much better to focus on positive things and talk about the lovely things you have to offer. It’s not just about what you are looking for, but what the other person wants too. It’s a two way street and you have to remember that. Otherwise it can come across as demanding or downright rude. I’m sure you don’t want anyone to think that of you!
Try and write things like this instead:
“I’m excited to see what might happen on this site”
“I’d love you to contact me if you like what you’ve read”
“If you are also looking for a serious relationship then it would be great to hear from you”
“Helping others and Keeping Fit are two of the things that make me happy”
If you’ve written anything negative in your profile then I strongly suggest you take this out and write something more lighthearted and friendly instead. You’ll have a much better success rate and many more replies to your messages.
You may be at a point in your relationship that feels flat. There’s no more excitement. You’re starting to feel distant. Intimacy has slowed or completely stopped. Internally, you may be panicking. At the same time, you’re hesitant to bring this up with your partner. Naturally, no one wants to have to say “this isn’t working”. It often leads to an argument because it sounds like the prelude to a break-up scene. If that’s not your goal, it’s all in the wording.
If the drift is minimal, it’s easy enough to get things back on track without even mentioning it to your partner. Of course, a healthy relationship means you should always feel comfortable talking to your partner. If you feel like the issue might be serious, you need to sit down and talk about what is going on. It could be something on both ends or something you’ve overlooked. It’s possible your partner isn’t feeling the relationship anymore. It’s more likely they are just going through something personal.
When you’re faced with any of these issues, here are 5 quick ways to strength your relationship:
Set aside alone time
While you might spend a good deal of time together, this is different. This refers to time without distractions or interferences. No TV or cellphones. No reading a book or magazine. Just spending time together. You may think this sounds boring, but use your imagination! You could play a board game together or simply talk. Use the time alone to express your concerns or to get to know your partner. There is always something new to learn, even if you’ve been together 40 years.
Do something different
Instead of sticking to the same routine, try spicing it up. This can be as simple or as complicated as you’d like. You could go to a restaurant instead of staying in for dinner. Go on a date, like you’re meeting for the first time. Go for a walk together in a park you haven’t been to in years. It doesn’t matter. Anything outside of your typical routine is going to be different enough. After all, relationships can feel stagnant simply because the routine has drained you. By switching up what you’re doing, you can bring the essence of youth back. Another great idea in this category is signing up for a class, maybe cooking or crafts. As long as it’s something you’ll both enjoy!
Celebrate each other
Naturally, you celebrate when your partner has accomplished something like a promotion or a raise. As important as it is to recognise big accomplishments, you need to learn to recognise the little ones as well. You can do this by saying thank-you for small house tasks. You can buy random inexpensive gifts or treats to show your partner that you’re thinking about them. You can get creative with dozens of ways to show your appreciation for your partner. This is the same as celebrating them. Remember that every day with your partner is a gift.
Get physical
Too often relationship problems are caused by a lack of physical intimacy. While that shouldn’t the base of any relationship, it is definitely one of the walls of the foundation. A healthy relationship always has a form of physical intimacy. This doesn’t always refer to intercourse. You can get physically intimate by holding hands, kissing, tender embraces and cuddling up on the couch to watch TV. Physical intimacy is really any kind of physical closeness. Every relationship needs that.
This is a big issue in most relationships. Communication often stops feeling essential as you get used to the routine. You talk all the time about dinner, work, weather or upcoming events. But you don’t dive into the “how are you, really?” questions. Learning to communicate isn’t as quick as the other options, but it’s equally important. Without communication, any relationship is doomed to failure. This refers to learning to how to have an argument as well. Obviously, there are going to be issues that arise. You don’t need to avoid arguments in a relationship, you need to learn to communicate the real issue to get working on a solution.
Of course, every step you take in a relationship should be met half-way! If you’re not feeling valued as an equal or you feel you’re doing everything, it’s time to have a more serious talk.
