Dating Guru’s Golden Rule Two

Dating Rule Two

Dating Rule Two


James Preece is our Events Manager and the UK’s leading Date Coach. Here is his second most important dating tip.


Two: Always Be Ready For Love

Love doesn’t just happen on dating sites. Cupid’s arrow can hit you any time, any place and anywhere.

You walk by thousands of people every single day and interact with new ones all the time. Perhaps it’s in the supermarket, on the train, at the gym or even at work. You see them look at you and you have the opportunity to start a conversation.  It’s now or never – you have to make a great impression and you have to do make it now.

But sadly, so many people blow this chance before it’s even begun!  Why?  Because they just weren’t ready.  They didn’t bother shaving that day or they chose to wear a baggy jumper rather than that summery dress they were thinking about.  They failed before they even left the house.  To make matters worse, they knew they didn’t look their best so they didn’t feel confident enough to go up and say hello anyway.

The truth is that you have to be ready for love at all times.  Pick your best outfit that you feel most attractive and confident in.  That way, you’ll naturally feel more attractive and confident in your own life. 

Oh and please remember to smile too and give lots of eye contact.  That’s the biggest indication other people will that that you are a happy, open minded person who would appreciate someone saying hello to them.  If you smile then they will know you are up for a conversation and want to get to know you.

Happy dating!



I do hope this short article has helped you see what you need to do to make a huge difference.  Watch out for the next dating rule coming next week!

If you would like to work with me as your dating coach then you can contact me through my personal website HERE


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