Dating Guru’s Golden Rule One

Dating Rule

Our very own James Preece is one of the UK’s very best Dating Coaches.  He has put together some of THE most important Dating Tips for you.

Hi there! I’ve been helping singles find love for the last decade and today I’m going to tell you all about my first Golden Rule:

One: Work Out What You Want

This might sound obvious but I never cease to be amazed how many people forget to even consider this.  If you don’t know who are you looking for then you’re never going to know when you find them.

Let’s suppose you want to get a new job. Would you apply for every single vacancy no matter what is was for  and attend every interview you were offered?  Of course you wouldn’t.  That would just be a colossal waste of time and you’d never find a position that you were happy with.

Dating is exactly the same.  Before you begin, you have to work out what is important to you.  Who exactly is it that you are looking for and what do you want from them.  If you want to find a husband or wife you need to be clear about your goal right from the start.

So have a good think now about what the person you’d like end up with might be like.  Consider their qualities, lifestyle and personality. Is there anything especially important such as religion, smoking habits or location?  If so, keep these in mind along the way. 

I’m not suggesting that you should ever stop being open minded about what might happen. I’m just saying that you should always have something in mind to aim for.  

After all, what you think you want and what you really need can often be completely different things.  The fun comes with the adventure ahead and trying new possibilities and meeting new people

Happy dating!


I do hope this short article has helped you see what you need to do to make a huge difference.  Watch out for the next dating rule coming next week!

If you would like to work with me as your dating coach then you can contact me through my personal website HERE


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