Every relationship reaches the point where you have to ask: Is it time to introduce them to your inner circle? After all, you’re not going to date someone without ever introducing them to friends and family. At the same time, you don’t want to introduce every single potential partner to your friends. You could overwhelm your friends or even build resentment. If you’re moving too fast with your relationships, you could end up facing that problem. If you feel that’s the case, take a step back from dating and take a look at why you might be rushing your relationships.
Here are a few tips to help you introduce your partner to your friends:
Less is more
When you’re making the introductions, less is more. Don’t invite your partner to a party with 25 of your closest friends. Start with brunch and maybe 2 of your friends. This gives your partner the chance to get to know the people in your life, while also giving your friends the chance to get to know your partner. Intimate gatherings are ideal for initial meetings. This way, your partner will be happy to see a familiar face at that 25 guest party. It saves both of you from becoming overwhelmed with the interaction. Plus, if the relationship falls apart soon after, you only introduced this partner to a few friends.
Timing is everything
It’s not easy to choose the right timing to make introductions. That’s because there is no right or wrong answer. There isn’t exactly a rule book, either. It’s different for everyone. Your time line might work with this partner, but be too early with the next. You really have to gauge every relationship individually and decide what is best with each partner.
Generally, premature introductions aren’t wise. There are a few cases where an early introduction has had benefits. Such as the partner didn’t like the friends, ultimately deciding the fate of the relationship. Other examples may include the reaction the partner has about the introductions. After all, you can tell a lot about someone by how they act when they meet new people. If you don’t want to take that chance, wait until you feel you know this person well enough to introduce them to other people who are important to you.
Be confident
Many of our friends form opinions about our partner, whether we’re serious about the relationship or just testing the waters. This can go many ways, including the good, bad, and in between. In the instance of a bad judgement, you might find yourself being peer-pressured into an early end for this relationship. On the other hand, if your friends love your partner, you may feel obligated to stick around even if you’re not feeling the connection. This is another reason timing is important and making small introductions is beneficial.
Ultimately, when you’re introducing your partner to your friends, it’s because you’re confident in the relationship having some sort of success. If you’re not confident about that, it’s too early to make the introductions. Granted, early introductions could save you from investing too much time in a doomed relationship. But do you want to make that call or let the relationship play out on its own?
James Preece – Dating Coach for AsianSingleSolution.com
Our big Spring Fling Singles party takes place on Saturday 28th April.
Here are our top tips to make sure you make the most of the event and come away with lots of dates!
Dress to Impress
Most of our events have a dress code, so think about this in advance. Get your best shirt ironed or treat yourself to a new dress. That way you’ll be confident when you enter the event and will attract attention for the right reasons.
Bring Your Friends
It’s always a great idea to round up your single friends to come along with you. That way you have an instant support group and you won’t have to worry about being left on your own. Just make sure you choose happy, positive friends who are there to have a good time!
If you haven’t got any single friends to bring then don’t worry – just go up and say hello to some of the guests. It doesn’t matter if you find them attractive or not. When you do this, other people will assume they are interested in you and you’ll look instantly more popular. As well as that, you could make new friends who you can keep talking to during the night.
Use the Hosts
We pride ourselves on booking more hosts than any other Asian singles party company. These hosts are the friendliest in the business and are there to help you. Don’t be afraid of speaking to one if you need assistance. They can help you talk to the person you’ve been eyeing up all evening, or explain how the night works. Their job is to make sure you have a good time so please make the most of them. They don’t bite!
Try Everything
If you want to be successful, you need to throw yourself into everything. This means taking part in the ice breaking activities, having a go at speed dating and generally making the most of it. It really doesn’t matter how well you do it, but it will help you relax and have fun. All the activities are there for your benefit and can help you start conversations with new people.
Talk to the People you Like
I find myself saying this a lot, but as a paying customer you can talk to anyone you wish. If someone else is with them, don’t worry. Just wait a few minutes and step in. The last thing you want to do is go home regretting you blew your chance to say hello. Even if they aren’t keen, you’ve not lost anything. You didn’t know them before the party and you don’t know them after. So there’s no risk involved.
2018 is already racing quickly by, but the good news is our Valentine’s parties are coming up soon.
These parties are the highlight of our dating calendar and always attract lots of new people. We aim to make them as fun as possible and always provide much more than similar dating events.
Both events will take place on Saturday 10th February 2018, which is just a few days before the big day itself.
The London party will be at our favourites and most popular venue, the Holiday Inn Kensington. We’ve got live classical music, optional speed dating, chocolate fountain and much more.
For Birmingham, we have a glamorous new venue – Siamais – which has only just opened up. Discounted “Love Potion” cocktails for the first to arrive.
If you’d like to come then don’t wait any longer as the price will go up and you risk it going to a waiting list.
Wine Tasting is a great way to have fun getting to know each other while learning something new at the same time. You’ll get the chance to try five or six different varieties, usually along with some nibbles too.
As it’s the Festive Season, do make sure you include a glass of Mulled Wine too! It’s the perfect way to warm up the cold winter nights.
If you have your own Christmas Dating Ideas please do add a comment to this blog. We’d love to share the most original ones.
If you want an instant talking point, you can find Christmas Markets in many high streets. They are usually copies of European markets, with lots of pretty lights and wares to buy.
No reputable market is complete without it’s own hot dog stand. Bratwursts are a very popular delicacy and they usually have a variety of the sausages available.
Take a stroll around you’ll find homemade goods and lots of art and crafts. This could be candles, paintings, perfumes or Christmas cards. Maybe you can buy each other a small trinket as as souvenir?
If you have your own Christmas Dating Ideas please do add a comment to this blog. We’d love to share the most original ones.
As a bit of Festive Fun, we will be giving you 12 fun dating ideas over the next few days. You can use them for inspiration for when you go out on dates with members of the site.
Idea One – London Igloos
You might not have realised, but igloos are popping over all over the place. These are modern little outdoor bubbles that give you the chance to meet someone in a fun,private environment. You can see the stars at night and eat or drink to your hearts content. With some you can try fondue together if you fancy it.
Don’t worry, these igloos are heated and many also come with blankets just in case you get a bit chilly. We think they are the perfect romantic environment to warm up your love life. If nothing more, you’ll have a great night to remember for years to come.
They are extremely popular so if you are interested you will need to book up early. They sell out very quickly each year so if you don’t want to miss out start planning today.
If you have your own Christmas Dating Ideas please do add a comment to this blog. We’d love to share the most original ones.
Thank you to everyone who came to our amazing 15th Birthday Masquerade Ball.
With over 250 tickets sold, the party was sold out with a wonderful crowd. We had masked speed dating, magician Ravi Mayar, popcorn, candyfloss, live music and much more. Above all, we provided opportunity and many great matches were made during the night.
We’ve had many people tell us it was our best event ever, so we are excited to think of ways we can top it in 2018!
If you have any ideas for events that we don’t currently offer, please add your thoughts to a comment on this page. We’d love to hear what you would like to see.
Romance always blossoms the strongest in spring. It’s the pheromones in the air, or something. We shed off the depressions of winter and move into the welcoming warmth of spring. There’s nothing more welcoming as the weather changes than having someone to share the warmth with. Whether you’ve been together, or it’s your first date, these Asian spring dates idea are bound to be a hit.
There’s no better way to celebrate the arrival of spring than walking around outside. You’ll get a breath of fresh air and see the world coming to life around you. It’s simply beautiful. You can stop and smell the flowers and even take pictures of cute animals out of hibernation. This date is ideal for first-timers, because it gives you nothing to do but talk. This is a great way to get to know each other. Take the chance to ask questions and dive further into each other!
Imagine the spring air passing through your hair as you ride along the path without a care in the world. This date is harder when it comes to communicating. You don’t want to be yelling over your shoulder the whole time, after all. But you can have fun with this, maybe turn it into a fun competition. See who will get to the end of the path first and share a laugh
Tip To combine both of the date ideas above, trying rollerskating or blading.
Picnic Lunch
A picnic lunch may seem like a cliche date, but there’s a good reason for that it works! You’ll get to enjoy your dates company, while also enjoying the coming of spring. Just pack up a few sandwiches and head to a local park. Of course, if you’re worried about insects (there are many people with allergies), you can try an outdoor restaurant. Either way, you get to enjoy conversation. Afterwards, try going out for an ice cream!
Outdoor Movie Night
This isn’t an easy date to pull off, but it’s certainly rewarding if you can. There are two ways to accomplish this one Find an open air cinema in your neighbourhood, or rent a projector and create your own. It’s not expensive, and most of them hook up to computers, allowing you to watch your favourite Netflix shows while outside in the garden. It’s sure to impress your date, if nothing else. P
Spring Festivals
No matter where you live in the world, you’re bound to have a local festival celebrating the arrival of spring. It’s such an important time of the year. A new beginning. You can really see the world come to life, including the people. Walk around one of these festivals with your date and join in the celebrations. You’ll likely get to try new food and participate in dance rituals. At the end of the day, you’ll be exhausted from laughing so much and so will your date. It’s going to give you something to talk about for many dates to come!
If you are an Asian single who doesn’t yet have a date – don’t worry – you can get one today on out site!
We are delighted to be holding our first ever Masquerade Ball.
This will take place on Saturday 26th November at the Kensington Close Hotel.
Upon arrival, you’ll be met by our hosts and given a mask to where if you don’t wish to bring your own. We’ll have a professional photographer on hand who will capture the glitz and glamour of the evening.
We’ll then enjoy free Casino tables, optional Speed Dating and more while enjoying entertainment from our special Classical Duo, before chatting and dancing the night away with a DJ at the very special Kensington Close Hotel.
This promises to be one of the most spectacular events the Asian Single Solution has ever organised, and we’d love for as many of our members, friends and supporters to join us.
Today I’m bringing back my very popular Dating Advice as I’ve had a question from a member:
“Hi James, I wonder if you can answer this problem for me as it’s really confusing me. I’m getting frustrated because I only seem to get contacted by men who are nothing like I’m looking for. They are either too old, too far away or generally not suitable. How can I stop this and get the good ones to get in touch? M”
Hey M,
Thanks for your message. I completely understand what you mean. However, it’s not working simply because your strategy is wrong. These men won’t always know if you are a good match or not until you’ve spoken, so they are just taking their chances. You can’t really blame them, although they should really pay more attention and consider if you might really be compatible or not.
The thing is, it doesn’t really matter who contacts you. Instead, it’s all about you being proactive and reaching out to the men that you are interested in instead. That way you are in control and not sat around waiting for the “online dating lottery” to get your numbers up.
It’s a bit like applying for a job. If you wanted to get the position of your dreams, you’d write a great CV and make sure it went out to the right companies. You wouldn’t just see which random companies decide to contact you and hope for the best.
I’d suggest you email at least five men a day. It may sound a lot but once you start to get replies back then you can cut down. Be open minded and you never know what might happen.
Finally, it would be best to make sure you fill your online dating profile in as much as possible. Don’t be negative and talk about what you don’t want in a partner, but focus on the things that yuo really do. That way someone reading it can make a better decision about whether they really should contact you or not.
Do you have own dating dilemma or relationship issue that you’d like some help with? I’m a leading Dating Coach and I work with the Asian Single Solution to make sure their members are successful in love. Email me at [email protected] and I’ll answer some of the best ones here in this blog..anonymously of course!
Thank you to everyone who came to our big 14th Birthday Party!
Our event was a complete sell out and from all accounts lots of fun and matches were made. We pulled out all the stops for the event and had a magician, chocolate fountain, DJ and for the first time ever – casino tables.
We don’t run our events for profit but as a showcase for the website, so we usually spend all the money made on making them the best we can. So if you liked anything in particular please do add a comment and let us know. That way we know to include it next time.
Thanks again for celebrating with us and we are looking forward to planning the next exciting events. Next year will be the big 15 so we’ll be coming up with something even more special for you to enjoy.
Our very own James Preece is one of the UK’s very best Dating Coaches. He has put together some of THE most important Dating Tips for you.
Hi there! I’ve been helping singles find love for the last decade and today I’m going to tell you all about my first Golden Rule:
One: Work Out What You Want
This might sound obvious but I never cease to be amazed how many people forget to even consider this. If you don’t know who are you looking for then you’re never going to know when you find them.
Let’s suppose you want to get a new job. Would you apply for every single vacancy no matter what is was for and attend every interview you were offered? Of course you wouldn’t. That would just be a colossal waste of time and you’d never find a position that you were happy with.
Dating is exactly the same. Before you begin, you have to work out what is important to you. Who exactly is it that you are looking for and what do you want from them. If you want to find a husband or wife you need to be clear about your goal right from the start.
So have a good think now about what the person you’d like end up with might be like. Consider their qualities, lifestyle and personality. Is there anything especially important such as religion, smoking habits or location? If so, keep these in mind along the way.
I’m not suggesting that you should ever stop being open minded about what might happen. I’m just saying that you should always have something in mind to aim for.
After all, what you think you want and what you really need can often be completely different things. The fun comes with the adventure ahead and trying new possibilities and meeting new people
Happy dating!
I do hope this short article has helped you see what you need to do to make a huge difference. Watch out for the next dating rule coming next week!
If you would like to work with me as your dating coach then you can contact me through my personal website HERE
This week I answer a question from a very confused female member.
“Dear James, I was dating someone from the site at the start of the year. He’s a solicitor and very handsome. Things were going well but I think I came over a bit too keen and scared him away. We’re just friends now but were still in regular contact. I really liked him and miss him a lot, so I’ve been hopeful we can resolve things and get back together. However, I recently asked him if he’d like to go for a drink and he said he’d love to. However, the problem is that he keeps cancelling and letting me down at the minute. He’s really busy and has so much going on. He does keep promising he wants to see me but now he’s been quiet for a week. Is he really interested or not? T”
Hi T,
Thanks for your message. I’m sorry things didn’t work out this time around.
One of the problems at the start of a new relationship is that you will both be at different stages. One will be more “into” the relationship than the other, although things do eventually balance out once you’ve been seeing each other for a while. If you are a bit too needy, clingy or questioning then it can be all too easy for the other person to get nervous and bail out. Rather than have a confrontation or discussion about the issue, it’s easier to just end things and move on.
Perhaps he is just busy. Things do get in the way after all. But I strongly suspect he’s just trying to let you down gently. I don’t want to sugar coat it, so I have to say that if he really really wanted to see you then he’d make time for you. How hard is it to find an hour for a drink? I think he’s fully aware that you want to get back together but it’s not something he’s ready for…at least not at the moment. So he’s fobbing you off and avoiding you rather than telling you the truth.
The very best thing you can now is to get on with your life and stop hoping he’ll get in touch. Carry on dating other men and make sure you have a full diary with lots of exciting activities. If he does contact you then great, but at least you’ll have lots of other options. I tend to find the more fun and exciting your life is then the more other people will want to be part of it.
So do get back on the site and fingers crossed you meet someone even more wonderful!
If you have your own dating dilemma that you’d like help with, send it over to [email protected] Our resident Dating Coach James Preece will answer the best questions here in the blog. Don’t worry, they always completely anonymous so nobody will ever know it was you!
We were delighted to hear about another Asian Single Solution wedding.
Namvir & Dal met on our site in 2014 and got married in June 2015
Namvir had been looking for her dream man for nine years and had been on our site for four of them. She’d almost given up looking but decided to give it one more go. When she reached out to Dal she was delighted that he was also interested in her.
You can read their full story on our Success Story page.
Congratulations to them both!
This goes to show that you must never give up. Three month memberships are rarely enough to make online dating work and you need to think of a longer term strategy. As long as you stick at it and are proactive then cupid will eventually find you too.
If you have your own success story please do let us know. It’s the best way that we can show everyone the site really does work.
We love trying new parties ideas out. Our members love our useful midweek and Saturday events, but it’s important to sometimes mix things up a little.
New themes attract new faces and open up your meeting possibilities.
So as bit of fun, we are running the first ever Asian Single Solution Love Boat.
We’ve hired a moving party boat which will cruise along the Thames, giving you spectacular views of London. We’ll be playing popular tunes in the downstairs bar, with a quieter upstairs bar for those who prefer a bit more peace and quiet.
As always, we’ll have our amazing hosts on hand to help you mingle and meet everyone. Oh and we are including a cocktail reception to make the night even more memorable.
We arrive back by 10.30pm so you will have plenty of time to get home.
The party will now take place on Tuesday 1st September and departs from Westminster Pier. Please check out the website and book now.
Lots of tickets have already gone and we won’t be able to add extra ones so don’t miss out!
When you go to the gym you have your favourite tracks on your Ipod.
Asian Music
These are the songs that get your heart racing, your blood pumping and make you work just that little bit harder. For many, this is “Eye of the Tiger” or “The Final Countdown” – show stoppers in their own right.
However, when it comes to dating it turns out that lots of people have a favourite tune which they like to play before they head out the door for a date. They tell us that is can make them feel much more upbeat and powerful, which puts them in a positive state of mind. If they are feeling better and happier about themselves then it’s only natural they will have a more successful dating experience.
We’ve heard that Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” is a popular one before many women head out to a singles night. For men, it’s “Power of Love”…the Huey Lewis and the News version. Personally, we are big fans of Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” to really amp up our moods!
Songs that have the same beats per minute as your heartbeat ( 120 -140 BPM) are your best choices if you want to maximise the effect. Scientists have shown that this the pace most likely to make your feel positive and energised, so who are we to argue?
So if you want to have better dates, why not download some of your favourites songs and try playing them before you head out the door? It might make a real difference and you won’t know until you try it. Must make sure you don’t choose a song that has a bad memory association, or you could be doing more damage than good.
If you have a favourite, please mention it as a comment at the end of this blog. We’d love to hear what everyone else plays!
Happy dating
LuckyStar would be a wonderful nickname, but LuckStar doesn’t mean anything. Unless there’s a reason for it I’d suggest you change it. After all, people call you Lucky not Luck!
You have a nice photo as your main image. I think women will respond well as you look friendly, smart and approachable. You look fun and presentable in your album shots too so all good choices.
Interesting Fact:
Your Fact is OK but the “you’ll have to find out” comment isn’t enough. When people write it’s usually because they can’t think of anything more imaginative.
There’s nothing particularly wrong with you profile text, but there’s still room for improvement. You’ve written a list of things about yourself but it’s better to demonstrate exactly what you mean.
For example – you say you are spontaneous so give an example about at time you were spontaneous. You could say, I am often spontaneous and once jumped on the first plane that was leaving the airport. When you do this it’s much more interesting than reading a long list.
You’ve put the line in about winking for interest, but you’d get a much better success rate if you just emailed them in the first place. Winking can perhaps give the impression you can’t be bothered to write a proper message. It’s the people who take the time to send a short personalised message that get the results.
Again, this is fine but it’s very generic. Who doesn’t want to meet someone with a similar outlook and enjoys life? Can you try and paint a picture that would make someone think “Yes that’s me he’s looking for” ?
I hope this helps,
If you would like to have your profile reviewed and featured, then please email your request to [email protected] We’ll pick the best one each month and get our leading Dating Expert James Preece to offer you his advice on how to make it better in this blog.
Are you fed up being single? It’s a new year so there are new opportunities.
As we head into the the new year it’s time once again to start making our resolutions.
For some this is to lose weight, stop smoking or to finally meet a partner. If this is you then you have definitely
come to right place!
Here are our top five tips for you to give your love life a kickstart.
1) Book an Asian Dating Event. This is your biggest opportunity to get yourself out there and start meeting potential matches in the real world. We’ve already got several listed for you to book on the website. This includes the biggest of them all – the Asian Valentine’s Ball.
2) Try Online Dating. The start of the year is the busiest time for most dating sites and ours is no exception. There will be more new faces than at any other time of year and they are just waiting for your to reach out and say hello.
3) Remember it’s not just you. Most singles can feel a bit lonely at the start of a new year, but that’s absolutely normal. There are millions making exactly the same resolution as you.
4) Take Responsibility. It’s your choice whether you are single or not. Don’t blame anyone or anything else. Yes, that includes the weather, your income and how incredibly busy you are.
5) Take action! The only way to achieve what you want is to make sure you do something about it. Make sure you have a clear defined plan about what you want and how you are going to do it. If you don’t you’ll find yourself in the same situation at the beginning of next year too.
If you need any help or advice then please remember we are always here. Drop us a message at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to do what you can.
The Single Solution brand has been going for almost 12 years now and we do our best to continually innovate and improve.
We are planning a big celebration party but we need your help to make it as amazing as possible!
We’re lining up lots of special entertainment but we are still deciding about the music aspect. We usually have a DJ later on in the evening but for the big ones we like to make things more special but having a band.
However, there are so many to choose from that we would love to hear your thoughts before we book anything. For those who don’t really like music and prefer to talk then don’t worry as we will have a quiet room next door too.
So, with that in mind, please can you add your thoughts by commenting on this blog or emailing us at [email protected]
1) Would you prefer a DJ or a live band?
2) What sort of music would you like?
3) If it’s a band, would you like a covers band or a specific Tribute Act?
4) Is a dancefloor important to you?
5) Is there anything else you’d like us to do?
Thank you very much for your help. It’s only with our members input that we can continue to grow.
Here is the latest question answered by our Dating Guru
“Dear James, I’ve been with my boyfriend for six months now and we are so happy together. We met on your dating site and he’s everything I’m looking for. I think he wants us to start looking for a place together soon. However, neither of us has told the other than we love them. I love him so much but I don’t want to embarrass myself if he doesn’t feel the same! What should I do? S.T”
Hi S.T
Many thanks for your message. It’s fantastic news that you’ve met someone through us and that you are happy together. I’d say that the fact he’s talking about moving in together is a very positive sign that he sees a future with you.
I know that you don’t want to say you love him in case he gets scared or pretends he’s not heard you. The problem is that he more than likely feels exactly the same. The longer you leave it then the worse it will get.
Slip it into conversation when you are saying goodbye to him, as it’s the most natural thing in the world. “Love you” sounds much softer than “I Love you” so try and say that instead if you think it might shock him.
If you really want to be as gentle as possible, just write it at the end of a text message. Something simple like “I had such a wonderful evening with you. I love you :) xxx” With any luck he’ll text something similar back. If he doesn’t, don’t panic as he might want to say it face to face.
Whatever you do, don’t ask him if he loves you and force him into saying something he isn’t ready to say yet. He’ll end up resenting you and you’ll take away his chance to impress/surprise you.
I’d advise you not to move in together until you are sure you both love each other. Otherwise you may have a very bumpy ride together!
We know how much you love our Asian Singles Parties and Speed Dating Events. The parties are going from strength to strength, but as we get bigger and better we want to try new things.
We’ve had requests for us to try out new ice breaking activities that will get people mingling. We’ve also been asked to run some smaller, pure Hindu or Pure Sikh events.
So we put our heads together to create a new concept of event that will make sure you get more targeted dating opportunities as well as have a fantastic night. These new events don’t have any speed dating or pressure.
We did run Casino “learn to play” nights a few years ago which were extremely popular. These new parties are will be even better because:
1) Private use of the VIP room – so much more exclusive
2) Fun (free) gaming tables with professionals to teach you how to play Blackjack, Roulette and more.
3) Select crowd of either Hindu or Sikh singles.
4) Central London location so easy to get to.
5) Unique opportunity to try something new and a little different!
The casino elements are completely optional so if you don’t fancy it, don’t worry. You are still free to mingle and talk to any of the other singles that you wish.
If you would like to book then please sign up now as spaces are strictly limited and we expect them to sell out very quickly. Check out the events section on our site to get your ticket now.
We’d like to say congratulations to Vikas & Manprit and thank them very much for sharing their good news.
Could you be next? If you have a story to tell please let us know!
Here is our latest dating problem answered
by our Dating Expert
"Dear James, I really like a girl in my local supermarket. She's studying at university but works there part time. I often catch her looking at me and her friends keep telling me she likes me. How can I ask her out without making a fool of myself? M"
Hi M,
Thank you for your message!
The good news is that I think she definitely likes you. All the signs are
there, so there's absolutely no harm in trying.
I'm wondering why you queue in a different one that she is in though? Your
first test should be to make sure you queue in her one next time, even if it is
clearly the longest one. That way you'll be able to really read her reactions.
Don't forget that a lot of people will make small talk with her - that's just
part of her job. So you need to do something a bit more. Perhaps joke that
hers is always the slowest queue or tell her you want to cook something but
aren't sure what. Could she give you a recipe? Do this a few times over a
period of a few days/weeks to build up the trust. If you go in to quickly she
might be too nervous. Be friendly, smiling and interesting.
Your job is to make her smile, make her want to see you and brighten her day
just by the very fact you've spoken.
Obviously you won't be able to have a long conversation with her as people will
be waiting. So....you could tell her that really enjoy talking to her and wish
it could be longer. You'd love to get to know her better. What steps could you
take to make that happen?
Hopefully she will offer her phone number at this point. If not, just ask her
for it and tell her you promise not to send her photos of barcodes all day long!
Don't give her your number as you lose control - so make sure you get hers. You
can then text her later that day/evening to ask when she finishes her shift and
suggest you grab a coffee.
I really hope it works out for you, so let me know what happens. If it doesn't
go well, don't worry as at least you tried!
Best Wishes,
If you'd like help with your own dating problem please email us at [email protected] The best will be answered anonymously here.
Last week we ran our first ever Valentine’s Leeds and Manchester Asian events
Many thanks to everyone who braved the awful weather and managed to attend the events. We had a great turn out for both parties and lots of matches were made. We hope you all have fun and that you have some amazing dates! The feedback has been good for the parties and we may run more events in these areas later in the year.
If you have any suggestions on ways we can market these to local members please do let us know. The more people we can find that are interested then the more chance we’ll run events again.
Do take a moment to check out our London and Birmingham upcoming Asian parties. Although the Valentine’s period is over, cupid never stops working his magic all year round. You just have to be ready to give him a little nudge!
If you are a Manchester based Asian single then you really don’t want to miss this!
We are taking our best dating hosts up to Manchester and running the ultimate Hindu and Sikh Valentine’s party at Label Bar. We’ve got ice breaking, mingling and some gorgeous guests already booked up.
But do you want to hear the best news? This Asian party is completely free. Yes, you hear that right. There’s no charge for entry and we’ll even give the first guests to arrive a complimentary drink to welcome them.
There’s no catch at all. We’re doing this as a special launch party to help grow our database of Manchester Asians. So if you’d like to come along and join in the fun do book up now. It would be great if you could tell all your Hindu and Sikh single friends too. The more people we have then the better the dating party is going ot be!
This is your BEST opportunity to get some dates in your diary before Valentine’s Day this Friday.
We are very excited here at Asiansinglesolution.com HQ
Tomorrow we have our big Leeds Asian Valentine’s Party. Our best hosts are currently packing their bags and getting ready for a fantastic event. It’s the perfect chance for you to find a date in time for the big day this Friday.
Our party will take place at Tiger Tiger in Leeds and we’ve got lots of lovely guests booked in already. If you’d like to meet them for a wonderful night of mingling, ice breaking and fun conversation then don’t forget to book your place now. We’ve got a bar to ourselves.
Tickets are absolutely 100% free and we’re even throwing in free drinks for the first to arrive. Don’t wait until Friday and wish you’d come – book now and you may just have the best Valentine’s day ever!